Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1257 Reshaping the Treasure Armor

Lu Yu took Ye Weilan and flew straight back to the Resentment Mountain Camp.

To be more precise, it was the former Resentment Mountain Camp. After the commotion caused by Palace Master Chunyang ended, the Hunyuan Qi Sect moved the camp to another place, and this was used as a temporary stay for Lu Yu and others.

Because they still need to carry out a complex project here...

"How's the situation?"

As soon as he landed, Lu Yu asked the two twin sisters who were busy.

At this time, the two sisters were squatting on the ground, picking up gems one by one from the ground, and trying to place them on a puppet - these gems were the stars that had been shot down by the Lord of Chunyang Palace before. Divine Armor, they are trying to restore it.

"What? Are you coming back from showing off your power?"

Jade Die glanced at the two of them lightly, then focused her attention on the gem in her hand.

"What are you talking about? We are just here to appease the military and boost morale... If the more than 100,000 Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples are unstable and cannot finish the work on time, will they still be able to defend the Mountain of Resentment? How can this be called a success? prestige!"

Lu Yu shook his head helplessly.

He is already used to it, and he will definitely not hear anything good from this sister-in-law.

Chu Die sighed: "This object is too complicated. I just made a rough estimate. It consists of more than 70,000 star drops. On the surface, these star drops appear to have little difference in shape and size, but in fact each one There are subtle differences, and each one has a different function..."

"If one is placed in the wrong position, its integrity will be greatly affected, so that it will not be able to be connected into a complete formation, and naturally it will not be able to exert the original effect of the divine armor."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown: "Is it so complicated?"

He already knew that this Xingyao Divine Armor was exquisitely designed, but he didn't expect it to be so clever.

More than 70,000 tiny gems need to be placed one by one in sequence without making any mistakes. The amount of work is too large...

"Hmph! What do you think?"

Yudie sneered and said: "What Yang Chudie said is just one of them. Even if we can arrange it correctly and want it to be reactivated formally and glow with divine power, it's not that simple. It’s an easy thing, otherwise the Bixiao Palace would hide it in the snow for thousands of years before it could be restored?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown when he heard this. If this was the case, how could they spend so much time on this?

"In that case, why not forget it and put this thing away first, and then repair it slowly when you have time when you get back!" Lu Yu said.

"No!" the three women said in unison.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the three girls had surprisingly unanimous opinions on this issue, sisters Chudie and Yudie, but Ye Weilan's stance was against it.

Feeling Lu Yu's doubtful eyes looking at her, Ye Weilan suddenly lowered her head like a frightened little rabbit and said weakly: "I just think that at this time, there is such a armor, maybe it will be useful to me." You are of great help..."

Yang Chudie nodded and said: "Yes, after what happened yesterday, even if Bixiao Shrine didn't see the real scene, it must have guessed that it was you who was behind the trouble. Besides, you also asked the Hunyuan Qi Sect to take away the head of the Lord of Chunyang Palace. Send it back, and they will definitely take action against you..."

"Since you are unwilling to leave for the time being, the only way to ensure your safety to the greatest extent is by wearing this Xingyao Divine Armor."

It turns out that both of them were concerned about Lu Yu's safety...

Only the angle of Yudie was the strangest. She said coldly: "I don't care about your life or death! It's just that the Xingyao Divine Armor was removed here, and it hasn't been touched at all since. At this time, here If we reorganize and repair it, there will be some traces to follow..."

"If it is transferred once, it will become a completely disordered mess. Even if we spend our lifetimes, it will be difficult to repair it!"

Seeing what they said, Lu Yu had no choice but to give up and join the repair process himself, picking up tiny particles of fallen stars from the ground.

Originally, with his and Ye Weilan's attainments, they would not be able to participate in such a repair, but at this time, the distribution of starfall stones on the ground still has a certain pattern, just like a pile of scattered threads. As long as the two sisters help them find it, thread, they can restore it step by step.

With the combined efforts of the four of them, the speed was more than twice as fast as before.

Finally, several hours later, the shape of the Xingyao Divine Armor reappeared on the puppet.

When Jade Die embedded the last star drop stone into the puppet's chest, the entire armor suddenly burst into a circle of glimmering light.


Lu Yu said in disbelief.

They had accurately counted just now, and there were a total of 78,400 star-falling stone particles. There was no mistake in any of them, and every one of them fit perfectly. This is really incredible!

Yudie said: "This is just the first step, the real difficulty has just begun...

"Each of these 78,400 star falling stones comes with an independent formation. Only when all the formations are activated and connected can the real effect be exerted. But when you disassembled it before, you The disassembly was so piecemeal that every Star Drop now needs to be reactivated..."

"That is to say, we now need to reactivate each of the 78,400 fallen star stones one by one to completely repair it. This is much more difficult than the splicing work just now. No wonder Bi Bi It will take thousands of years for Xiaoshen Palace to repair it..."

Saying that, Yudie shook her head and gave Lu Yu a hard look.

"When you dismantled it before, didn't you consider leaving part of it?"

Lu Yu said innocently: "Do you think I had time to think about it at that time?"

Ye Weilan asked: "Then what kind of method should be used to activate these star falling stones one by one?"

"Mysterious truth, the most advanced secret of Taoism, and the most advanced secret of Taoism has been injected a total of 78,400 times!" Yudie emphasized.

Ye Weilan opened her mouth, feeling that this was an impossible task.

Lu Yu had already anticipated this.

In fact, his process of breaking the Xingyao Divine Armor on the Master of Chunyang Palace can be summarized in two sentences, that is: the curse locks his god, and the secrets break his body.

First, he used the infinite circle to lock the opponent's spiritual consciousness, and then used the powerful star secrets to defeat the key nodes of the Xingyao Divine Armor... He had long known that there was a secret law hidden in every star drop stone.

"However, at this point, there is no need to rush anymore..."

Jade Die added: "Now, as you just said, put it away first, and then take it out and study it slowly when you have time..."

Lu Yu walked up to the puppet man and gently stroked the Xingyao Divine Armor. Waves of cold touch came from his hand. Wherever his fingertips passed, every particle of the Starfall Stone bloomed with a strange shimmer.

The three stunning beauties on the side all thought that he was going to put this treasure into the Qiankun Bag.

However, Lu Yu gently shook his head and said slowly: "That's not necessarily the case..."

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