Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1248 Changing things

Lu Yu gave the two sisters a dead look.

Although the two sisters still had doubts about Lu Yu's words, they understood Lu Yu's eyes very clearly.

The two people immediately took a step forward and spread out to the left and right, sandwiching Master Jiayou in the middle.

Then the golden elixir field was instantly activated, and under the manifestation of Tao Dao laws, a powerful force immediately clamped down on Master Jiayou.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, leisurely set up a shielding barrier to prevent the surrounding Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples from seeing what was happening here.

Jiayou Zhenren was also one of the few masters of Hunyuan Qi Sect, but he was caught off guard and lost the opportunity before he could react. By the time he reacted, he was already at a disadvantage. Only then did he discover the twin sisters. His golden elixir was so powerful that he couldn't even move at all.

"What...are you going to do?"

Master Jiayou said in horror.

At this time, Lu Yu had also set up a shielding barrier. He immediately turned around and used the power of the red lotus to create a series of restrictions, sealing the golden elixir in Jiayou's body so that he could no longer resist. .

He then smiled softly and said: "Master Jiayou, I'm offended... Don't worry, I have no ill intentions! As long as you cooperate obediently, I guarantee that there will be no danger."

After saying that, his eyes gathered together, and he looked seriously at Master Jiayou in front of him, and looked at him carefully.

Immediately, Master Jiayou was in a state of confusion. He felt that the gaze of Lu Yu in front of him seemed like a monster that was about to devour people. It was as if it was about to eat him... Just like that, he said there was no malice. Who would believe it?

Lu Yu quickly withdrew his gaze, and saw that he was holding a magic formula in his hand. Suddenly, the light and shadow scattered, and golden threads made of the laws of heaven appeared, wrapping around his whole body. Strangely twisted in a pile of secret golden threads, it became unreal like a mirage.

The three of them looked shocked. Although they still didn't know what Lu Yu was doing, it was obviously a spell that directly affected the laws of heaven, and its power must be extraordinary.

After a while, the golden threads melted away, and Lu Yu had transformed into the same appearance as the real Jiayou in front of him.


Master Jiayou couldn't help but look shocked when he looked at the person in front of him who looked exactly like him.

It's not just like...

If it's just like, many transformation techniques can be done. The key is that Lu Yu's transformation technique makes him unable to see any flaws. Even he himself feels that the other party is the real Jiayou. He doesn't Understanding the mystery, I can only feel that there is a natural and traceless charm in it.


Lu Yu faced the two sisters, turned around and said.

The two sisters' understanding of the laws of heaven is obviously at a higher level, and they can even see the extraordinary things in it.

His transformation technique does not directly affect himself, nor does it change the eyes of others, but directly distorts the laws of heaven.

The power of law is everywhere. From a certain level, the law of heaven is like endless light. Everything in the world appears under its beam and becomes what people see.

The appearance of each person in the eyes of others is also the result of the laws of heaven.

The usual method of change is either to adjust oneself, or to adjust the perspective of others through "blindness", so that the final image changes.

What Lu Yu did was to fine-tune the angle of the beam so that his image under the "beam" would directly look like Master Jiayou.

In this way, others would not be able to see any traces of changes in Lu Yu's body, nor would they be able to see the interference caused by blinding methods. There would be no trace at all.

This is undoubtedly a more sophisticated method of change.

Yudie couldn't help but exclaimed: "Which two senior brothers can actually teach you this skill?"

"Of course it's the two senior brothers I met recently. One of them is named Li and the other is named Ye." Lu Yu replied.

Master Jiayou looked confused and thought to himself, could it be that the Dali Sword Sect has recently produced two new rising stars?

Sisters Chudie and Yudie understood what he meant immediately. His transformation technique was stolen from Li Fuyun and Ye Fei.

When he met these two people recently, they initially appeared in front of Lu Yu in another form. Even with Lu Yu's keen insight, he could not see any flaws, which left a deep impression on him.

Originally, when he faced these two people alone, he couldn't figure out the reason, but after seeing their transformation skills at the same time and comparing them, he couldn't help but be greatly inspired.

Only then did he realize the essence and create this transformation technique that combines the strengths of both families.

"This guy is really awesome..." Yudie said with emotion, "You should be more careful in the future. If he gets bad, he will definitely be the most evil and evil villain in the world!"

Lu Yu was speechless.

Why does this sister-in-law always like to think of the worst about herself? She has never done anything bad to her...

After a pause, Yudie continued: "However, even so, if you want to hide it from so many pairs of eyes in the sky and on the ground, I'm afraid it's still not possible, right?"

Indeed, although Lu Yu's changes were subtle, they only prevented others from seeing that he had been "tampered with." In fact, in addition to his appearance, he also had many other flaws, the most obvious of which was Differences in cultivation.

He is no longer Wu Xia Amon at this time. The characteristics of the Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique are extremely dazzling and have left a deep impression on the world. There are so many strong people in the camp at this time, and maybe someone will pass it. Cultivation ability can see through his identity, even if he deliberately hides it, it will be of no use.

Lu Yu smiled: "Do you think I only know this skill?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and took out a pill, which was the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill. He opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​true essence in his body began to collapse and disappear, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye... Of course, this was just the sensory impression of the three people around him. In fact, the sea of ​​true essence in his body did not disappear, but disappeared. It's just hidden.

The Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill was actually designed to conceal the way of heaven and avoid the catastrophe... Even the way of heaven can be concealed, so it is no problem to deceive the ears, eyes and senses of the cultivator.

At this time, Yudie was completely speechless.

There is no trace of Lu Yu in the "Master Jiayou" in front of him. Even if someone can't sense his cultivation, they will only think that he is unfathomable, and will not think that he is a fake.

"What about him?" Yang Chudie asked, pointing at Master Jiayou.

"Of course it goes without saying that he should be locked up first!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but threw Master Jiayou into the Spring Conch.

"It seems that you have made up your mind. In that case, let's see your performance!" Yudie said, turning around and stepping into the Spring Conch.

"Be careful...if necessary, ask Yudie and I to come out." Chudie warned.

Lu Yu said: "I hope not... Besides, isn't Weilan still here?"

There was a warm touch on the back, and it seemed that Ye Weilan was responding.

When Chudie also entered the Spring Conch, Lu Yu shrank the Spring Conch, put it in his arms, and adjusted its position in an inconspicuous position.

Then he took out three more puppet magic talismans and randomly twisted them into three people, one male and two female. Judging from the appearance, they were almost the same as him and the Yudie sisters.

Naturally, these three puppets are not to deceive the strong men in the camp, but to deal with the Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples around them. Otherwise, four people originally stopped here, but ended up going out alone, and the surrounding people It's strange that the disciples can't be suspicious when they see it.

Lu Yu controlled the three puppets to sit down cross-legged, pretending to be exercising and regulating their breath.

Then he walked out of the barrier and waved to a group of disciples next to him: "Three distinguished guests are resting. Don't disturb them. You must protect their safety and don't let anyone get close!"

After hearing the affirmative answer, Lu Yu stepped into the camp.

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