Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1252 The solution to the curse

Suddenly, the shadow behind Lu Yu became strangely distorted.

A beautiful demon spirit woman jumped out of it.

Soon her body turned into the shadow of a fire phoenix, dragging a long tail flame and soaring straight up into the sky!

The sky seemed to be on fire. In an instant, the entire sky above the Resentment Mountain area was covered with endless flames!

Under the blessing of Turtle Breath Rising Dragon, the explosion of dozens of times combat power was fully revealed at this moment.

Everyone was shocked.

Just in the blink of an eye, the shadow of the fire phoenix was isolated by the Tiangang that had already broken through the first level of the sky, and its momentum continued unabated. If this momentum continued, there was no telling how many more levels of the sky it would continue to break through.

Even the four Tiangang Ancestors couldn't help showing moved expressions.

Palace Master Chunyang’s expression changed even more. He had no idea that the real person Jiayou had such a huge power hidden in his body, but he had not noticed it at all before.

However, before he could react, Lu Yu in front of him reached out and pressed his hand on his waist, and a green shell quickly expanded from his body.

Two more beautiful figures jumped out from them, one on the left and one on the right standing beside Lu Yu.


Lu Yu said softly.

Then he turned to look at Palace Master Chunyang, and while he kept making gestures, he said with a smile: "Palace Master Lian, please look carefully!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless golden spell characters suddenly flew up from Patriarch Xishi and fell towards Patriarch Di Sheng beside him.

As an endless stream of golden spell characters continued to fall in, the fiery red characters on the ancestor of Flute Sheng continued to explode, as if blood was constantly spurting out.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Even the endless flames in the sky were ignored.

Obviously this is the spell that Lu Yu cast on the Xishi ancestor before, and then transferred it to the flute ancestor. The previous spell can not only protect the recipient from the control of the Pure Yang spell, but also can Use the completed pure Yang spell to squeeze out.

After the Disheng ancestor, the Shuangqiao ancestor continued to "surge blood"...

With Lu Yu's ability, it would take about a month to recover from casting the Infinite Circle once, but if it is a transfer spell, there is no such restriction at all. The consumption at this time is only slightly more than when unblocking the spell. Just a few.

Transferring the spell was originally an action that didn't make much sense, because no matter how it was transferred, there was only one target that could be controlled in the end.

But if one spell can exclude other spells, then the situation will be completely different...

It was only at this time that Lu Yu realized that his own spell could be used as a universal cure for spells.

It was thanks to Palace Master Chunyang that he realized this.

Soon, the ancestor of Shuangqiao also finished his "surge of blood".

Lu Yu kept gesticulating, and countless spell characters flew towards Ancestor Qiyuan...

During this process, Palace Master Chunyang naturally tried to interrupt the other party, but under the joint protection of Chudie and Yudie, all his offensives seemed so weak, just like everyone had faced him before. Just like the Xingyao Divine Armor.

Finally, Lu Yu stopped his gesture and pointed towards the Lord of Chunyang Palace.

Immediately, endless golden characters flew out from Qiyuan Ancestor's body and danced wildly towards Chunyang Palace Master.

Even though he has a powerful magic weapon like the Xingyao Divine Armor, which can rebound most Taoist attacks, it is completely useless against spells.

Because the spell does not involve the drive of external true energy at all, it is only during the stage of brewing and preparing the characters of the spell that the true energy is required to be condensed and formed.

It is an attack method that is completely different from Taoism. The characters of the curse are the shadow on the back of the Law of Heaven. If Taoism is compared to the positive application of the Law of Heaven, then the curse is the negative application of the Law of Heaven.

Similarly, curses cannot cause direct damage to the human body, so people in the world often call them curses.

Countless spell characters were absorbed into the body of the Chunyang Palace Master, and the Xingyao Divine Armor did not pose any obstacle.

At this time, Palace Master Chunyang still didn’t know the true identity of this person, and said with eyes about to burst: “You are Lu Yu!”

"Yes, it's me!"

Lu Yu picked up a magic formula in his hand, unlocked the previous transformation technique, and revealed his true appearance. At this time, there was no need to continue pretending.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect that this person would be Lu Yu. There were so many pairs of eyes on the scene, but no one could spot it.

The green-robed elder opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff an egg directly into it.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Palace Master Lian, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I won't be able to give you the Xingyue Holy Emblem that I agreed to repay last time... Not only is Xingyue Holy Emblem If I can’t give you the emblem, I’m afraid I’ll have to get another treasure from you!”

As he spoke, he looked at the shining armor on the body of Palace Master Chunyang, with a look of interest in his eyes.

Palace Master Chunyang's face changed: "Don't have such wishful thinking. It's impossible for you to untie the Xingyao Divine Armor from my body. As long as you can't untie it, you won't be able to hurt me at all. In the end, you still can't do anything to me!"

Lu Yu sneered: "You underestimate me too much... You are like a useless person at this time. Do you still want to keep this armor?"

With that said, he walked up to the Master of Chunyang Palace, and with his fingers moving like the wind, he connected points towards the other party.

After a while, sweat broke out on Lu Yu's head. It seemed that this operation was even more tiring than his previous transfer of spells.

Finally, Lu Yu took his hand back, and suddenly the gems on the Xingyao Divine Armor fell down one by one, and soon they were spread all over the ground.

Palace Master Chunyang couldn't help but look shocked: " could it be like this?"

He could not understand at all that the supreme treasure in the Bixiao Palace could be destroyed so easily in front of the other party.

Lu Yu shook his head, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes: "I originally thought that you were a well-known figure and would know some of the core secrets of Bixiao Palace. Now it seems that you know nothing about the power in the stars. Know!"

After saying that, the Feihong Sword was sacrificed.

Lu Yu raised his sword and cut off the head of Palace Master Chunyang with one strike.

Everyone around him couldn't help but feel stunned.

Lu Yu's movements were too fast...

The majestic leader of the generation, the arrogant Master of Chunyang Palace in the Bixiao Palace, died in a different place without even a superfluous last word.

In the dead silence, Lu Yu picked up the head of Palace Master Chunyang from the ground and handed it to the Qingpao elder at the side. He said, "How about I trouble you to send Palace Master Lian away so that his soul can return to his hometown?"

At this time, the flames in the sky were still burning, and the green-robed elder felt that the things in his hands were even hotter than the flames in the sky. However, could he say no?

Lu Yu turned around again, faced the four Tiangang Ancestors directly, smiled brightly and said: "Now we have won the first battle. Let me just say, occupying the Mountain of Resentment is actually not as difficult as imagined... I don't know what you will do with me. But are you still satisfied?”

Everyone could only smile bitterly.

At this point, they had no choice but to follow the guy in front of them all the way to the end.

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