Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1270 Exquisite Cooperation


Yudie moved her hand and immediately picked up the body of a Bohai Palace disciple from the sea.

She also followed Lu Yu's example and tore the scalp off the back of the disciple's head.

Suddenly, the body of a black beetle was revealed, but it had been dead for a long time, and the beetle's abdomen was full of ulcers.

Thinking of the scene where the beetle exploded in Lu Yu's hand just now, it is not difficult to imagine how this festering body was caused.

Obviously, this shows that when these beetles encounter fatal threats, they will self-destruct, allowing the power in the insect body to flow back into the bodies of other similar species.

This also means that there should be black beetles hidden in the bodies of these disciples of Bohai Palace...

This was soon confirmed.

Jade Die still removed the body, and picked up several more bodies to check, and found that they were all in the same condition.

Suddenly, several people couldn't help but feel a shudder.

"Where did these bugs come from?" Yang Chudie frowned and asked, "Are they the so-called big shot?"

Lu Yu said: "I think it's probably like this..."

Yudie said: "Then this is really troublesome... These people should all be parasitized by insects. Even if they are killed, it will be useless. It will only transfer their power to their companions. The more they are killed, the more likely they will be." The remaining people became more powerful, and in the end they created opponents that we were helpless..."

In a sense, the existence of this kind of black beetle is very similar to raising Gu, but the cultivation of Gu King is still a matter of survival of the fittest, and this kind of black beetle is even more extreme, it is a direct transfer of power, not only in the middle There is no loss at all, but it becomes more and more powerful with the stimulation of blood.

"Do you have any solutions?" Yu Die glanced at Lu Yu and asked.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the battlefield.

At this time, the offensive on the frontal battlefield was still in full swing. The two formations of Bohai Palace were still fighting on their own, resulting in countless casualties. However, they became more and more frustrated, and the black aura surrounding their formations became obviously larger. lock up.

The Hunyuan Qi Sect side was also furious. They were also fearless and fearless, and launched a head-on attack on Bohai Palace without any tricks. Both sides fought back and forth, showing extremely bravery.

Compared with the Hunyuan Qi Sect that Lu Yu knew before, he was completely different.

Except for a few real people whose Taoist realm is transcendent and unaffected, most of the disciples have fallen into fanaticism. After all, for most disciples, their Taoist realm has not reached the level where they can not be affected by the formation. situation.

In the current situation, even if you want to retreat, it is impossible.

What made Lu Yu even more uneasy was another point...

Why did the battle at Bohai Palace drive Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples into a frenzy?

According to normal thinking, shouldn't the opponent be made to feel fear?

It is best for the disciples of the Hunyuan Qi Sect to flee in all directions and be defeated. This is in their best interest...

Is this a side effect of the black beetles? And they can't be eliminated at all?

Or do they have other deeper intentions?

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at the front of one of the waves in the Bohai Palace Formation, his eyes focused: "For species that live in groups, there will usually be a king... For the current plan, the only way to capture the thief is to capture the prince first. Look at these Who is the king of insects?"

Ye Weilan couldn't help being shocked: "Are you going to kill Palace Master Li?"

Lu Yu said: "Pick the easy one first! If that doesn't work, Li Haitang will have no choice but to die... Come on! Let me cover you this time, and I will make sure nothing goes wrong like before!"

With that said, he put the black tail of the dragon fish on his back and got ready to take action.

The three women glanced at each other.

Ye Weilan silently blended into Lu Yu's shadow, while Chudie and Yudie stepped into the Spring Conch. Immediately, the Spring Conch quickly shrank and was held by Lu Yu in his hand.

In this way, relying on the powerful protective capabilities of the Xingyao Divine Armor, they can directly rush into the most dangerous parts of the enemy's formation.


Lu Yu shouted softly and walked on the waves. A long line of water was stirred up behind him and rushed towards the formation of Bohai Palace.

At this time, there were two formations in the Bohai Palace. One of them was led by Li Haitang personally and stood at the head of the formation. As for the other one, it was also an old acquaintance of Lu Yu and others. It was the elder named Hua who was in front of the Bohai Palace. .

Elder Hua had previously fought for power with Li Haitang, fighting openly and secretly. It was precisely because of the power struggle between the two that Ling Yufei became a victim and was eventually expelled from the Bohai Palace.

At this time, he was able to lead a unit alone, and he was obviously completely convinced by Li Haitang's command.

And the target chosen by Lu Yu was none other than Elder Hua.

It wasn't that Lu Yu was playing lightly, but that the formation led by Elder Hua happened to be closer to them, so it naturally became the first choice target.

Lu Yu's eyes were locked directly on Elder Hua, and there was nothing else in his eyes.

The surrounding offensive was like an overwhelming one, blasting towards him.

But as the Xingyao Divine Armor continued to shine with dazzling light, the attacks one after another rebounded back.

This scene looked like Lu Yu's body was covered with gunpowder, and wherever he walked, there were traces of indiscriminate bombing.

Facing such a brave sprint, the formation in front couldn't help but be stunned.

Elder Hua also fixed his gaze on Lu Yu's location.

At this time, his pupils were completely dark.

He raised his hand, and the black aura around the formation suddenly shook, and a ray of energy immediately shot towards Lu Yu.

Although it was only a wisp, this ray was undoubtedly much more powerful than what the elder had called before. By the time it was about to reach Lu Yu, it had become as powerful as a giant dragon.

Flying flowers flashed across Lu Yu's body.

Driven by the extremely fast speed of Dragon Fish Black Tail, he completed more than ten changes of direction in just one breath.

However, even so, he still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of that wisp of black energy.

In the end, Lu Yu had to accept his fate. Just before his body was completely swallowed up by the black energy, a layer of pale golden light suddenly erupted from his body.

"It's up to you!"

Lu Yu roared.

Then, he was slammed into the sea again.

That layer of pale golden light only stayed on his body for a moment.

But this moment of opportunity is enough.

In the void, Ye Weilan's enchanting body shuttled out. She held the cold dagger in one hand and the Spring Conch in the other. Her body gradually turned into a shadow of a fire phoenix, whizzing towards Elder Hua.


From the looks of it, Elder Hua is already in front of him, but in fact Elder Hua is in the formation and still occupies the position at the head of the formation. There is a whole formation between Ye Weilan and him. What she initiated The offensive is actually an attack on the entire formation.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Elder Hua snorted coldly, facing the roaring fire phoenix shadow, neither dodging nor avoiding.

Sure enough, just as he expected, Ye Weilan's attack looked extremely fierce, but in the end it stopped abruptly in front of him, less than a foot away.

He waved his hand lightly, and an astonishing momentum suddenly erupted from the battle formation behind him, instantly sending Ye Weilan flying away.

But just as the demon spirit woman was being beaten away, he was surprised to find that the other party seemed to be smiling again...

Then, there was a "clang" sound coming from under my feet.

Elder Hua lowered his head.

Only then did he realize that at some point, a green conch shell appeared at his feet.

The next moment, the conch shell suddenly expanded and became larger.

A white hand came out from inside and suddenly pulled him into the void.

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