Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1253 The Fire Burning Weir

The Resentment Mountain area is located about five thousand miles north of the Hunyuan Qi Sect's headquarters. It is an extension of the mainland of the Hunyuan Qi Sect's headquarters. Although it is called Resentment Mountain, it is actually a peninsula area, with its tip deeply embedded in the sea to the north. .

Taking the Resin Mountain Peninsula as the benchmark, the vast sea area to the north is divided into two parts, the Weeping Moon Sea to the east and the Boiled Sea to the west.

The seven important ports of the Bixiao Shrine are distributed on the Bohai Sea. They are the main channels from the south of the Bixiao Shrine to all continents.

This is why Mountain of Resentment is so important, because for Bixiao Shrine, once this place is controlled by hostile forces, not only will its southbound approach be blocked, but the vast coastline to the south of Bixiao Shrine will also be affected. direct threat.

Especially at such a sensitive moment like this, the large troops of Bixiao Shrine are moving southward in an endless stream. Once there is a change in the Resentful Mountain Peninsula, they will be in danger of being attacked from both sides.

Just as the soldiers were gathering in the Mountain of Resentment, suddenly a ship sailed from the sea. The ship looked inconspicuous, but it was extremely fast. It rode the wind and waves all the way, as if entering an uninhabited land, and sailed straight into the Seven Seas. Liangfeng Port, one of the largest ports.

Due to the war, Liangfeng Port was busy with troops and horses, but people only glanced at the ship and ignored it.

Because it sailed into the northernmost channel - where is the berth exclusively for special envoys, this means that there is no need to doubt the identity of the visitor.

At this time, there was already a man and a woman waiting quietly on the pier at the exclusive berth.

The woman stood in front, a mature and graceful woman; the man stood behind the woman, a burly middle-aged man with superb eyes, and what was even more eye-catching was that there was a god standing on his shoulder. The handsome roc.

If there are knowledgeable practitioners here, they will find that the roc on the middle-aged man's shoulder is very similar to the sky-swallowing golden roc that has been in the ancient city of Guoyun for many years, but it is much smaller in appearance.

These two people were Patriarch Xueyun and Master Kunpeng.

What makes the two of them waiting here to welcome each other is that the identity of the visitor is already obvious.

Sure enough, as soon as the boat stopped, three people jumped down from it. They were none other than Patriarch Chonghua, Patriarch Dongli, and Patriarch Moyang.

Several people looked at each other silently on the pier, and couldn't help but choked in silence for a moment.

In the former Wuya Immortal Pavilion, seven ancestors were ranked in Tiangang. What a prosperous lineup... But now there are only four of them left.

After a moment of silence, ancestor Chonghua finally asked: "Where is Young Master?"

Ancestor Xueyun said: "Han'er has been taken into the Nine Netherworld, and the Earth Seal God will personally guide him to awaken the power of his bloodline... He has agreed to our request, and will send Han'er back as long as the time is right. Dazejie.”

Patriarch Chonghua asked again: "When is the right time?"

Ancestor Xueyun replied: "According to the Lord God, as long as the four of us can get into position, he can free his hands to open the transmission channel between the stars."

Patriarch Chonghua nodded.

After the disastrous defeat in the battle in the Western Region, he knew that he had no way to recover. The only glimmer of hope for Wuya Immortal Pavilion to make a comeback was the only strand of blood inheritance from Master Ming and Patriarch Xueyun.

"Then what's going on here?" Chonghua looked at the busy docks around him, "Didn't it mean that the large troops from the Bixiao Shrine had already moved south to approach the Vulcan Mountain?"

Xueyun said: "In this southern expedition of the Bixiao Palace, a total of sixteen branch palaces are planned to be deployed, using the star chain method to build sixteen star chain fortresses north of Shenhuo Xuanzong... But so far, only Only a small number of troops have set off, because the Hunyuan Qi Sect suddenly sent out a large number of troops to the Mountain of Resentment!"


When the three ancestors suddenly heard about this, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Ancestor Mo Yang even started gnashing his teeth: "The Hunyuan Qi Sect is such a mess, and they always only know how to steer the ship. I have known for a long time that they are not good people! When they first surrounded the Dali Sword Sect, they pushed back and blocked the opportunity, repeatedly delaying the opportunity to fight. , otherwise we would be completely defeated!"

Chonghua was silent for a while, the anger in his eyes flashed away.

After a moment, he said: "So, the Bixiao Shrine has summoned us here this time, and it wants to hide in secret in order to deal with the Hunyuan Qi Sect?"

Patriarch Xueyun shook his head and said: "When the summons was sent, there was no change in the Hunyuan Qi Sect, so how could they predict it? I think they probably have other plans... No matter what the case is, it will be clear once they meet Yin Juntong. "

"In that case, what are we waiting for?" Patriarch Chonghua said.

Ancestor Xueyun turned sideways and looked at Master Kunpeng behind him.

Master Kunpeng immediately understood and waved his arms to release the Sky-Swallowing Golden Poc on his shoulders. At the same time, he stepped into the sky. The Sky-Swallowing Golden Poc quickly expanded under his feet. When it spread its wings, it was already as big as a ship on the dock.

"Ancestors, please come up, and Shi will give you a ride!" Master Kunpeng said.

So several people jumped up one after another.

The Sky-Swallowing Golden Poc flapped its wings and flew away, its huge body almost covering the entire Liangfeng Port.

But before the people at the port had time to be surprised, they were already swaying above the ground and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

The body of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng shuttles between the sea of ​​clouds, and every time it flaps its wings, countless clouds are crossed.

Several people stood on the back of the Pengniao, overlooking the situation inside the Bixiao Shrine, and had a more intuitive understanding of their military glory.

"This doesn't seem to be the direction to Tianshu Palace." Patriarch Chonghua said suddenly.

Master Kunpeng said: "In order to coordinate the deployment of the army going south, Master Yin has moved to Shenyan Palace to take charge, so we don't need to go to Biyunjian anymore."

Not long after, a wide river appeared in everyone's sight. There was a flooded dam across the river. The Shenyan Palace stood in the center of the dam, absorbing the endless spiritual resources from the bottom of the water.

The Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng flew down directly, and its body shrank rapidly.

Several people also jumped down and landed steadily in front of Shenyan Palace.

"Brother Lishan, please inform Head Yin that the distinguished guests from Piaomiao Peak have arrived!"

Master Kunpeng said directly to Master Lishan who was guarding in front of Shenyan Palace. Obviously this was not the first time he came here to ask for an audience with the head of Bixiao Palace.

Master Lishan raised his head and glanced at the people behind Master Kunpeng. Even if the powerful Tiangang man was in front of him, there was no expression of surprise on his face.

"The master in charge is dealing with urgent military affairs at the Mountain of Resentment. It is estimated that you will have to wait for some time." Master Lishan said lukewarmly.

Master Kunpeng turned his head and looked at Patriarch Chonghua.

The four Tiangang ancestors arrived in person, but Yin Juntong actually made them wait. This was really outrageous.

Fortunately, Patriarch Chonghua didn't take it too seriously and said calmly: "Since it is an urgent military matter at Mount Resentment, there is no harm in waiting."

So, several people waited at the entrance of Shenyan Palace.

Unexpectedly, he waited for a full hour, but there was still no news from Shenyan Palace.

"The Bixiao Shrine goes too far!"

Patriarch Mo Yang has a violent temper and can no longer look past this.

"Although we are defeated generals, we are not the loyal dogs raised by their Bixiao Palace! I want to see what Yin Juntong is capable of, and he dares to let the strong Tiangang be so disrespected!"

With that said, he was about to storm into Shenyan Palace angrily.

However, before he could get close, there was a loud noise and countless tongues of fire shot out from the Shenyan Palace, scorching his head and face.

Patriarch Mo Yang looked at the raging fire in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned, secretly wondering, could it be that Bixiao's magical power reacted so quickly? Before he even launched an attack, they had already counterattacked in advance?

But there’s no such thing as a counterattack, right?

Why did they also burn down their own palace?

Ancestor Mo Yang was still confused.

I just heard Patriarch Xueyun shouting from behind: "Look over there!"

He turned around quickly and saw the western sky was red.

Even though it was thousands of miles away, one could still clearly see the shadow of a fire phoenix breaking through the many heavenly axes and soaring straight into the sky.

The brilliant flame color of the tail feathers was actually the same as the tongues of fire shooting out of the Shenyan Palace behind him.

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