Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1247 Borrowing someone else

"Bixiao Divine Palace, Lian Xishan, came here specially to pay a visit. All Tiangang ancestors of the Hunyuan Qi Sect, please show up quickly!"

Palace Master Chunyang said loudly.

The sound was loud and resounded throughout the Resentment Mountain, and even the sounds of construction and excavation around it were suppressed.

He said it was a visit, but the tone of his words was not polite. It was obvious that he was the envoy of Bixiao Shrine this time, and he came here specially to ask for punishment.

Combined with Wanli Liuxia's offensive not long ago, this is clearly a set of combination punches, the purpose of which is to continuously put pressure on the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

"Aren't you ancestors willing to show up? In that case, Lian Mou came over on his own!"

After a while, when there was no response from the Hunyuan Qi Sect, Lian Xishan snorted coldly and walked into the camp on his own initiative.

The disciples guarding the camp immediately stopped him.

"What? The old man refuses to show his face and lets a group of young men stand in front?" Lian Xishan said with a sneer.

All the disciples looked very nervous. They also knew that the Master of Chunyang Palace in front of them was not an ordinary person, but just a person responsible for their duties. They did not dare to let him go without permission before the order was sent from the camp.

"I'll count to three. If after three, if someone else stops in front of me, my sword will see blood today!"



Even though he was facing the entire Hunyuan Qi Sect camp, Lian Xishan did not hesitate and quickly counted two numbers. Just when "three" was about to exit, there was a sudden flash of light, and it was Master Li Guang who appeared. door.

"You should retreat first!"

Master Lei Guang waved his hand and said to the guarding disciples.

The guarding disciples immediately stepped aside as if they were being pardoned.

Master Lei Guang then waved his hand to Lian Xishan again and said coldly: "Since the Master of Chunyang Palace insists on coming in, please come in!"

With his gesture, the entire camp suddenly lit up with a bright stream of light. It was obvious that some kind of powerful formation had been set up inside. At this time, the camp was nothing more than a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

He was deliberately attacking Lian Xishan's army.

However, Lian Xishan was not afraid and laughed loudly and said: "Master Hong, please forgive Lian for overstepping!"

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and walked into the camp first.

Master Lei Guang quickly followed, and their figures disappeared into the heavy flames.

Lu Yu and others witnessed the whole process with their own eyes and couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

"What's wrong? Don't we follow and have a look?"

Seeing Lu Yu standing still and not moving for a long time, Yu Die couldn't help but raise her two delicate eyebrows: "Are you afraid of this Chunyang Palace Master?"

"What I'm afraid of is not him, but the existence behind him..."

Lu Yu glanced at her and said: "We were lucky enough to witness the way this person appeared just now. If my judgment is not wrong, it should be the Little Kunlun Mirror that activated its divine power to teleport him here..."

"This also means that everything nearby is already under the surveillance range of the Little Kunlun Mirror. There must be a lot of people standing behind that mirror at the moment, watching everything here closely... maybe , even the Earth Seal God is included..."

"You mean...we have been exposed?" Yudie said in shock.

Lu Yu said: "That's not a big deal...the focus of the big shots must be on the Tiangang ancestors. We haven't entered the camp just now, and even Xishan hasn't noticed us yet. How could they possibly notice us?" Us? But if we continue to move forward, it will be difficult to say..."

"Then... what should we do?" Yudie couldn't help but frowned.

After these days of getting along, she had already dug out the secrets of Lu Yu bit by bit from the mouths of Chudie and Ye Weilan, especially the ambush initiated by Lord Chiyue in the southern sea. She also clearly understood Lu Yu's position in the eyes of Bixiao Shrine.

It would be fine if her and Yang Chudie's whereabouts were exposed, but the worst thing would be that the secret of the Dali Sword Sect's private contact with Bixiao Shrine would be brought to the surface. But if Lu Yu's whereabouts were exposed, it would cause fierce tension in Bixiao Shrine. In response, he might launch another ambush similar to those in the Chaos Realm.

After all, the person hidden behind the opponent's back is really too powerful...

For two hundred thousand years, he has remained immortal and silently watched all the changes in the world. What a terrifying existence must that be? Is there anything he can't do?

Therefore, Lu Yu's whereabouts must not be least not here!

But if they don't go in now, the situation inside may be controlled by Bixiao Shrine... Although Master Lei Guang's attitude was very tough just now, Master Chunyang Palace showed more determination. Who knows what he will do What kind of means can be used to force the Hunyuan Qi Sect to submit?

Considering that the Little Kunlun Mirror is shining over the camp at this moment, anything can happen...

And once the Hunyuan Qi Sect succumbs to the opponent's methods, not only will they be in vain, but they will also fall into a more dangerous situation!

For a time, Yudie couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

"Why don't you guys stay away for now and wait here for a while while I go in first to see what's going on inside!"

At this time, Master Jiayou suddenly spoke.

Although he didn't know the subtle relationship between Lu Yu and Bixiao Shrine, he was very clear about the situation of Hunyuan Qi Sect...

Their original strategy was to fool the Bixiao Shrine first, and then wait until they occupied the Mountain of Resentment... As long as they occupied the Mountain of Resentment, they would have the capital to negotiate no matter which side they turned against. , their Hunyuan Qi Sect will be the ones who truly control the situation!

In the meantime, Bixiao Shrine will suspect the purpose of Hunyuan Qi Sect sending troops to Renshan, but there is no real evidence. After all, it is just a guess. There is a lot of room for ambiguity...

In short, they absolutely do not want to be discovered by Bixiao Shrine now. Hunyuan Qi Sect has come together with Dali Sword Sect.

Even if they have to confront each other in the future, they should at least wait until they have established a firm foothold here, instead of being forced to face each other head-on in the Bixiao Palace just one day after they arrived, before even the foundation of the fortress was solidly laid.

Therefore, seeing Yudie's attitude become hesitant, Master Jiayou wished they could just avoid it.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome!"

Lu Yu waved his hand, and with one word, Master Jiayou's plan failed.

"If you want to go inside and have a look, it's not impossible!"

There was a sharp sparkle in his eyes.

"What method?" Yudie said in surprise, "You didn't say that. The small Kunlun Mirror is shining over the camp right now. Do you still want to sneak in? Even with the cover of Master Jiayou, this won't work..."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Why do we have to sneak in? I recently learned a little trick from two senior brothers, and it just happens to come in handy, so that we can go in openly!"

Yudie was curious: "What method?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and turned to look at Master Jiayou aside: "Master Jiayou, can I lend it to you?"

"Lend me something?" Master Jiayou looked stunned, "What do you want to lend me?"

“Don’t borrow things, borrow people!”

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