Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1260 Reunion of old acquaintances

Lu Yu soon left the Resentful Mountain Peninsula and set sail with the three beauties, deep into the sea of ​​worms.

The news brought back by Master Qinghui also pointed out that the advancing formation of Bohai Palace is very strange and there are many suspicious things in it, so more in-depth investigation is needed.

At this time, the resentment mountain defense line has not yet been completed, and all the Tiangang ancestors are busy with their own affairs. Lu Yu happens to have the black tail of the dragon fish that is almost invincible at sea, so it is a matter of course for them to complete the investigation.

"Bohai it the original sect of those female disciples?"

Standing on the emasculated green shell, Yudie suddenly turned to look at Lu Yu: "You are going out to sea in such a hurry, are you trying to please your mother-in-law?"

Lu Yu choked and almost choked on his own saliva: "What nonsense are you talking about! Where did the mother-in-law come from!"

"Isn't it?" Yudie squinted her eyes, "According to Little Phoenix, weren't the most outstanding female disciples of our Jade Butterfly Peak all passed by you from the Bixiao Shrine?"

"When I was in the Dali Sword Sect this time, I have met all those female disciples. They are indeed quite outstanding, especially the senior sister Ling Yufei who was pushed out by you to support the scene. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is rare..."

"It is said that it was the Palace Master of Bohai who personally approved and handed over these people to you, and there was an agreement between you. Why is she not your mother-in-law?"

Lu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The relationship between me and the senior sisters is innocent, how can it be as dirty as you said..."

Yudie curled her lips and said: "Will the Qingbaibai family eagerly follow you back to Jade Butterfly Peak? Will the Qingbaibai family betray the master for you? Do you believe such a thing? Little Phoenix?"

"Ah? I, I..."

Ye Weilan was caught off guard and said weakly: "I don't know either... However, Senior Sister Yufei's life has indeed been difficult recently..."

Lu Yu knew what Ye Weilan was talking about.

He pushed Ling Yufei to the position of senior sister of Jade Butterfly Peak. He originally wanted to use her vision and qualifications to handle various complex affairs on Jade Butterfly Peak. However, with the conflict between the Dali Sword Sect and the Bixiao Shrine, many people They all had doubts about her identity and their attitude towards her was obviously unfriendly.

When he returned to Jade Butterfly Peak this time, he had already heard about such a thing. He originally wanted to meet Ling Yufei in person and comfort her, but he never expected that there was no good opportunity. Now he has come here. Here, even if she is facing her original sect...

Lu Yu shook his head, expelled the complicated thoughts from his mind, and said: "The reason is not as complicated as you think... We have personally been to the Bohai Palace and witnessed the astonishing formations of the Ten Surroundings of Tianshui and the Twelve Surroundings of Seawater... …

"But according to Master Qinghui's description, the formation coming from Bohai Palace this time is not similar to the twenty-two tidal formations. Instead, it makes me feel like it is the invocation of the power of Earthly Evil. Therefore, The main reason we set out this time was to verify this..."

"Bohai Palace is indeed the birthplace of Yu Fei and others, and Palace Master Li has indeed helped us a lot. If the situation allows, I don't mind showing mercy to them, but if the situation forces it, there is no way. It’s about Fazi!”

Yang Chudie said in surprise: "Do you think Bohai Palace used the power of Earthly Evil to advance this time?"

Lu Yu's eyes were deep: "The fortress defense line of Resentment Mountain has not yet been fully constructed, and the various departments of Bixiao Palace have not had time to react. Only Bohai Palace is on the front line at this time. If this is just because they are good at water escape, This is still a bit far-fetched...but as to whether it is true or not, I believe we will find out soon!"

Yang Chudie glanced at him silently and said, "Is this... going to be dangerous?"

The power of Earthly Evil is not easy to use. So far, the power of Earthly Evil has only been used twice.

The first time was when Ancestor Shanwen launched the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, and the second time was when an unknown powerhouse launched the Wanli Liuxia offensive.

No matter which time it takes, there are boss-level figures working behind the scenes.

Although it is still unclear what is going on in Bohai Palace, if the power of Earthly Evil is really involved, then the matter will never be simple. Maybe their actions at this time will become a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

"Don't worry." Lu Yu looked up with great pride, "Actually, I'm also very curious about what means Bixiao Shrine will use to deal with me next!"

In terms of escape speed, he has the black tail of an arowana and has almost no opponents at sea.

In terms of protective capabilities, the Xingyao Divine Armor he just harvested is extremely powerful, and almost all Taoist techniques are difficult to break through it. If the opponent uses a spell offensive, he has another move called Infinite Circle, which is close to the ultimate incantation.

The only thing he still poses a certain threat to is the musical offensive that directly affects the stability of the Taoist heart like the ancestor of Disheng. But let alone whether there is a master of rhythm like the ancestor of Disheng in the Bixiao Shrine. Yes, the rhythm offensive is not impeccable.

Therefore, he was full of confidence at this moment, which was why he dared to take the initiative to walk out of the Mountain of Resentment and go deep into the sea of ​​worms.

Following the direction pointed out by Master Qinghui, the Spring Conch was moving like flying.

Just as he was getting closer to the Bohai Palace camp, Lu Yu suddenly waved his hand and said, "Stop!"

Yang Chudie, who was in charge of the control, immediately stopped the Spring Method Snail.

"What's wrong?"

The three women looked at him doubtfully.

Lu Yu silently stared at the water on the left for a moment and said, "Don't you think the movement over there is a bit strange?"

Chudie and Yudie looked intently, only to see a turbulence in the vast sea. Ye Weilan's eyesight was even better, and he saw that the turbulence was actually caused by a school of fish.

"It's a school of fish..." Ye Weilan narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems like a group of red snappers are looking for food..."

Red snapper is a common fish species in the sea, so there is nothing surprising about it.

Jade Butterfly said: "The reason why this place is called the Boreal Sea is that in July and August every year, countless borer creatures emerge into adults in this sea area. When they fly into the sky, they cover the sky and the sun... Now counting It’s not surprising that when borer larvae are growing in the sea, a large number of fish will be attracted to them.”

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple... It's best to follow along and take a look!"

So the spring snail changed its direction and followed the feeding school of red snapper.

After a while, the number of fish became more and more numerous, and they were arranged more and more densely. You could clearly see streaks of red in the water, like a flying ribbon.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were dazzled, and the color in the sea water seemed to change into a graceful red figure.

It's a person!

And she’s a woman!

She was hiding among the fish, or in other words, the fish gradually gathered under her command...

Yudie immediately turned her head and looked at Lu Yu beside her in surprise: "Your eyes are so poisonous...Have you already noticed that this is a beauty? Could she be your old mistress again?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes at her speechlessly: "How can there be so many old acquaintances? But..." He paused slightly: "This one is indeed an old acquaintance of ours!"

At this time, as the Spring Conch continued to approach, the red snapper schools dispersed, and the image of the woman in the water was finally clearly revealed.

Surprisingly, it was Su Qihong who had left a deep impression on Lu Yu and others when they were chasing the Feihong Sword in Pingxi City.

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