Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1301 The phantom of heaven and earth

Patriarch Zhaoyun cupped his hands and said, "I am Zhaoyun, the 385th generation of ancestors was already in office when I started."

"In Xiahuitang, I was the 391st generation head when I entered..."

"I'm Gon Long, the 388th generation leader will enter the house when he is in power..."

Ancestor Huitang and Ancestor Gunlong also said.

"It turns out that they are already disciples hundreds of generations later. No wonder they have declined to such an extent..."

The old man Tianjian sighed slightly, with a reminiscence look in his eyes, as if he was trying to remember something.

After a moment, he said: "Come forward!"

The three Tiangang ancestors looked at each other in confusion for a while, and finally walked slowly and doubtfully to the front of the old man Tianjian.

Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious, not knowing what this senior was going to do.

The old man Tianjian waved his hand gently, and a stream of light suddenly swept in front of the three people. It had a vicissitudes and mysterious charm, which seemed to be all-encompassing and eternal.

Lu Yu only felt that this stream of light was full of infinite true meaning and was endlessly memorable. But before he could see the reason, the three Tiangang ancestors suddenly shook their whole bodies, as if they had been enlightened, and a burst of energy burst out from all over their bodies. A powerful momentum.

The air waves kept rolling, and the three of them actually improved a little at the same time.

"Is this...the light of the ancestor?"

The three of them screamed in unison.

The old man of Tianjian said: "Back then, Luo Biting stole light from the sky and identified the stars in the sky, which was a great event in the world. Over the past thousands of years, I have forgotten many things, but fortunately, the scene I witnessed at that time is still there. Not completely forgotten..."

"It is an opportunity to meet you here today. I will show you part of the scene from that time. I hope it will be helpful to your practice!"

The three of them bowed deeply to the old man Tianjian and said in unison: "Thank you, senior, for teaching me the Dharma!"

The look on their faces was not just respect, but reverence.

The Ming Kong Light Stealing was a landmark event for the founding father of the Daluo Holy Land. It is said that all the inheritances of the Daluo Holy Land were created on this basis. Unfortunately, with the changes of time and personnel changes, many inheritances have been destroyed. Gradually decline, and some even disappear in the long river of time.

Now, Old Man Tianjian can replay the scene of that year in front of the three of them. Even though it is only a fragment, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the three of them in their cultivation.

This not only made the three people's cultivation level directly improve a small amount, but also solidified the foundation of their cultivation and preserved the possibility for them to take a further step on the road to heaven.

At this point, the three Tiangang ancestors no longer have any doubts about the identity of the old man Tianjian.

If it were not for the powerful figures from outside the Nine Heavens, ordinary people would not be able to retell the story even if they have seen the grand scene of Ming Kong stealing light, let alone survive from the time when the founder of the sect was alive to this day.

Old Man Tianjian waved his hand lightly and said, "No need to thank me. If you hadn't chosen to help Lu Yu, you wouldn't have met me here. You deserve this..."

The three of them couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu who was standing aside, and couldn't help but feel horrified.

They always thought that Lu Yu's biggest supporter was Patriarch Yunxiao, but they didn't expect that such a powerful figure would also stand behind him.

Speaking of which, when he was in Da Luo Holy Land, Lu Yu said that he would join forces with Fairy Yao Ji to build Da Luo Holy Land into a transcendent sect. It was not just a momentary rhetoric...

For a time, the three people's hearts were complicated, but their trust in Lu Yu became deeper.

"Okay, Jiu Xuan is dead, and the matter here is over."

"But there are still some finishing matters that need help on the Boar Sea. The three of you can escape quickly enough, so please rush over to help immediately! Lu Yu and I still have some other things to solve, and we will rush back later. past."

The old man Tianjian said again, and arranged the three people together logically.

"Yes! I'll leave for the Boar Sea soon!"

After saying that, the three of them bowed deeply again, then spread out their light and flew towards the sea of ​​worms.

Until the three Tiangang Patriarchs' escaping lights disappeared at the end of the sky, Lu Yu and others were still stunned and had not yet recovered.

"Senior, you are really secretive..."

Lu Yu said with deep emotion.

Although he had known that the other party was of extraordinary origin, he did not expect that he was so powerful. He could make the three Tiangang ancestors realize the great truth with just a raise of their hands.

"But you exposed your true identity like this, is there really no problem?"

Lu Yu said again with some worry.

It's not that he doesn't trust the three Tiangang ancestors, but the strength of the three Tiangang ancestors has suddenly increased to a higher level, which will inevitably arouse the other party's speculation, which will most likely make the Bixiao Shrine aware of his existence. Especially the Earth Seal God, he is also a tyrannical figure with hundreds of thousands of years of memories.

"It doesn't matter!" Old Man Tianjian waved his hand, "For tens of thousands of years, you are the one who is most likely to succeed among all the candidates I have cultivated. Now that things have happened, I should also stand in front of the stage to help you. Share some of the pressure!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Judging from the meaning behind his words, he actually wanted to make a desperate move.

"Are these the friends you said are the ones who will complete the recasting of the Feihong Sword?"

The old man Tianjian glanced at the three women again, then glanced back and forth at Chudie and Yudie, and finally focused on Yudie.

"I've met senior!"

The three women suppressed their excited emotions and said.

Regarding Old Man Tianjian, Lu Yu had already mentioned it to them, but seeing him with their own eyes, they couldn't help but be deeply shocked, especially after they had just seen him impress the three Tiangang Patriarchs.

The old man of Tianjian nodded and said straight to the point without any nonsense: "Since you are determined to recast the Feihong Sword, I can provide you with some help. However, frankly speaking, I am not good at forging skills. The only The only thing that can help you may be the remaining memories in your mind!"

After speaking, he waved his hand again.

This time, a brilliance rose into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the world was transformed into a phantom.

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