Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1266 A gift

Lu Yu immediately set off back to the interior of Resentment Mountain to explain the situation to the senior officials of the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Just as Chudie and Yudie expected, Lu Yu immediately encountered fierce opposition after he made his suggestion that everyone give up the defense line they continued to build.

"How can this be done?"

"Abandoning the fortress defense line is equivalent to giving up our advantage!"

"I'm not destroying my own prestige and boosting others' ambitions. If our Hunyuan Qi Sect doesn't have a fortress to rely on, why should we engage in a head-on battle with Bixiao Shen Gong on the Boar Sea?"

"Now the Bixiao Palace has only dispatched four branch palaces, and their tribes will continue to appear in the future. If these four branch palaces can be defeated now, how will they face the next offensive? "

"Master Lu, either we are afraid of fighting or death, or you are threatening to detonate Yuandu. I say the same thing... The Resentful Mountain Peninsula is surrounded by the sea on three sides. If there is no fortress defense line, it will be impossible to defend it!"

"Stopping work to attack is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst!"

"Can't we allocate part of the manpower to deal with the four branch palaces, and then the other part of the people continue to build the fortress defense line? This way the progress of the project will be slower, but at least there is still hope..."

Facing the fierce opposition from everyone, Lu Yu couldn't help but reflect secretly in his heart.

Could it be that during this period of time, I have behaved so harmlessly that they have no scruples in opposing me...

He directly moved his gaze to the four Tiangang ancestors. Originally, the four Tiangang ancestors had their own duties and were scattered in various places, but now they have all gathered together.

"What are the opinions of the four ancestors?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

Upon hearing this tone, the four ancestors knew that he had made up his mind.

After looking at each other, Patriarch Youxishi said: "Is it really necessary to do such a step?"

Lu Yu said: "I hope you can understand the fact that under current circumstances, we have no time to complete the defense line."

"As you all said just now, the Bixiao Palace has a total of twenty-seven branch palaces. Only four have been deployed now. The follow-up offensives will continue in an endless stream. If it cannot be completed now, then it will not be completed next. I think Using the method of dividing the troops is just self-comfort.”

"Only by directly deploying superior forces and destroying the opponent's four front-line troops in one fell swoop can we gain the strategic initiative!"

"I also hope that this is my overreaction, but I'm afraid that if not, we won't even have a chance to react!"

"Perhaps you are still thinking that you can withdraw from the Hunyuan Qi Sect, but the situation has completely changed at this time. Once the Resentment Mountain is lost, the long journey from the Boiled Sea to the Shenhuo Xuanzong will be unimpeded, and the Bixiao Shrine can use the Star Chain Plan to advance straight in, and in one fell swoop Block the offensives of Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, and Taishang Immortal Sect..."

"At that time, the main forces of the three major sects will not be able to go north, and the Bixiao Shrine will be invincible in the north. Then they will be able to free their hands. Do you think that the Bixiao Shrine at that time will let the Hunyuan Qi Sect go? horse?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Lu Yu was so discerning that he made it very clear that everyone had only two choices, either to fight, or to sit back and wait for death.

All other attempts at luck are unrealistic...

Ancestor Desheng said: "We can fight to the death with the four branch palaces of Bixiao Shrine in advance on the sea of ​​worms, but after this fight, where will our Hunyuan Qi Sect go?"

Lu Yu said: "At that time, the reinforcements from the three major sects may have arrived. By then, they will guard the sea of ​​worms and cover you to complete the defense line!"

The four ancestors exchanged glances with each other.

Finally, he nodded.

"If that's the case, then prepare to give it a try!"

Immediately, everyone dispersed again.

Soon, rumbling war drums were beating in the Mountain of Resentment, and disciples from all departments began to gather their forces.

Lu Yu and others were not idle either and began to distribute pills to the real people of Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Although he had stopped the fire in advance and ended the refining of two furnaces of elixirs, this only caused some flaws in the final appearance of the elixirs, and the overall result of the elixirs was not greatly affected. At this time, some flaws are extremely unacceptable.

However, Lu Yu would not engage in loss-making business. He could provide freshly baked top-quality elixirs to everyone without hesitation, but he required everyone to exchange various stored rare materials.

After hearing that these pills were the Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan that had shown great success in the battle with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, everyone couldn't help but flock to them and donated all kinds of rare materials without hesitation. In the end, After all, Lu Yu actually made a fortune.

"Is this the famous Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan?"

At the scene where the elixir was being distributed, a voice suddenly came from the control.

Everyone followed the sound and saw two rays of light falling to the ground. One of them was really the ancestor of Qiyuan. As for the other one, that person looked too young, but his cultivation was extremely astonishing. He was actually the strength of a Tiangang warrior. .

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Among all the Tiangang experts, there seems to be only one who has such an image, and his identity is already revealed...

It is Tailing Patriarch of the Dali Sword Sect!

"You, the Hunyuan Qi Sect, are really lucky this time. Even I, the Tiangang Patriarch of the Dali Sword Sect, have not had the chance to enjoy the two elixirs of Turtle Breath and Shenglong, but this time it is an advantage for you!"

Ancestor Tailing shook his head and sighed.

What he said was indeed true.

The timing of his return was after the Battle of the Golden Rooster Islands. At that time, the inventory of Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan had long been exhausted, and the refining materials had been strictly controlled. Lu Yu had no materials at all to start refining the elixir. After that , Lu Yu was busy everywhere and never had the chance to start refining the pill.

Even the Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan that Ye Weilan took not long ago was something that Lu Yu only managed to squeeze out some time to refine in his busy schedule. He didn't have a few pills in total.

"Ancestor Tailing! You are finally here!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but show a look of joy.

Although the two of them had been unhappy before, Tailing Patriarch's ability to arrive at this time would undoubtedly be of great help to the upcoming battle.

Moreover, the arrival of Patriarch Tailing also means other incidental information...

This shows that help from the Supreme Immortal Sect should be arriving soon. In addition, the three Tiangang ancestors from the Daluo Holy Land should also be in place in the Oracle Continent.

"Thanks to Taoist Brother Qiyuan for your help, otherwise I'm afraid it would have been delayed a lot of time!" Patriarch Tailing thanked Patriarch Qiyuan.

Obviously, it was with the help of Ancestor Qiyuan that he passed through the teleportation array of Hunyuan Qi Sect all the way to Resentment Mountain, and then he appeared here so quickly.

"Brother Dao, you are too polite, this is a matter of duty!"

Ancestor Qiyuan waved his hand, and then focused his gaze on the pills in everyone's hands.

"I wonder if we also have a chance to try the effects of these two elixirs?"

Lu Yu said: "The principle of the Turtle Breath Shenglong Erdan is to continuously compress and accumulate the true energy in the body, and then finally explode. The two groups have been able to call Tiangang without relying on the explosion of the true energy of the body. Therefore, these two The improvement of the two of you through the elixir is far less obvious than it is for you real people..."

"The amount of elixirs refined this time is very limited, and it is still in short supply now, so for the time being, you two should give it to all the real people!"

Hearing Lu Yu say this, the two ancestors couldn't help but show disappointment on their faces, but it only passed away briefly.

Ancestor Tailing sighed: "Well, it seems that if you want to experience these two elixirs, you have to wait a little longer... However, although you didn't give me a gift, I brought you one. A gift!”

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand.

Suddenly, a dark stone slab appeared in his hand.

Everyone around was shocked.

Is this... the Litian Sword Code, the sacred weapon of the Dali Sword Sect?

He actually brought him here directly...

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