Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1249 A sudden change in the camp

Lu Yu walked straight into the camp.

The guarding disciples in front of the camp not only did not dare to stop him, but even saluted him respectfully. Lu Yu ignored him at all and regarded the disciples as if they were nothing.

Soon, he entered the interior of the camp.

The light and shadow of the formation in front of me overlap and change.

Lu Yu was thinking about how to sneak in quietly without disturbing everyone's attention.

But at this moment, a surprised voice suddenly came from the front: "Elder Jiayou, why are you here?"

Lu Yu looked intently and saw a middle-aged man wearing a green robe slowly walking out of the formation and looking at him doubtfully.

He knew that this person must be the altar elder of Hunyuan Qi Sect. He had seen this person before at the Yiqi altar. At that time, his position was quite high...

It's a pity that Lu Yu still doesn't recognize him.

But this didn't bother Lu Yu. He couldn't step forward and asked in a deep voice: "How is the situation?"

The green-robed elder didn't have time to think too much and replied: "Palace Master Chunyang just used one move of the Xuantian Tribulation Finger to break through our Five Qi Returning Formation. It seems that he came prepared this time!"

Lu Yu said: "Take me over quickly and take a look!"

Elder Qingpao hesitated and said: "Elder Jiayou, since you are already here, wouldn't Lu Yu..."

Lu Yu nodded lightly: "They have also come... But don't worry, I have arranged them properly and will not let them appear here!"

The Qingpao elder said in surprise: "How can Lu Yu be a kind person? He would be willing to be manipulated by you?"

Lu Yu said without changing his expression: "The boy named Lu is indeed difficult to deal with, but as long as he doesn't want his plan to occupy Resentment Mountain to fail, he will not mess around..."

"I came in in a hurry this time because I wanted to understand the situation here in time so that I could comfort him. Otherwise, if he also broke in and made a big fuss and met the Master of Chunyang Palace, then we would be in trouble no matter what. I can’t even explain it!”

The Qingpao elder nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Brother Jiayou, you are more thoughtful..."

Immediately, he took the initiative to introduce Lu Yu into the magic circle without any doubt.

After passing through the layers of light and shadow, the sight in front of him suddenly became brighter, and Lu Yu saw the most realistic situation inside.

There are actually not many real people in the camp at this time, only a dozen or so. It seems that most of the real people have been sent to various places to perform tasks, but the four Tiangang strong men are neatly sitting side by side. In the center of the camp.

The Master of Chunyang Palace was standing in front of the four Tiangang ancestors, and Master Lei Guang was standing under the four Tiangang ancestors.

It can be seen that even when facing the four Tiangang Ancestors, the Master of Chunyang Palace showed no restraint, behaved in a carefree manner, with a cold and arrogant smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, looking wanton and arrogant.

"Since the four ancestors are here, I won't beat around the bush. I think all four ancestors should know what it means for me to be standing here at this moment... Starting now, please evacuate the resentment mountain immediately. In this area, I hope to see Resentment Mountain return to its former tranquility by midnight tonight, otherwise, we will have to manually make this place quiet!"

Everyone's expressions changed involuntarily.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although I had known for a long time that the attitude of Palace Master Chunyang must be very tough, I never expected that he would be so domineering that he would directly adopt a commanding tone to the Hunyuan Qi Sect in front of the four Tiangang ancestors... This It’s much more promising than myself!

"That's unreasonable!"

An elder from the altar stepped out from the crowd and yelled loudly: "Resentment Mountain is adjacent to our Hunyuan Qi Sect and is an extension of the continental shelf of our Hunyuan Qi Sect's headquarters. For thousands of years, our Hunyuan Qi Sect has used this place as a place for our disciples. The trial venue, but even so, our Hunyuan Qi Sect has no intention of taking this place as our own..."

"And the Bixiao Shrine, which is thousands of miles away across the ocean, comes here to point fingers at us and ask us to evacuate this place. Isn't this the most ridiculous thing in the world?"

"You don't have any intention of taking this place as your own?"

Palace Master Chunyang sneered: "Then what's the explanation for your current behavior? Don't tell me that your whole gang of Jindan masters, including the four Tiangang ancestors, are here. Come for a trial?”

The elder of the altar said without hesitation: "Hunyuan Qi Sect has its own considerations! Now that the world is in chaos, our Hunyuan Qi Sect is taking precautions and preparing an extra line of defense at our door. Is it wrong?"

Although his tone was tit for tat, if you look carefully, you can hear the elements of hardness and softness. This is clearly an excuse to the other party.

Unfortunately, Palace Master Chunyang did not accept this trick at all. He waved his hand directly and said: "I came here this time not to negotiate with you, but to give you a final ultimatum... Do you think we Bi Would Xiao Shen Palace go to war like this without having any clues? "

As he spoke, he suddenly took a step forward, his eyes shining brightly, looking directly at the four Tiangang experts in front of him, and no longer paying attention to the elder of the altar beside him.

I just heard him say loudly: "If my prediction is correct, the four of you should have just met Lu Yu from the Dali Sword Sect not long ago, right?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel secretly surprised.

It was not surprising that Lian Xishan would guess that the Hunyuan Qi Sect had private contacts with the Dali Sword Sect, but why could he pinpoint the target of suspicion on Lu Yu?

Is there a mole among the top leaders of Hunyuan Qi Sect?

But the Hunyuan Qi Sect is well aware of the consequences of not keeping secrets, and has already been wary of this. Even if there is a spy, it is not easy to pass on the news, at least not so quickly. The upper level of Bixiao Shrine.

Palace Master Chunyang continued: "You may not know that the ancestor Gunlong of Daluo Holy Land was accidentally plotted by Lu Yu when he met him, and it was difficult to break free from the spell in his body. Only then did he have to succumb to his threat, and the entire Daluo Holy Land completely fell to the Dali Sword Sect..."

"The four of you were really careless. If my prediction is correct, the spell cast on Patriarch Xishi at this time should be the same spell cast on Patriarch Gunlong!"

The expressions of the four Tiangang Ancestors suddenly changed, and the Xishi Ancestor's face instantly turned pale.

Unexpectedly, Palace Master Chunyang's eyes were so sharp, and she could see through his lies at a glance.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but feel surprised by this. He had only cast the infinite circle or the six-pointed star array a few times in total, and had never cast it in front of him or anyone in the Bixiao Palace, but why did he seem so familiar with his spell?

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" Patriarch Xishi said calmly, "Could it be that you still have a way to break his spell?"

As they spoke, the eyes of the four Tiangang ancestors looking at Palace Master Chunyang had become much softer, and there was a hint of expectation in them.

Lu Yu secretly thought something was wrong.

It has to be said that he was finally able to make the Hunyuan Qi Sect surrender, and the success of the infinite circle spell accounted for a large part.

What he said to the four Tiangang experts at that time was that the infinite circle was a secret method contained in the divine treasure, and only he and Ancestor Yunxiao could decipher it in the world.

But if the Master of Chunyang Palace has a way to break his spell at this time, then the other four Tiangang experts will make a new estimate on the matter...

Fortunately, things did not develop in the worst direction...

I heard Palace Master Chunyang smile coldly and said: "With my ability, I am afraid that it is not possible to break this curse... However, what I want to tell you is that he, Lu Yu, can I can do the same thing as me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, red light exploded.

Countless flaming characters flew out from the body of Palace Master Chunyang, dancing wildly.

Each of those characters was twisted, twisted, and strangely shaped. Even Lu Yu couldn't identify them all, but the only thing he could be sure of was that these were obviously curse characters...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this actually a spell?

No... more accurately, it should be four!

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