Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1262 Method of restraint

The Spring Conch headed straight towards the Resentment Mountain.

"Are we really going back like this?" Yudie asked in surprise.

Lu Yu looked back at her and spread his hands: "What if?"

"I thought you were just trying to coax that pretty girl... How often have you told the truth?" Yudie said with a sidelong glance.

"Look at what you said..." The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "When I lie, it is a strategy against the enemy. It should be called a war that never tires of deceit. When dealing with true friends, you should naturally be honest."

Yudie snorted softly: "What about Ancestor Zhaoyun and Ancestor Hongyi? Could it be that they are also enemies? Even our own Tiangang experts, haven't they all been deceived by you?"

"This needs to be analyzed in detail. If I don't lie to them, they might go to the opposite side of us. Therefore, for them, this can only be called a white lie." Lu Yu said.

Yudie couldn't help but give him a fierce look: "Anyway, you are right anyway! You have deceived people out of your realm!"

"Are you going too far with this topic?"

Chu Die said, turning her head and taking a deep look at Lu Yu: "What are your plans now?"

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and gradually became deeper: "We have actually got the answer we want this time. There is no need for Li Haitang to arrange for his close disciples to lie to us at this time. Therefore, I think what Su Qihong said His words are credible..."

"She just mentioned that this big man comes from Jiuyou, and his strength is comparable to that of the Earth Seal God. Although this is somewhat exaggerated, it is undeniable that this big man is very powerful. At least it should be It’s like Patriarch Shanwen or Li Fuyun…”

"In this way, the question before us becomes if Yue Xishan or Li Fuyun stands in front of us, what strategy should we use to deal with him?"

"Until this problem is solved, all our inquiries will be in vain. We might as well go back as soon as possible and make preparations..."

The three women couldn't help but be startled when they heard the words, and couldn't help but think of the scene when they faced the Xuanshui Kingdom on the corner of the sea. They didn't expect that Lu Yu had taken this matter so seriously.

The last time we faced the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, even with the combined efforts of the two major sects, the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land, it was still difficult to win. In the end, we relied on the appearance of Fuyun Palace to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop...

Now Li Fuyun has made it clear that Fuyun Palace will not appear again in the short term. Under such circumstances, how can they defeat a strong man who is comparable to the ancestor Shanwen?

"What preparations are you going to make when you go back? You have already thought of a way, right?" Yudie asked.

Lu Yu said: "How can I have any good ideas? It's just an attempt at best... Whether it's Yue Xishan or this big shot from Jiuyou, they are very good at using the power of Earthly Evil. Although Yue Xishan's The attention should be attracted by Li Fuyun, but no one can guarantee whether he will suddenly come over and interfere..."

"Therefore, how to deal with the power of Earthly Evil is a hurdle we cannot get around..."

"In view of this, I have made some arrangements in advance for this point. The three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land left in a hurry just to complete this matter, but unexpectedly they were blocked on Layeryan Island …”

"Now that the Hunyuan Qi Sect has contained the Bixiao Shrine in Resentment Mountain, the crisis on Layer Yan Island should have been resolved. It's time to urge them to speed up the progress and complete this matter quickly!"

The three women looked surprised. They did not expect that Lu Yu had already made arrangements in advance without saying a word.

"What kind of arrangement is it?" Yudie became more and more curious.

Lu Yu glanced at her and said: "Li Fuyun once told me in Fuyun Palace that the power in the world can be roughly divided into four levels. The first is the power of the five elements, the second is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the third is the power of Tiangang. , the fourth is the power of the stars.”

"The power of the stars is transformed into Tiangang, the power of Tiangang is transformed into spiritual energy, and the power of spiritual energy is transformed into the five elements of all things. The four are derived one by one, and are based on this level."

"Although he did not mention the power of Earthly Evil at that time, according to Brother Ding, he remembered that in ancient times, among the various inheritances in the world, the power of Earthly Evil was also a very important method of cultivation, which was comparable to Tiangang. Comparable, so the power of Earthly Evil should be on the same level as the power of Tiangang."

"In this way, there is only one way to restrain it, and that is the power of stars! And it was only after I and Brother Ding successfully tried to use the power of stars that I gained a clearer understanding of this point. know."

Yudie was stunned: "You mean to use the Star-Gathering Pearl? But wasn't the Star-Gathering Pearl left at Jade Butterfly Peak by you along with the Divine Wood King Cauldron?"

Lu Yu said: "The Divine Wood King Cauldron is too bulky after being blessed with Star Gathering Beads. If we wait for them to be transported, the day lilies will probably be cold... Besides, the three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land are one step ahead of us. It’s obviously not right to leave the Dali Sword Sect!”

"What is the solution?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but asked curiously.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't forget that the only thing in this world that can gather the power of stars on a large scale is not just a star-gathering bead... Have you all forgotten how Master Sister's Spring Conch came from? Is it done?”

The three women couldn't help but be stunned.

It suddenly became clear that what Lu Yu was talking about was the ruins array on the Oracle Continent.

At that time, it was Lu Yu who activated the ruins formation and gathered the starlight from the sky. Another wave of beasts evolved, and finally the mythical beast Fox King Spring appeared. It combined with the Jasper Conch in the Jade Whirlpool Sea and transformed into the Conch in the Conch. The weapon spirit created this Spring Conch.

"But, can't the starlight gathered by the ruins array be absorbed only by the spiritual beasts on the Oracle Continent? It is completely ineffective on the human body. Can you use it to restrain the power of the Earthly Evil?" Yang Chudie asked.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed: "Whether it is only targeting spiritual beasts or humans, this at least shows that it can directly pull the stars in the sky. As long as it has such a function, it can be controlled Space."

"It seems that you have already thought about what to do." Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu nodded slightly and said: "Originally, I asked the three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land to transform the ruins array in order to prepare for the attack on Jiuyou. Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that it will inevitably be used in advance..."

"But the ruins formation is thousands of miles away after all. If you want to use it, there are still two difficulties that need to be overcome. One is to successfully transform it, and the other is to successfully introduce the enemy into the coverage of the ruins formation..."

"Neither of these two difficulties is easy to solve, and there is no need to rush. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is best for us to accumulate strength and be fully prepared before proceeding, so that when the time is truly ripe, we will Resolute execution without any sloppiness.”

"Then what kind of preparations should we make?" Yudie asked.

Lu Yu turned around and looked around, and replied: "For example, let's open a few batches of pills first..."

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