Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1251 Which is more important?

"Good boy! He is indeed the one favored by the God! It's just a spell, but it can suppress the pure Yang..."

There was a deep solemn look in Chunyang Palace Master's eyes.

Ancestor Xishi couldn’t help but be stunned for a while.

Unexpectedly, the forbidden spell that once annoyed me so much has now become a self-defense technique for me.

"But, so what?"

Palace Master Chunyang suddenly sneered again: "The four ancestors still have no power to fight back. Anyway, there is no difference... Now, I want to repeat the previous question again. Do you think Hunyuan Qi Sect can withdraw from Resentment Mountain now? Zone?"

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

The four ancestors also lowered their heads in unison.

Bixiao Shrine only sent one person, which put them in such a situation. This reality couldn't help but fill everyone's hearts with a sense of frustration.

Although they were forced by Lu Yu to put their ducks on the shelf before when they were at the Yiqi Shrine, in addition to forcing them, Lu Yu also promised huge profits so that they could have steps to climb down. However, today's Bixiao Shrine is just blindly suppressing them. , which can’t help but make them feel a bit embarrassed.

However, the situation is stronger than the people...

When things have reached this point, everyone knows that the situation has been decided. They have no intention of rejecting the request of Bixiao Shrine, but in the end who should speak out about this humiliating decision.

In the end, it was Master Li Guang who stood up.

Looking at the entire situation, only his identity is the most suitable.

As the leader of a faction, Master Lei Guang also feels that this is his unshirkable responsibility.

But just when he was about to speak, a voice said first: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, and followed the sound and looked at the speaker.

It turned out to be Zhenren Jiayou?

What does this mean?

When the whole place was already under the control of Palace Master Chunyang, he actually dared to sternly reject the other party... When did Master Jiayou become so courageous?

The green-robed elder on the side couldn't help but look stunned.

He knew that Master Jiayou was not injured and had been preparing for it. He hid his hand secretly. He only thought that Master Jiayou could no longer endure it and wanted to actively create an opportunity to confront Palace Master Chunyang head-on. So I couldn't help but feel anxious.

He stretched out his hand to grab Master Jiayou and stop his crazy behavior, but Master Jiayou had already strode into the field, and his hand did not even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

"Your Excellency, is Master Jiayou?"

Palace Master Chunyang’s eyes narrowed.

He was impressed by this person, but not deeply. He didn't expect that this person would stand up and make the first move at this time. He couldn't help but look at this person carefully, but found that he couldn't see through the other person's reality at all. I couldn't help but be even more surprised.

"You should tell me, why not?"

Lu Yu walked into the arena unhurriedly and faced the Master of Chunyang Palace face to face. He seemed to have no fear of his power and said:

"Palace Master Lian is indeed a good means to fully demonstrate the deep foundation and powerful strength of the Bixiao Palace. We will not refuse your request. However, in this way, our Xishi ancestors will be affected by How can we undo the curse? Should we just give up on Patriarch Xishi? We, the Hunyuan Qi Sect, cannot afford this kind of loss!”

The Master of Chunyang Palace said: "As long as the Hunyuan Qi Sect is willing to return from its lost path, it will still be an ally and brother of our Bixiao Shrine. When the time comes, our Bixiao Shrine will naturally do our best to resolve the curse for Patriarch Xishi. We will never As for letting him die under the opponent's spell..."

"Besides, you don't seem to understand the situation yet. If you can't afford to lose Patriarch Xishi, can you afford to lose the other three Patriarchs of Tiangang?"

"Between one Tiangang Patriarch and three Tiangang Patriarchs, which one is more important? Don't you think you don't understand such a simple question?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "No, no, this is not a question of which one is more important than one Tiangang Patriarch or three Tiangang Patriarchs... If what I predict is correct, with your ability, you can use the spell to control the three. The ancestors are already at their limit, and it is absolutely impossible to kill them!"

Palace Master Chunyang's brows twitched: "What on earth do you mean?"

Lu Yu said: "What I mean is very simple. You can't undo Lu Yu's spell, but you can undo it. You can't kill the three ancestors, but Lu Yu can kill the tin stone." The ancestor died..."

"In addition, Lu Yu can also directly detonate the underground spiritual veins of our Yuandu City. If we agree to the request to withdraw our troops, how can you ensure the safety of our Hunyuan Qi Sect?"

Palace Master Chunyang couldn't help but be startled.

He has indeed not considered these issues. His original plan was to use absolute force to force the Hunyuan Qi Sect to submit. He would not care about the life and death of the Hunyuan Qi Sect...

He also never thought that when all four Tiangang ancestors were restrained, there would be a freak who ran out and continued to resist. He asked himself righteously... When did the bones of the Hunyuan Qi Sect become So hard?

Lu Yu smiled softly and continued: "Don't be unconvinced, your Excellency. If you don't believe it, I have a very simple way to verify this!"

With that said, he left Palace Master Chunyang behind and strode towards Patriarch Xishi, not caring even if he completely exposed his back to the other party.

The face of Chunyang Palace Master was as sinking as water.

He couldn't see the depth of the other party, and he didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, so he had to wait and see what happened. Anyway, he also had capital to spend.

Lu Yu took his position between the Chunyang Palace Master and the Xishi Ancestor.

All eyes were on him.

Lu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

His eyes seemed to have passed through many obstacles in the sky and focused on an unknown place.


He whispered into the void.

"Seal this sky first!"

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