Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1263 The war begins

Lu Yu just did it, and immediately asked Yang Chudie to enlarge the Spring Conch to the maximum, and then set up the alchemy furnace directly on the green shell.

After the enlargement, the Spring Conch is already like a small island. Not only is it more than enough for alchemy, but it is also very stable.

The only thing is that with the blessing of the black tail of the dragon fish, the speed of the Spring Conch is too fast, which leads to too much wind resistance, which is very detrimental to the precise control of the fire.

So Lu Yu stopped the Dragon Fish Black Tail and let the Spring Snail drift slowly with its own power. This solved the problem of wind resistance... Anyway, they were not in a hurry to return to Resentment Mountain, so it didn't matter if they slowed down.

After everything was ready, Lu Yu suddenly stood still again, silently looking at the alchemy furnace in front of him without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" Yang Chudie asked, "Any questions?"

Lu Yu shook his head and sighed softly: "I have set up exquisite and rigorous large-scale alchemy furnaces at Chudie Peak and Jade Butterfly Peak, and I even got the Divine Wood King Cauldron at Huoshen Mountain. I didn't expect that now I would still have to be in a wilderness. Using a simple alchemy furnace for refining can not help but feel like overkill..."

"Then... why don't we just stop practicing now?" Ye Weilan said, "I also think it's not safe to make alchemy here. What if I suddenly encounter an enemy in the middle of practicing?"

"That's right..." Lu Yu nodded and said, "Bixiao Shrine will not act according to our ideas, so we have to be careful about this... If this is the case, then I will open an extra furnace, this one specially for Bixiao Palace. Xiao Shen Palace is prepared, if they suddenly attack, I will hit them directly in the face. "

With that said, Lu Yu took out another pill furnace and placed them one on the left and one on the right in front of him.

Looking at this scene, the three women couldn't help but be speechless.

From what Lu Yu said, he obviously wanted to use this other furnace as a weapon.

If someone else said this, they would disagree, but since it was said by Lu Yu, it is true... He is proficient in various alchemy methods, such as the extraction method, the collapse method, and the triple calcining method. , it is not easy to blow up a pill furnace.

In fact, for Lu Yu, refining alchemy has always been the most urgent thing for him at the moment.

Whether it was a frontal battlefield, or a plan to cross the earth's extreme lightning tribulation, or sneak into the 17th underground layer for a surprise attack, he needed to provide a large amount of the most top-notch elixirs. He wished he could break his time in half and use them all to refine the elixirs.

It's a pity that since meeting Ye Fei, there have been various things that have forced him to be busy. So far, he has not officially opened a furnace of pills. Now he can open a furnace to refine pills under such conditions. This is a very rare opportunity.

Lu Yu opened the bow left and right, using both methods to open the furnace, feed materials, and light the fire... His movements were smooth and smooth, all done in one go, which dazzled the three women on the side.

Soon, a cloud of gas gathered above the Spring Conch.

As the conch of spring floats slowly along the way, the clouds are always following silently, and they gather more and more along the way, getting bigger and bigger.

When the Spring Conch floated all the way back to the vicinity of Resentment Mountain, the sky above their heads was already like a gathering storm, and the light and shadow of the dragon could be faintly seen in it...

This scene immediately startled the Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples in the Mountain of Resentment.

Have they ever seen such a scene? For a time, it was thought that the troops from the Bixiao Palace were attacking in large numbers. Some disciples even directly raised the alarm, causing chaos in the Mountain of Resentment... It was not until they learned that it was Lu Yu who was refining the pill that everyone breathed a sigh of relief. , secretly it turned out to be a false alarm.

Then, everyone started talking again...

"I didn't expect that alchemy would be such a scene. This is really an eye-opener!"

"Hmph, that's natural! Otherwise, do you think the name Alchemy God is in vain?"

"Alchemy God? Why have I never heard of it? Didn't it mean that the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect call him Lu God?"

"Are you ignorant about this? It is precisely because of his outstanding alchemy skills that everyone calls him Lu Shen. Doesn't this mean that Lu Shen is the Alchemy God!"


"Hmph, what does this mean? I heard that once when Lu Yu was refining elixirs in the Dali Sword Sect, the elixir energy soared into the sky, causing a solar eclipse to appear in the sky of the entire Dali Sword Sect. Yuhai was frightened. The Immortal Sect's fleet fled far away... Compared with the scene at that time, this was just a small scene! "

"Is there really such an alchemy technique in the world?"

"It is said that Lu Yu's alchemy skills were inherited from Ancestor Taisu. Ancestor Taisu used elixirs to enter the Taoism. With his elixir skills, he shattered the void and soared into the sky. How could it not be possible?"

"I don't know what kind of pill this God Lu is refining at this time..."

What Lu Yu was refining was naturally the Two Pills of Turtle Breath and Shenglong, and it was also the castrated version that he had improved.

Under this situation, he did not dare to invest too much top-notch materials to study the refining method of the complete version of Turtle Breath Meteor Pill. This kind of pill with successful experience was more suitable.

It's just that in order to improve efficiency, he invested more materials this time, almost several times as much as in the previous furnace, so the scene was a bit big.

Lu Yu was not unaware of everyone's discussion, but he noticed that many disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect appeared on the edge of the Resentment Mountain Peninsula, specially coming to watch the grand occasion of his alchemy refining.

He didn't mind the crowd watching, but the battle was about to begin, and the defense line of the Resentful Mountain Fortress had not yet been completed. It was too suitable for them to waste time here...

So Lu Yu asked Yang Chudie to negotiate with Zhenren Liguang and tell him the severe situation facing the Qinshan Peninsula at the moment, and the situation calmed down a bit.

However, what is supposed to come will eventually come...

Just when Lu Yu's two furnaces of elixirs were about to stop firing, the large army of Bohai Palace finally arrived in front of Resentment Mountain.

The tide gradually rose, and huge waves surged up, seeming to swallow up the entire Mountain of Resentment.

At this time, Master Lei Guang personally came to the jasper shell of the Spring Conch and asked Lu Yu for advice: "Bohai Palace is coming fiercely this time, and the lineup is extremely prosperous. At this time, the two sides are not officially fighting, and the tide it stirs up will be They have broken through three of our outer defense lines in a row. It seems that their formation must be blessed with powerful magic weapons... I wonder if you have any good advice for me? "

Lu Yu raised his head, silently looked at the dark sea for a moment, and said: "This is just the first wave of the Bixiao Shrine's offensive. We can't count on reinforcements from the south for the time being..."

"Master Liguang, please try to delay as much time as possible, and be sure to persist until the resentment mountain defense line is fully constructed. If it is really difficult to resist, then try to lure the enemy to my side!"

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