Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1269 Black Evil Brain Worm

This was an extremely brutal strangulation.

Tens of thousands of disciples spread out on the vast sea, and both sides continued to change their formations, launching fierce attacks against each other.

Although the war between the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has been going on for a long time, and Lu Yu and others have experienced many war scenes, this is the first time they have seen such a bloody battle.

Countless disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect died one after another and were buried in the sea.

Correspondingly, many disciples in the Bohai Palace formation died on the spot, but due to the bloodthirsty effect, not only was their combat effectiveness not affected at all, but they became more courageous as they fought.

Therefore, even though the Hunyuan Qi Sect had a numerical advantage, and even though they had significantly more powerful real people, they still failed to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop. Instead, both sides fell into a state of endless strangulation.

Under such a situation, the addition of Lu Yu and the four others did not cause much excitement.

Even though they had magic weapons at their side, even though their sword skills were extremely powerful, they were still submerged in the tide of formations.

The only good thing is that Lu Yu discovered the Xingyao Divine Armor on his body. In such a situation, it has endless uses. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine weapon.

Any attack that fell on him was automatically bounced back, leaving him without any harm.

But even so, it still doesn't help the overall situation.


Lu Yu once again broke into the enemy's formation, ignoring the opponent's fierce offensive, and suddenly swung his sword.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten Bohai Palace disciples fell, and their blood instantly stained the sea surface red.

It wasn't until a real strong man from Bohai Palace stopped in front of him that he stopped his sword movement.

The real person from Bohai Palace was so angry that he roared wildly and raised his hand. Suddenly a wisp of black energy fell from the sky and hit Lu Yu hard.


The three women quickly exclaimed.

This wisp of black energy was separated from the black energy ring that resisted the Tiangang barrier, and the power of Earthly Evil must be hidden in it.

Although the Xingyao Divine Armor is powerful and can easily counterattack various Taoist attacks, it is still unclear whether it can counterattack the power of Earthly Evil.

However, it was still a step too late.

Lu Yu had relied on the power of the Xingyao Divine Armor to be invincible along the way. He had not left any fallback for himself. At this time, his moves had become old and he no longer had any room for changes.


A wisp of black energy accurately hit Lu Yu's body, slamming him into the deep sea.


Yang Chudie shouted.

Ye Weilan understood immediately, jumped up, and her graceful figure followed the direction in which Lu Yu fell, and plunged into the sea.

And Yang Chudie and Yudie rushed directly to the real person from Bohai Palace, firstly to prevent him from continuing to pursue Lu Yu, and secondly, since he could activate the power of Earthly Evil, it meant that he must have some power in his body. eccentric.

Soon, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan surfaced from the sea hand in hand.

Ye Weilan's eyes were filled with concern. Before she could ask, Lu Yu took the initiative and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine... It seems that the magic weapon used to protect me is too strong, which makes me careless!"

"Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, it's really okay!"

Lu Yu said, wiping the blood on his face.

Although he was a little embarrassed just now, he had a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the protective capabilities of the Xingyao Divine Armor.

"The power of this earth evil is really powerful. If it was a strong man like Yue Xishan, I would probably have lost at least half of my life. But if it was just a little guy, Xingyao Divine Armor can handle it. There’s still nothing wrong, it’s just that I can’t rebound... By the way, where was that little guy just now?”

Ye Weilan was speechless.

The last time she went to Bohai Palace, she had seen the powerful real person who just knocked down Lu Yu. If she remembered correctly, he should be an elder of Bohai Palace... Unexpectedly, the dignified real person from Bohai Palace would be mentioned in Lu Yu's mouth He turned out to be a minion.

However, compared to the powerful strength of the Tiangang warriors, it seems that he can only be regarded as a minion...

Ye Weilan identified the direction, raised her hand and pointed: "Over there!"

Lu Yu immediately turned around and saw that Chudie and Yudie stabbed the opposing Bohai Palace elder one after another and restrained him firmly. Despite the fact that the twin sisters often had bad tempers, But when it came to actually taking action, the cooperation was very tacit.

At this time, the two sisters held the Bohai Palace elder hostage and fought and retreated, and had already escaped from the periphery of the battle.

While retreating, Yudie was still asking questions in a low voice, and continued to torture the Bohai Palace elder, seeing that he was about to die.

"Save him alive first!"

Lu Yu shouted quickly, jumped up, and rode the waves in the direction of the two sisters.

Ye Weilan also walked out of her body and followed closely behind.

"You're finally here!"

Yudie looked at Lu Yu and said, "I'll leave this kind of professional thing to you... I suspect that he put the magic treasure in the Qiankun bag, but he refused to open it himself no matter what."

Lu Yu stopped directly in front of the elder and carefully examined his face.

He also felt that this elder looked familiar. He should have met him last time at Bohai Palace, so he couldn't help but ask: "What do you call your Excellency?"


The elder snorted heavily and looked away.

Lu Yu didn't care at all and continued to stare at him.

The elder couldn't help but feel worried. He felt that Lu Yu's eyes in front of him were extremely sharp, but he had no idea that Lu Yu was observing him with another kind of vision.

After a moment, Lu Yu suddenly raised his head again and looked at the sisters Chudie and Yudie beside him, his eyes darkened: "I'm afraid he really doesn't have any magic weapon..."

Chudie and Yudie couldn't help but be startled: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yu didn't answer, but directly grabbed the elder's shoulder, lifted him up, and then stretched his hand to the back of his head.

When he saw Lu Yu's hand reaching for the back of his head, the elder couldn't help but change his expression. However, under the hostage of the two sisters, he had no room for resistance.

Lu Yu touched the back of his head with his hand for a while, then suddenly used force and tore off a piece of his scalp.

Suddenly blood dripped...

The elder screamed "Ah".

In the blur of flesh and blood, a black beetle suddenly appeared. It twisted its body crazily, trying to hide deeper in the body, but was pinched tightly by Lu Yu.

The three women couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is a live insect hidden in the body of a real elder. I have to say that this scene is really scary.

"What is this?" Yudie asked.

Lu Yu picked it up with two fingers and held it firmly in his hand.

The beetle was still struggling wildly. Lu Yu's hands were soon dyed black, as if they were poisoned. Even if Lu Yu had an endless stream of red lotus power in his body to dissolve it, it was of no use at all. The blackened part Gradually spread.

In the end, Lu Yu had no choice but to insert his other hand into the sea water and use the lotus hydrotherapy method. Only then could he resist the continuous invasion of black energy, and his fingers slowly recovered.

On the other hand, the elder of Bohai Palace on the ground seemed to be separated from his whole body and completely sluggish.

This scene couldn't help but make the three women on the side look blank.

They clearly knew how mysterious Lu Yu's lotus hydrotherapy method was. The fact that this beetle could push Lu Yu to such a point showed how powerful it was.

Finally, the black beetle no longer had any room to resist.

Lu Yu brought it close to his eyes and was about to take a closer look.

But at this moment, the beetle suddenly exploded in his hand, turning into wisps of black energy and returning to the formation of Bohai Palace.

Suddenly, the formation of Bohai Palace erupted with an astonishing momentum. The disciples of Bohai Palace in the formation roared crazily as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. They looked even more fierce than before.

At this time, there was no need to explain too much. Several people immediately understood that the key to the Bohai Palace elders' control of the power of the Earthly Evil was this beetle growing in the scalp on the back of the head...

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