Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1254 Tiangang takes over

"Based on the distance, it should be around Mount Resentment."

After a while, Patriarch Chonghua came to a conclusion. He turned around, looked at the Shenyan Palace where the flames were gradually extinguishing, and said, "I wonder if this is what Yin Juntong calls urgent military affairs?"

"It's Lu Yu!" Ancestor Xueyun said through gritted teeth.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Ancestor Xueyun continued: "It's the demon spirit woman next to him! It is said that the demon spirit woman is a descendant of the ancient Celestial Clan. This is the offensive she launched after awakening the power of her bloodline, and she turned into ashes. I also know her. ! Then Lu Yu must be at Resentment Mountain right now!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

Patriarch Chonghua looked back at the Shenyan Palace in front of him and said lightly: "If this is the case, that would be interesting!"

After such an interruption, Patriarch Mo Yang was no longer angry.

After a while, the door of Shenyan Palace opened, and Yin Juntong, the real person of Caitong, hurriedly walked out of it and said: "I have troubled you, Tiangang ancestors, to wait for a long time. Without further delay, please come with me immediately!"

It could be seen that a very serious situation had indeed occurred in Shenyan Palace just now, so that he was quite anxious and did not even say any unnecessary nonsense.

Seeing this situation, although several people were full of questions, they couldn't say anything else and had no choice but to follow him.

However, several people noticed that he seemed to be holding a unique mirror in his hand, and the mirror surface was slightly charred...

Master Caitong walked directly to the flooded embankment, waved his hand, and the water waves immediately moved sideways, splitting the water into two. The embankment under everyone's feet kept changing, and finally formed a huge formation with brilliant light. The brilliance emitted was actually larger than the Shenyan Palace behind him.

With the attainments of a few people, they could tell at a glance that this was a teleportation array. However, for such a magnificent formation, the teleportation distance must not be close, and it was not known where its destination would lead.

"Everyone, please!" Master Caitong waved his hand in greeting.

Ancestor Mo Yang asked: "Where does this formation lead?"

"Netherworld Palace!" Master Caitong replied.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, wondering what this meant... Obviously Resentment Mountain was the front line, and it was clear that a huge change had just occurred there, but they didn't know why they suddenly ran to the underground Nether Palace.

"All this is the arrangement of the Lord God. If you have any doubts, please go back the way you came! If you still want to continue to fulfill the previous agreement, please come with me!"

After speaking, he turned around and stepped into the magic circle without further explanation.

Patriarch Mo Yang looked back at everyone and followed them without saying anything.

The remaining people also stepped into the magic circle.

After a while, several people came to a dark area.

In the darkness, countless fluorescent creatures outline the shape of a huge palace. Judging from the outline, the scale of this palace is at least a hundred times that of Shenyan Palace.

Chonghua and others knew that this should be the famous Netherworld Palace.

However, Master Caitong passed through the palace gate without entering, and directly led everyone to a darker area.

At this time, Chonghua finally couldn't help but asked: "Master Yin, is the thing in your hand a small Kunlun mirror?"


"That was just now..."

Master Caitong sighed softly: "You ancestors have unparalleled discernment, I think you have already guessed it..."

"Just now, our sect has gathered many strong men and is using this mirror to attack the Mountain of Resentment. At that time, the Chunyang Palace Master who was projected by this mirror has single-handedly restrained the four Tiangang Realm masters of the Hunyuan Qi Sect. However, unexpectedly, an accident occurred midway, causing the success to fail and almost burning his hands while playing with fire..."

"Accident?" Ancestor Xueyun said coldly, "Is it that kid Lu Yu?"

Master Caitong glanced at her and said: "At that time, the fire phoenix rose up in the sky, directly cutting off the connection between this mirror and the Resentment Mountain. I can no longer see the specific situation at the scene, but I guess he must be good. !”

After a pause, he continued: "The Master of Chunyang Palace of our sect has probably fallen into the hands of the enemy at this moment. This also means that we have fallen into a passive position in the battle of Resentment Mountain. This matter must be remedied immediately... This is still We need all the ancestors to help us!”

Patriarch Chonghua said: "This is what we have to do, but what can we do?"

Master Caitong said with a smile: "This matter cannot be explained in one or two sentences. When you get to the place, you will naturally understand it at a glance!"

Everyone continued to move forward. The route Master Caitong led everyone was obviously a shortcut. Wherever they passed, there were fluorescent plants naturally clearing the way, without any obstacles.

After a while, everyone reached the edge of the Dique.

Master Caitong led everyone into a gap again, and suddenly their eyes suddenly opened up, and a crazy underground storm appeared in front of them.

"This is...the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords?" Master Kunpeng asked in surprise.

"That's right!" Master Caitong nodded and looked back at him: "Brother Kunpeng, this matter has nothing to do with you. As long as the ancestors follow me, if you have difficulty moving, just stay here and wait! "

Master Kunpeng touched his nose and said: "With such a rare opportunity, how can we not follow it to gain more knowledge?"

As he spoke, he ordered the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng to stay where he was and entered the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords alone.

Several people continued to travel through the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords.

Master Caitong was still familiar with the road. Under his guidance, everyone avoided the storms one after another and wandered through them unscathed.

Seeing him so skilled, Kunpeng was very curious, wondering how many times he had walked this road...

Finally, everyone came to a desolate area, which was filled with strange power, making several Tiangang ancestors feel palpitations.

"This is the earth's extreme thunder tribulation!" Caitong Zhenren announced to everyone directly: "This is the limit of what we can reach on foot. The rest of the journey will be completed with the help of it!"

As he said, he waved the small Kunlun mirror in his hand.

"What are we going to do here?" asked Moyang.

"You are here to take the place of the shift." Caitong Zhenren replied.

"Take the place of the shift?"

Several people were confused.

Cai Tong Zhenren said: "My sect is favored by many fellows and is called the leader of the eight major sects. This is because we have the most disciples, the most Zhenren, and the most Tiangang masters... But until now, as long as the masters of my sect are ranked after Tiangang, they rarely show up in the world. Do you know why?"

Chonghua Patriarch said: "The Tiangang masters of your sect have always liked to be alone. As long as they are ranked after Tiangang, they will gather in the ninth heaven, located under the Xuanji constellation, and build a stargazing city exclusively for the Bixiao Palace there, isn't it?"

Cai Tong Zhenren said: "Xuanji Star City, there is indeed a thing, but so far, there are a total of thirteen Tiangang masters in my sect. Do you think that a mere star city can accommodate them?"

Thirteen Tiangang masters!

Several people felt their scalps exploded immediately.

Over the years, the Bixiao Palace has indeed cultivated the most Tiangang masters, but they also fell the fastest. According to the information they have, there are only five Tiangang ancestors in the Bixiao Palace. How could there be eight more?

Cai Tong Zhenren seemed to see through everyone's thoughts and said, "The answer will be after this land thunder calamity..."

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