Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1302 Not necessarily

Countless rays of rays of light permeate the sea surface, and stars seem to flicker and fade between the rays of light. It looks magnificent.

However, it is not just a simple beauty, there seems to be some kind of profound mystery hidden in it, giving everyone an indescribable feeling of shock.

"This is……"

Lu Yu murmured in a low voice, his voice sounding like he was talking in his sleep.

In addition to being shocked, the scene in front of him also made him feel familiar, but he couldn't remember where this familiarity came from.

"This is the internal structure array of the Feihong Sword."

Old Man Tianjian put it bluntly.

"I have forgotten most of the memories about this sword. Only some fragments still remain in the depths of my soul. Most of these fragments have been fragmented. This is the more complete one and the core one... "

"As long as a section of it can be reproduced, even just a part of it, it should be enough to make this sword shine again. At least it will not be unable to carry the starlight gathered by the nine mysteries..."

"However, as for the other parts of the array, I have no way to find out. How to realize it and how to connect the past and the next, you can only rely on yourselves."

After speaking, he stood aside quietly.

Lu Yu and others were still immersed in the scene in front of them and forgot to respond for a moment.

After a while, Yudie suddenly rushed in front of Lu Yu, grabbed him by the collar, and said in a frantic manner: "Quick! Take out all the Shen Si Seal Papers on your body!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

All this time, this sister-in-law gave him the feeling of being either strong and domineering, or smart and cunning, or unruly and willful. He had never seen such an expression appear on her face.

At this moment, she was like a fanatical cultist...

Lu Yu took out the Shensi Seal Paper in a daze. Due to the deduction of the alchemy formation some time ago, he had stored a lot of blank Shensi Seal Paper in his body, but he took out all of them this time.

Jade Die grabbed it, then divided it into a bunch, threw it to Chudie, and said, "Hurry and write it down! Remember as much as you can!"

Yang Chudie took it casually. Although the look in her eyes was not as enthusiastic as Yudie's, it was not much different.

The two sisters began to make rubbings on Shensi Seal paper. They obviously wanted to record the scene in front of them so that they could study it slowly when they went back.

For the old man Tianjian, this is just a remaining fragment of memory, but for the two sisters, this is a supreme magical method, which is equivalent to gaining a glimpse of the secrets of forging skills. Even if it is not for recasting the Feihong Sword, These core arrays originating from the interior of the heavenly artifact also have great research value.

Soon, the two sisters were rubbing out the sheets of Shensi Seal paper one by one, extremely fast, which revealed their great talent and proficiency in blacksmithing skills.

But in comparison, Yudie is still faster.

Old Man Tianjian quietly watched the actions of the two sisters, and nodded slightly, with approval in his eyes.

Originally, Lu Yu also wanted to help, but it was like a mountain apart. Although he had a strong mind and consciousness, he was not deeply involved in blacksmithing skills, and his level was far inferior to his attainments in alchemy.

This is like looking at a masterpiece by a famous artist. Professionals can see many mysteries from the details, but for laymen, they can only see the excitement.

He spent a long time holding the Shensi Seal Paper, but he could only print out two lines of content. In the end, Yudie gave him a fierce look, not only snatched the Shensi Seal Paper away, but said that it was a complete waste...

Seeing this emotion, Lu Yu had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, with their speed, it will only take three or two days to record it all. I have preserved this scene for enough time, and I will no longer delay here!"

The old man Tianjian said suddenly.

Lu Yu was suddenly startled: "Senior, are you leaving?"

The old man of Tianjian said: "With the death of Jiuxuan, the Bixiao Palace will definitely take action next. Since they have seven earth ancestors hidden under Jiuyou, then the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords can just monitor them at this time. Every move!"

"You want to return to the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords?" Lu Yu said in surprise: "But this place is tens of thousands of miles away from the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, and you are not good at escaping..."

The old man of Tianjian smiled faintly: "Although I am not good at escaping, there are other ways to return to the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords. Just like coming here, I did not rely on the method of escaping. For me, , returning to the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords is only a matter of seconds."

Lu Yu was startled, and then he realized that he should have used a method of teleportation, just like a strong man who traveled far away in Tianyu left a signpost in the sect, so that he could return at any time, and the old man of Tianjian would His "beacon" was placed in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords.

From this, we can continue to infer that the ancestor of Tianjian is not just one "beacon". I remember that he once told me that as long as he arrived at the Candlelight Town, the first underground station, he would show up to meet him. It can be seen from this that He should at least have a teleportation point in Candlelight Town.

When he thought of this, Lu Yu suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "If everything goes well and the war on the sea is over, I will start to improve my strength. The first thing I have to do is to return to Jade Butterfly Peak and reforge Feihong." Jian, I wonder if I can ask senior to come to the scene to check it?"

"Jade Butterfly Peak..." Old Man Tianjian pondered.

Lu Yu added: "Senior suddenly appeared here this time because I activated the secrets of the nine stars and mobilized the power of the stars. This allowed senior to seize the opportunity and be attracted by the starlight. If I were to be in Jade someday, Today's situation is also replicated on Die Peak. I wonder if the senior can appear again? "

The old man of Tianjian said: "As long as the power of the stars you activate is strong enough, it is certainly possible. However, there is no such ancient array of fallen ruins on the Jade Butterfly Peak, right?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true... Jade Butterfly Peak does not have a ruins formation, but it does have a star-gathering bead. Its effect of gathering starlight should be far superior to that of the ruins formation..."

"Star Gathering Pearl?"

The old man Tianjian suddenly couldn't help but his eyebrows jumped.

"It seems that the richness of your experiences during this period is far beyond my expectations... If this is the case, then there is no problem. From now on, I will always pay attention to the changes in the starlight in the Dali Sword Sect area!"

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