Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1265 Fight for your life in advance

Resentful Mountain Peninsula.

Smoke filled the air and the tide flew away.

There were roars and rumbles.

After being broken through three outer defense lines in a row, the Hunyuan Qi Sect has also been defeated. If it continues to retreat, the Bohai Palace's formation will reach the front of Resentment Mountain, so it can only send a group of disciples to fight. There was a fierce fight with Bohai Palace on the beach.

Bohai Palace was ordered to come in the face of danger, and the disciples who stayed on the beach were also urgently transferred. However, Bohai Palace was obviously more prepared. After a fierce battle, Bohai Palace showed stronger stamina and Hunyuanqi. Zong's disciples were killed so much that they fell on their backs and were defeated.

Just as agreed before, this group of defeated soldiers withdrew towards the direction of Lu Yu's alchemy.

Lu Yu's eyes darkened.

Just as they were preparing to detonate one of the two pill furnaces to push back the Bohai Palace's offensive, they did not expect that they would suddenly withdraw their troops and retreat, almost causing Lu Yu to waste a furnace of pills in vain.

"This Bohai Palace Master is really not a simple person. Seeing that the Bohai Palace's formation is so well-founded and unhurried, he must have practiced a lot. The disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect have no comparison with him, and they will be defeated. normal……"

While observing the formation of Bohai Palace slowly evacuating, Yudie turned back to look at Lu Yu.

"Isn't this because they are giving you face again? Or have they already seen that there is a fraud?"

"I think things may not be that simple..."

Lu Yu's eyes were solemn and he shook his head slowly.

"Weilan, look what's going on?"


Ye Weilan agreed, twisted her slender waist, and immediately jumped into the sky.

With the blessing of the blood of the Night Phoenix clan, her eyesight is even better than the ordinary monitoring array. At this time, the defensive fortress in the Resentment Mountain has not been completed yet, so there is no spare time to build the monitoring array, so her detection Lookouts have become extremely critical.

After a while, Ye Weilan's soft voice came down from high in the sky: "They seem to have withdrawn...not only from the battlefield, but also from the beach to the sea."


Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

He could understand that the Bohai Palace acted cautiously and strictly adhered to the principle of "Don't chase after poor enemies", but he really couldn't understand that the beachhead that had been conquered with great difficulty was abandoned just like this after losing the strength of nine cattle and two tigers. .

"Did you see clearly? Are you sure?" Lu Yu asked.

"I saw it clearly." Ye Weilan replied, "I also saw the figure of Palace Master Li, and she also returned to the sea... So, I am sure that they really withdrew."

Lu Yu couldn't help but exchange glances with Chudie and Yudie, and both of them looked confused.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Chudie said: "Xiaolan, you might as well look a little further to see what's going on behind them."


A moment later, Ye Weilan's surprised voice came again: "Ah, it seems that they have reinforcements arrived! One, two, three... there are three other formations also appearing on the sea, the scale is no worse than the Bohai Palace. Look It looks like they each have a separate palace!"

Before she finished speaking, Ye Weilan's graceful figure had fallen to the ground again, and she stood directly in front of Lu Yu, and said anxiously: "The situation seems to be a little wrong, and I can't tell what is wrong. Take a look for yourself!"

As he said that, he took the initiative to look up at Lu Yu with a soft and charming face.

Lu Yu immediately leaned forward and pressed his forehead together.

Suddenly, the scene that Ye Weilan had just seen appeared in his mind. Surrounded by black energy, waves of water surged, and three powerful formations rushed towards the Mountain of Resentment from different directions. Come.

"You guys should come and take a look together!"

Lu Yu raised his head again and waved to the twin sisters beside him.

Chu Die had no grudges at all and immediately joined in the fantasy world constructed by the two of them.

Yudie, on the other hand, twisted her fingers, but her curiosity finally defeated her face. She put her hand on Chudie's shoulder, and also shared her thoughts and consciousness.

After a while, the four of them clearly saw the strange scene on the sea.

"It's the three branch palaces of Weiluan, Qinghua, and Heiyan!" Yudie took the lead.

Lu Yu also withdrew and returned to the alchemy furnace. While controlling the fire, he asked: "What do you think?"

Yu Die Feng's eyes flashed: "I feel that the three advancing formations are very similar, including the formation of Bohai Palace, they are also very similar to them... If the formation of Bohai Palace is assisted by the power of Earthly Evil, then these three The Tao formation should be the same..."

Yang Chudie looked directly at Lu Yu: "Did they all also use the power of Earthly Evil?"

Lu Yu kept his hands on his hands and nodded silently: "I think it is..."

The three women couldn't help but be startled.

Yang Chudie frowned and said: "Then this is going to be troublesome. Originally, one Bohai Palace was already very difficult to deal with, but now there are three more equally powerful formations, which will make it even more difficult to defend..."

"They can use wolf tactics on the long coastline of the peninsula, making it difficult for the Hunyuan Qi Sect to look at the beginning and the end, and they are exhausted. In the end, the defense line is completely disintegrated, and the fortress can no longer be completed."

"I'm afraid the situation will be more serious than this..."

After Lu Yu operated the alchemy furnace like a storm, he suddenly stopped and then continued:

"These three branch palaces are coming fiercely. In addition, the Bohai Palace has a well-established advance and retreat, and it is obvious that its plans are very big. I always have a very bad feeling. I am afraid that what they want to do is not just a simple wolf pack tactic..."

Yudie was stunned: "Then what exactly are they going to do?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't know...but we can't let them get what they want, we have to organize them!"

"How to stop it? It's hard for a Bohai Palace to spare its hands now..."

Lu Yu didn't say anything. He suddenly took out his palm and slapped the alchemy stove hard, and the fire quickly went out.

The three women on the side couldn't help but be stunned.

Ye Weilan said nonchalantly: "Have you finished refining this batch of elixirs?"

"not yet!"

Lu Yu dusted off his hands.

"But things are often like this, and things can't always go smoothly step by step... For example, right now, we have to risk our lives with each other before we even know it!"

As he said that, he turned to look at Yudie, and then answered her previous question: "For the current plan, we can only let the Hunyuan Qi Sect give up building the fortress defense line, and first use their hands to wipe out these four formations with all their strength!"

"Abandon building a fortress defense line?"

Chudie and Yudie were stunned.

"Would they agree?"

They clearly knew that the Hunyuan Qi Sect was in its current situation simply because they were rushing to the top. Their confidence in fighting against the Bixiao Shrine relied to a large extent on a solid fortress defense line.

Now tell them to give up building a fortress defense line and go head-to-head with the Bixiao Shrine on the Boar Sea. Can they make such a determination?

“You have to agree even if you don’t agree!”

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Now that they have made it clear that they will not give us another chance, we will slowly build up a line of defense. If we don't risk our lives, are we just waiting to die?"

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