Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1256 Resentful Mountain Fortress

Resentful Mountain Peninsula.

No one knew anything about what happened in the dark depths.

After the flames all over the sky were extinguished, it started to rain heavily.

This is because the Tiangang in the sky has been completely disrupted. The spiritual energy situation of the entire Resin Mountain Peninsula can be said to be in chaos. This naturally brings a lot of trouble to the construction of the fortress defense line, but at the same time it also creates an excellent situation for Resentment Mountain. cover.

At least you don't have to worry about being spied on by Bixiao Shrine, or people being unexpectedly delivered to you again.

From this point of view, Ye Weilan's offensive launched by consuming the two pills of Turtle Breath and Shenglong was not a loss at all.

What's more, according to Ye Weilan, when the power of blood was fully activated, she felt that part of the offensive slipped directly into the gap in space. She guessed that there should be the other side of the Little Kunlun Mirror.

I don’t know how much damage that sneaking attack can cause to the Bixiao Shrine...

At this moment, they didn't know that the tongue of fire was attacking Shenyan Palace directly.

"However, this chaos will not last long after all. What should we do after Tiangang recovers?"

Ye Weilan looked up at the dark sky and said worriedly.

At this time, she was walking side by side with Lu Yu, inspecting the progress of various defense fortifications in the Resentment Mountain. Although it was an inspection in name, its greater role was to appease people's hearts - to let a disciple of the Hunyuan Qi Sect see it with his own eyes. Seeing the instigator of the blazing flames that burned the sky just now will undoubtedly enhance their confidence in fighting.

As for the other strong men, they were sent to various places to perform their respective duties... Ancestor Qiyuan returned to the rear to rebuild the transmission channel. Ancestor Di Sheng and Ancestor Shuangqiao went to Yinan and Yi respectively. In the north, a protective barrier was arranged around the perimeter, and only Patriarch Xishi accompanied Lu Yu, accompanying them to comfort people.

Lu Yu said: "When order is restored in Tiangang, the Resentment Mountain Fortress should have been built by then. With four ancestors sitting here, it is impossible for the Bixiao Shrine to replicate the previous situation... Old Xishi Zu, do you think I’m right?”

Ancestor Xishi smiled bitterly and said: "We will go all out, but with our abilities, I am afraid that it will be difficult to resist the strong attack of Bixiao Divine Art. In my opinion, it is best for me to recruit more people from the south. Come and help..."

Lu Yu knew that this time the Master of Chunyang Palace went into danger alone and single-handedly subdued the four Tiangangs in the camp. Although the crisis was finally resolved, this incident caused a sense of frustration in the hearts of the four ancestors.

A mere Chunyang Palace Master is already so difficult to deal with, let alone the entire Bixiao Palace behind him?

"I will naturally call for help. In fact, as early as in Yuandu City, I had already sent a message to the south asking for help. I believe that help is already on the way..."

Lu Yu paused for a moment as he spoke: "However, Patriarch Xishi does not need to belittle himself. Although Bixiao Shrine's move to send the Master of Chunyang Palace with the Little Kunlun Mirror was a fantastic idea, but after thinking about it calmly, they are like this This move also seems a bit desperate..."

"This shows that the Bixiao Shrine is actually quite afraid of the strength of the Hunyuan Qi Sect. Otherwise, if they have any better way to deal with it, why would they take this step?"

After hearing this, Patriarch Xishi's expression suddenly softened, and he continued: "Bixiao Temple is ultimately the head of the eight major sects with profound foundations, and various magical methods are endless. We must not have any intention of underestimating the enemy, let alone others. , yesterday’s offensive with thousands of miles of clouds was beyond our expectation.”

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, and he said slowly: "Yesterday's Ten Thousand Miles of Flowing Clouds came from the power of Earthly Evil. Although the power is indeed powerful, there must be many restrictions in using the power of Earthly Evil to transform into Ten Thousand Miles of Flowing Clouds. , It is absolutely impossible to copy it again anytime and anywhere, so we don’t have to worry too much.”

"The power of earth evil?" Patriarch Xishi said in surprise: "Is there really a way in the world to use the power of earth evil in Taoism?"

"How could it not be? Didn't you pay attention to Yue Xishan's previous battle on Jiaohai?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly.

"Yue Xishan has used his Xuanshui Divine Kingdom to prove to us that not only can the power of Earthly Evil be mobilized like the power of Tiangang, but the scale is far beyond that of ordinary Tiangang summons!"

Ancestor Xishi was immediately speechless.

He stared at Lu Yu with his eyes in a daze... It was really unimaginable that such a guy who hadn't even concluded the golden elixir yet had a very deep understanding of Tiangang and Disha.

As expected, he is a worthy scholar despite his great reputation, and he is worthy of being the true descendant of the Yunxiao Patriarch...

The three of them walked around the mountains, almost circling the entire Resin Mountain Peninsula.

A huge fortress community has begun to take shape. It can be predicted that when all the strongholds are set up, the entire Resin Mountain Peninsula will become a solid fortress.

"Okay, that's it for today!"

After seeing the last stronghold, Lu Yu said goodbye to Patriarch Xishi: "The army is busy with affairs, so we won't waste Patriarch's precious time anymore. We can just return to the camp ourselves!"

Patriarch Xishi hesitated to speak.

When Lu Yu saw this, he said: "Why, does the ancestor have something else to do?"

Patriarch Xishi raised his head and looked at him with piercing eyes: "Yesterday in the camp, when we were all controlled by Palace Master Chunyang, how could I be sure that he did not kill us? ability?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Are Ancestor Xishi questioning me?"

Patriarch Xishi quickly avoided his gaze: "How dare you... I'm just curious..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Ancestor, there is no need to hide it, I would have been so suspicious..."

"However, I hope you can understand that the death of the four ancestors here does not bring any benefit to me. Only the four of them are alive and holding on to this position, so that our Dali Sword Sect will not fall into Passive, from this point of view, we can be regarded as a whole that is in the same boat..."

"As for how I knew that Palace Master Chunyang was bluffing..."

Lu Yu suddenly paused, looked up at the sky, and smiled proudly.

"Ancestor, please don't forget that I have personally killed the powerful Tiangang man. I know exactly how powerful that power is! But at that time, I did not find such power in the opponent!"

After saying that, he took one of Ye Weilan's hands, and the black tail of the dragon fish behind him turned into wings.

With a slight flutter of wings, his body suddenly turned into a stream of light, and disappeared among the mountains in a blink of an eye.

Ancestor Xishi stood there for a long time with a stunned look on his face.

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