Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1258 Mysterious Clone

"What do you mean?" Yudie asked in surprise, "Do you still want to activate these more than 70,000 star drops here?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "I recently learned a method, it's worth a try..."

"Are you new to this?" Yudie glanced at him, "Could it be that you learned it from another teacher there?"

Lu Yu said: "What are you talking about? Could it be that I can only learn skills from others... This time I came from Guangmingzheng University, and I was taught by Patriarch Yunxiao himself!"

"Taught by Ancestor Yunxiao himself?" Yudie blinked: "How is this possible? Didn't you say that you never saw Ancestor Yunxiao himself when you were in Fuyun Palace before..."

Lu Yu smiled without explaining, turned around and asked Chudie for the Lingxi Pot, held it in his hand, and then asked a few people to step back, leaving a place for him to perform.

Seeing Lu Yu in such a posture, several people couldn't help but become even more curious, wondering what kind of methods Lu Yu would use.

Chudie and Ye Weilan consciously walked ten feet away, but Yudie was reluctant to leave. He looked at Lu Yu deeply with eyes full of warning: "You try, but don't force yourself randomly. If you force me All your hard work has been ruined, and I will never let you off lightly!"

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

Yudie then walked out.

Lu Yu stood there, reaching out and gently touching the puppet in front of him. He didn't see how he moved. Suddenly, his body shook slightly, and a figure exactly like him appeared.

The three women couldn't help but be startled.

Is this a mysterious clone?

When did he secretly learn the tricks of Patriarch Shanwen?

However, they soon discovered that this was not actually a mysterious clone like Ancestor Shanwen...

The mysterious clones of Patriarch Shanwen are all entities, and their expressions and movements are uniform as a whole, which is equivalent to a perfect replica of himself. However, the clone transformed by Lu Yu is not only not made of an entity, but also inconsistent with his own expressions and movements.

If you look into it carefully, this seems to be an illusion that was spawned and evolved from the mysteries...

Before the three women could be surprised, Lu Yu's figure began to shake continuously, the speed became faster and faster, and clones appeared one after another.

In a short time, the mysterious clones surrounded the puppet wearing the Xingyao Divine Armor, and they continued to expand...

The scene turned into a dark place, and there were probably hundreds of them.

The three women looked at this exaggerated scene and were so surprised that they were speechless.

In fact, according to what Lu Yu learned in Fuyun Palace, the maximum number of mystical clones he has mastered is ninety-nine. However, this time is not to arrange the mystical combinations, but simply to activate the Star Falling Stone. Different types are not required. As long as the number is sufficient, it doesn't matter if it is repeated.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that although these secret clones are numerous, they only have eight forms in total, which corresponds to the eight star secrets mastered by Lu Yu.

Hundreds of secret clones are all repetitions of these eight secret secrets of the stars.

In this way, the number of secret clones depends only on the amount of true energy in Lu Yu's body...

At this time, he was holding the Lingxi Pot in his hand, which was equivalent to possessing incomparably vast amounts of true energy.

Seven hundred and one...

Seven hundred and two...

Seven hundred and three...

Lu Yu counted silently in his heart.

The three women watching on the sidelines couldn't see clearly how many secret clones there were, but he knew it clearly in his heart.

Seven hundred and fifty-four…

Seven hundred and fifty-five...

Seven hundred and fifty six...

When the number of mystical clones reached 756, it finally stopped growing.

In fact, Lu Yu also wanted to collect 784. In this way, corresponding to 78,400 star falling stone particles, it would only take one hundred rounds to activate them all.

But in addition to sending out the secret clones, he also had to control each secret clone to correspond one-to-one with the star drop stones on the Xingyao Divine Armor. Seven hundred and fifty-six was already his limit.

There is no way, it looks like four more rounds will be needed...

Lu Yu shook his head and suddenly his gesture sank.

Suddenly, seven hundred and fifty-six secret clones simultaneously emitted bright rays of light, shooting directly towards the Xingyao Divine Armor.

The ground shook violently.

All the rays of light converged on the Xingyao Divine Armor, forming an extremely dazzling beam of light that shot straight into the sky and penetrated the sky.

Originally, the entire Resentment Mountain area was shrouded in wind and rain, but this beam of light instantly illuminated the sky, like the scorching sun in the sky.

In the mountains, the disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect who were working hard raised their heads in astonishment and looked at this incredible scene.

"How is this going?"

"It seems to be the direction of the camp..."

"The camp has been moved a long time ago. There is no camp over there!"

"It must be that Lu Yu! What is he doing again!"

"This guy is really scary! He just burned the entire sky yesterday, and now he wants to poke a hole in the sky?"

"How can a person who can kill the powerful Tiangang people be of Yi Yu's generation? I heard that people in the Dali Sword Sect call him a god..."

"Fortunately we are not against him..."

"That's right. Thanks to the wise decision of the sect's senior officials, the biggest headache now is the Bixiao Shrine!"

"Brothers, keep working hard! With such a person standing here, why worry about losing this battle? As long as the Bixiao Palace is captured, the treasures and beauties in it will be ours..."

The beams of light flashed continuously, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning, and a storm arose.

On the ground, the mountains were swaying and the earth was sobbing.

After a full hundred and four blows, everything finally calmed down.

The many secret clones have all disappeared, and only on the puppet body, the Xingyao Divine Armor blooms with a circle of bright brilliance again, which is brilliant and beautiful.

Jade Butterfly was the first to rush over, stretched out her jade hand, and gently touched the star-dropped stones on it. A delicate and soft touch came from her fingertips, which made people fully feel its tenacity and closeness to it. It was completely different before.

"It's really can still be like this..."

There was an incredible look of intoxication in her eyes as she murmured to herself.

But Lu Yu stood there blankly, motionless.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan also walked over quickly and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Lu Yu never responded.

After a long time, he raised the Lingxi Pot in his hand, shook it slightly, and sighed: "The Lingxi Pot is empty, and I don't know if it's worth it..."

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