Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1261: Cutting off the Robe and Severing the Ties

Su Qihong was originally the daughter of Pingxi City.

At that time, the Feihong Sword was stolen by Hua Tianqing, the son of the great elder, in Bohai Palace just to please the young lady.

However, when Lu Yu and others chased them all the way to Pingxi City, Su Qihong cut off Hua Tianqing's head with a sword, revealing that everything was a trap set by her.

Later, when the owner of Bohai Palace, Li Haitang, appeared, everyone knew that she was the real manipulator behind the scenes, and her purpose was to deal with the great elder and regain control of Bohai Palace.

Su Qihong and Li Haitang were obviously closely related. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a close disciple that Li Haitang secretly cultivated outside the palace.

But now, when the two sides are about to confront each other head-on, Li Haitang's closed disciple suddenly leads him here. What does this mean?

Lu Yu couldn't help but be full of questions, and looked at Su Qihong who came out of the water without blinking.

"Hehe, Mr. Lu, long time no see!"

Su Qihong shook her wet hair, and her enchanting body slowly emerged from the water.

"When I first met the young master, I knew that the young master was definitely not a thing in the pool, but I never thought that the young master's achievements would reach such an amazing level today... Now, I am afraid that I am not even qualified to mention the young master's name. Right?"

Lu Yu said: "What did Miss Su say? I am not a savage beast. Even if I have a false reputation, at best I am only at the Guihai realm. In terms of realm, Miss Su is no worse than me. How can I do that?" Can’t even mention the name?”

"Miss Su, on the other hand, has made quite an astonishing progress during this period. For example, the method of controlling fish schools like this is extremely sophisticated. I think Miss Su must have received the true inheritance from Palace Master Li, right?"

"Hehe, Mr. Lu is indeed a top-notch smart man. It's really easy to talk to you..."

Su Qihong smiled seductively: "Yes, the reason why I am here is because I was ordered by Master to come here to meet the young master. Since I didn't know which direction the young master would come from, I had no choice but to make this move. However, after a few I’m doing something wrong in front of you!”

Lu Yu said: "Palace Master Li knows that I am coming?"

Su Qihong said: "Master said that the young master is a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. If you don't know the specific situation, that's fine. If you know that Bohai Palace is on the front line of the attack on Resentment Mountain this time, you will definitely find a way to come and investigate in person. He even persuaded the Bohai Palace to take the initiative to retreat..."

Lu Yu was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Li Haitang to know his thoughts clearly. He came here this time with some intention of persuading Bohai Palace to retreat.

"What does Palace Master Li mean?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

"Master's intention is for the young master to give up all these unrealistic thoughts, turn around and leave immediately without looking back, otherwise the young master may be in danger of his life!" Su Qihong replied.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows high: "Oh? Really?"

Su Qihong said: "Master knows that the young master is a proud and arrogant person and will never back down easily. But this time, the master hopes that the young master will listen to her advice no matter what, because this time things are different from the past, and the young master is complaining." A series of high-profile actions in the mountain have already attracted a big shot in the Netherworld. This big shot is so powerful and cruel in his methods that it is far beyond the imagination of the young master. If the delay continues, the young master will definitely die! "

By the end, Su Qihong's eyes had become extremely sharp, staring at Lu Yu's face without blinking, full of warning.

"A big shot among the Nine Netherworlds?" Lu Yu sneered, showing a look of interest: "But that Earth Seal God?"

Su Qihong was stunned. She didn't expect Lu Yu to suddenly mention the name Earth Seal God.

She was silent for a while, and then said: "In the Bixiao Shrine, there is not only the top powerhouse Diyin God. If it is purely based on strength, the big man who came out this time is not as powerful as Diyin." The god is a little worse!"


Now it was Lu Yu's turn to be shocked. He did not expect that Su Qihong actually knew something about the Earth Seal God, and would say such words after knowing about the Earth Seal God...

The Earth Seal God is the descendant of a god from outside the sky. Is there anyone strong enough to keep pace with him in the Bixiao Palace?

Lu Yu expressed doubts about this.

Su Qihong shook her head and said: "I know the young master doesn't believe it, but this is all I can say this time..."

"Master was able to regain control of the Bohai Palace, thanks to the help of the young master and everyone. The master also promised the young master that Jade Butterfly Peak will always be the friend of the Bohai Palace, and they will always be friends with each other, watching and helping each other...however It’s fate that makes people do what they want, and it’s a helpless move for everyone to reach this stage.”

"I came here to report to you today. Strictly speaking, the master has violated the rules of the Bixiao Shrine. She hopes to repay the young master's past kindness in this way... After all, the Bohai Palace only belongs to the Bixiao Shrine. A branch palace, Jade Butterfly Peak is just a part of the Dali Sword Sect, so we can’t separate public affairs from private affairs.”

"Today's personal affair has come to an end. If we meet again, there is no need to talk about affection, just use each other's methods!"

"Sir, this is the whole intention of Master sending me here this time. Qihong's words are here. How much you can listen to it depends entirely on your own wishes, sir!"

By the end, Su Qihong's face was sincere, and there was no hint of frivolous joking anymore.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to cut off the robe and sever the righteousness...

Although he did not agree with Li Haitang's point of view, he had to say that the other party's approach was indeed aboveboard.


Facing Su Qihong's bright and clear eyes, Lu Yu finally nodded.

"In that case, let's go back for the time being! But I want to explain that the reason why I did this was not because I was afraid of the so-called big shot, but out of respect for Palace Master Li!"

"I also have a warning to pass on to Palace Master Li. Even the Earth Seal God Lord may not be able to do whatever he wants. How can the so-called big shot in Bixiao Palace dominate everything? Furthermore, I am not as she imagined. The one in the middle is so weak..."

"This time, we take the initiative to retreat and will not do anything detrimental to Bohai Palace. If Bohai Palace continues to approach, then we will have to fight each other!"

"Just say goodbye!"

After saying that, the Spring Conch made a spin and disappeared into the vast sea in a blink of an eye.

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