Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1264 Adding fuel to the flames

Shenyan Palace.

Just as the war on the Resentment Mountain Peninsula was about to begin, a large group of powerful real men from the Bixiao Palace gathered in front of the Shenyan Palace, silently lining up in two rows, solemnly and neatly.

Except for the sound of rushing water, the whole place was silent, and the entire embankment was filled with a sad atmosphere.

Suddenly, several rays of light pierced the sky, came quickly, and landed steadily in front of the palace door.

It was a group of real elders from Tianshu Palace, led by Zhengda Elder Yixuan, and the others were all powerful elders with prominent status.

"How is it going?"

Master Yixuan strode to the palace gate, approached the master Yin Juntong, and asked in a low voice.

Master Caitong didn't say a word, just shook his head slowly.

Master Yixuan was slightly shuddered and said hesitantly: "Will there be any accidents... Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Master Caitong shook his head and said: "One more thing is worse than one less thing. Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor has specifically told me that no one is allowed to go in and disturb him. I don't think it's necessary..."

Master Yixuan sighed softly: "I'm afraid that Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor will ignore the overall situation and do something impulsive in a moment of anger... After all, the Lord of Chunyang Palace is his closest descendant!"

Master Caitong said: "I believe that Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor will have a sense of discretion and will not cause unnecessary problems."

After a pause, he changed his tone and asked, "How is the situation over there with Your Highness the Saint?"

"The current situation is good and there are no abnormalities." Master Yixuan replied.

Master Caitong said: "Continue to be vigilant! The identity of Her Royal Highness the Saint is extremely important. It is related to the future rise and fall of our Bixiao Shrine. You must be cautious, especially the movements of the Supreme Immortal Sect... Something similar to the last time will never happen. It can’t happen again!”

Master Yixuan nodded and said, "Yes."

The two talked softly for a few more words about the movements of the Supreme Immortal Sect.

Suddenly, the palace door in front of him suddenly opened.

The two immediately stopped talking and straightened their bodies, standing dangerously.

The other real strong men around him also straightened their bodies and looked intently.

I saw a tall, fuzzy figure slowly walking out of it, his whole body shrouded in shadows, and full of an aura of terror.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, everyone knew that this person was the famous Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor.

Among the people present, many people only recently learned about the existence of this Earth Ancestor. It was only then that they learned that the Master of Chunyang Palace also had a mysterious old father...

But this does not hinder everyone's infinite admiration for him, because his cultivation is so powerful. From the moment he appeared, many real strong people trembled instinctively. This is a kind of resistance to high-level power. Natural fear.

"It's too late..."

Ancestor Jiu Xuan spoke slowly, and there seemed to be a solemn tone in his tone that was about to come.

"After all, it's still a step too late. Even with pure Yang Tao seeds, it's difficult to keep him alive...Shan'er has completely left us, you bury him!"

As he said that, he handed a bloody head in his hand to the hands of Master Caitong. It was the head of the Chunyang Palace Master who was sent back by Lu Yu.

Master Caitong took the head with both hands and was silent for a while.

The other powerful real people around him were also silent.

"Now we can be sure that the person who killed Shan'er is in Yuanshan, right?" Jiuxuan Dizu said again.

Master Caitong said: "According to the latest information sent back from the front line by Bohai Palace, Lu Yu is refining elixirs on a seashore on the east side of Mount Resentment. He has never left..."

"What an arrogant boy! He can still be so calm after killing my Jiuxuan's son. It seems that he has never considered the issue of paying for it with his life!"

Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor snorted coldly.

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Didn't the God Lord also name this person to take his life? When my son is buried, I want this person to be buried with him! Not only him, but also those in the Resentful Mountain Peninsula at this time Everyone!”

"My son's tomb will be at Mount Resentment! I will sweep away the entire Mount Resentment and use it as my son's tomb!"

Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor was full of murderous intent. Along with his anger, a bone-chilling cold wind blew up from the ground, causing everyone present to shiver unconsciously.

Master Caitong's expression changed and he said quickly: "Earth Ancestor, please be patient. Lord God has already given instructions. We must not lose this battle again, otherwise it will affect the overall plan in Jiuyou...

"In order to avoid accidents, the Earth Ancestor must act according to the plan. After the four palaces of Bohai, Weiluan, Qinghua, and Heiyan are in place and the Juesha Earth Surge Formation is deployed, the Earth Ancestor will go out to conquer the Mountain of Resentment. This way It’s foolproof!”

Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor's eyes suddenly condensed, filled with surging rage.

When Master Caitong saw this, he quickly said: "I know that the ancestors of the earth have profound cultivation and boundless magic power, but even the ancestor Shanwen of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was defeated miserably on Jiaohai. This shows that the opponent's ability is absolutely beyond compare." As weak as it looks on the surface...please treat it with caution!"

These words had some effect.

The blazing flames in Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor's eyes gradually disappeared.

"In addition, there is one more thing I would like to remind Earth Ancestor..." Master Caitong struck while the iron was hot and continued, "What the Lord wants to use is the complete soul of Lu Yu, and it is not just as simple as taking his life... "


Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor snorted heavily: "I know this of course, I don't need you to remind me!"

After a pause, he added: "In that case, then I will let them live for a while! However, we can afford to wait, but Shan'er cannot afford to wait. We can't just keep doing it... Now only the Bohai Sea is divided Now that the palace is in place, if the other three branch palaces are delayed due to setbacks in the offensive, will we remain on hold? "

Master Caitong said: "What Earth Ancestor said is true. I will send people to urge the other three branch palaces and ask them to take their positions as soon as possible."

"No need!"

Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor waved his hand: "Let me personally help them! At least... I can still do this!"

After saying that, the shadows on his body spread in circles and quickly rose from the ground.

In an instant, the entire coastline south of Bixiao Shrine was shrouded in a dark shadow.

Then, the tide surged in the sea.

The formations of the three branch palaces of Weiluan, Qinghua, and Heiyan were originally advancing slowly in the sea, but when they were stirred by the waves, they suddenly rushed towards the Resentful Mountain Peninsula as if with divine help.

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