Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1250 Xingyao Divine Armor

At this time, Lian Xishan was like a powder keg that had been exploded, with endless red characters tilting outwards, including all four Tiangang ancestors.

Being able to unfold the spell so quickly and violently shows that he is not only profound but also fully prepared.

But what makes Lu Yu even more curious is that at the Yiqi God Altar, he was able to successfully display the Infinite Circle through the cover of Chudie and Yudie sisters. Who does he rely on for cover now?

Even if the four Tiangang ancestors have been entangled in curses and have no time to pay attention to them for the time being, there are still so many powerful real people around them. What method does he plan to use to deal with them?

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky.

Could it be the invisible yet ubiquitous mirror above? Will it launch again from a distance to provide assistance to the Lord of Chunyang Palace?

"Brother Jiayou! Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and help!"

The green-robed elder on the side urged anxiously.

At this time, he had directly activated the golden elixir law in his body, and was already pulling blade-like rays of light in his hand, slashing towards Lian Xishan in the field with a terrifying momentum.

However, Palace Master Chunyang is not a simple person after all. He also possesses a very powerful first-grade golden elixir. Although when the law is activated, he cannot be as invulnerable as the Yang sisters. But in a short while, everyone But it is difficult to break it in one fell swoop.

This is a competition between golden elixirs.

Lu Yu didn't even have a golden elixir. Moreover, in order not to attract the attention of the people behind the Little Kunlun Realm, he had taken the Turtle Breath and Meteor Spirit Pill. If he took action rashly at this time, wouldn't it be completely exposed?

Therefore, he will never take action rashly before he is sure to completely control the situation.

At this time, facing the urging of the elder in green robe, he could not stop him. He only heard him say in a deep voice: "Something seems to be wrong with the situation. This guy is so determined. I'm afraid he has a back-up plan... You should attack head-on first." , see if I can force him out, and once his flaw is exposed, I will kill him immediately! "

Elder Qingpao praised: "Brother Jiayou, you are still thinking carefully!"

As a result, the Qingpao Elder's offensive became more fierce, while Lu Yu stood aside, pretending to be ready.

After all, the Chunyang Palace Master was still not as good as the Chudie Yudie sisters who joined forces. After a while, his golden elixir field could no longer hold on. Under the crushing force of many people, the brilliance of Chunyang Mystery dimmed, and the law Destroyed, the attacks of many powerful real people all fell on his true body.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been shattered into pieces in the face of such an offensive.

But at the moment when many attacks hit his body, a circle of bright light burst out from Chunyang Palace Master's body again, and all the attacks were bounced back from the original path.

Everyone was not expecting this, and they were all caught off guard by the attack they launched, and they couldn't help but suffer heavy injuries.

Only Lu Yu, because he had been waiting for the opportunity, was the only person in the audience who was safe and sound.

Looking at the Chunyang Palace Master in the field, amidst the flying spell characters, all the original clothes on his body have been destroyed and replaced by a suit of treasure armor that shines brightly. The reason why everyone's previous offensive was The rebound is precisely due to this armor.

This armor is different from ordinary armor. It does not have any metal material on it, but is composed of tiny gems.

Countless gems are arranged together to form an extremely delicate formation, which looks like twinkling stars all over the sky.

Lu Yu had never seen such an exquisitely designed formation arrangement, nor had he ever seen such a powerful protective armor. Lian Xishan, wearing the armor at this time, was like a moving fortress.

Now, he finally understood what the opponent relied on to provide cover. It turned out that this was his confidence, and there was no need for Little Kunlun Mirror to take action again.

"This is... the Starry Divine Armor?"

The green-robed elder on the side said uncertainly.

"Brother Jiayou, you are indeed right... This person really has a back-up plan, I'm afraid he will be in trouble now!"

The elder in green robe said worriedly while cleaning up the wound.

Although his chest was wet with blood, he didn't bother to take another look, because the situation of the four Tiangang ancestors in the field was already in critical condition, and it seemed that they were about to be controlled by the other party's spell.

"Xingyao Divine Armor?"

Lu Yu repeated it.

The Qingpao elder said: "Brother Taoist, haven't you heard of it? This object was originally one of the treasures of the Bixiao Shrine, but later I heard that it was destroyed in an accident. Since then, it has been removed from various rankings. Delisting is rarely mentioned by the world..."

"This matter has a history of at least thousands of years. If Brother Dao has never heard of it, it is normal... I just don't know why this object reappeared on his body? I wonder if it has been repaired or another one has been built exactly the same... "

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, this is a legendary and famous treasure.

At this time, someone in the audience also raised the same question as Elder Qingpao.

Lian Xishan sneered and said: "Yes, this object is the Xingyao Divine Armor. After thousands of years, our Bixiao Palace not only restored it, but also made further improvements, making it even more powerful than before... …You should know now that you have no chance, right? Are you going to continue to struggle in vain?”

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

The Xingyao Divine Armor can rebound the offensive, not to mention that everyone is more or less injured. Even at its peak, it is probably difficult to break through the protection of this armor.

Originally, everyone still had some hope hidden in their hearts, hoping that a certain Tiangang ancestor could break free from the shackles of the curse and subdue the opponent in one fell swoop. However, as the bodies of the four Tiangang ancestors were gradually submerged by the spell characters, everyone gradually disappeared. Such expectations.

In the end, all the spell characters disappeared, and the four of them no longer had room to struggle.

"This is not the power you possess at all!" Ancestor Disheng said angrily.

The Master of Chunyang Palace said calmly: "So what? You were defeated in the hands of Bixiao Palace in the end."

"Which bastard is he? He used the folding technique to accumulate so many spells in your body, and I accidentally caught him... If you have the ability, let him show up and fight me openly. !”

It seemed that the ancestor of Disheng was very unconvinced by the defeat and shouted loudly.

Indeed, what he is good at is to seduce people's hearts with music. If he is given a chance to attack, even if the Master of Chunyang Palace is wearing the Xingyao Divine Armor, he will not be able to survive three breaths in front of him.

Palace Master Chunyang sneered: "Your Excellency, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. I'm not here to discuss these issues with you... Furthermore, I broke into your handsome tent on my own. Isn't this okay?" Isn’t it enough to explain the problem?”

As he spoke, he pressed his hands down repeatedly.

With each press, the body of Patriarch Tiangang in front of him became shorter.

Gradually, the ancestors Di Sheng, Shuang Qiao, and Qi Yuan all changed into a half-crouching posture, but the ancestor Xi Shi was not affected at all.


Palace Master Chunyang was very confused and walked up to Patriarch Xishi to check his condition carefully.

Patriarch Xishi himself looked confused. He was obviously also under a spell, so why did the other party's control seem to be completely ineffective on him?

After a moment, the Master of Chunyang Palace raised his head and said in shock: "The Chunyang Curse was actually blocked by the previous spell and did not take effect?"

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