Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1303 Big Trouble

"Okay!" Lu Yu said happily: "Then I will be waiting for you on Jade Butterfly Peak!"

The significance of this matter is not just as simple as asking Old Man Tianjian to go to Jade Butterfly Peak to check and inspect the recast Feihong Sword. It also means that in the future, as long as he brings the Star Gathering Bead with him, he can summon a person at any time. Reinforcement arrives.

The most that can be done is to make an agreement with Old Man Tianjian in advance to pay attention to the changes in starlight in a certain area.

Old Man Tianjian smiled and nodded: "I'm also looking forward to meeting you next time."

After saying that, his figure gradually disappeared into nothingness, and after one breath, there was no trace at all.

It looks so miraculous and completely invisible.

However, Lu Yu was still staring at the place where his figure disappeared for a long time, his eyes were extremely bright, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time.

"Yu Lang, what are we going to do now?"

It wasn't until Ye Weilan couldn't help but ask questions that Lu Yu came back to his senses.

He turned his head and looked at the two sisters who were still rubbing the Shen Si Seal paper with intoxicated expressions on their faces.

Thinking that they would have to stay here for at least another two or three days, they said: "Let's go back to the Sea of ​​Dragonfly to have a look first!"

"Yeah!" Ye Weilan said obediently.

So, the two arranged their surroundings and cast several defensive barriers.

With these barriers, coupled with the warnings of Hong Luan and Die flying together, the surrounding area can be described as impregnable.

After all, there are only a few big shots who can threaten the two sisters in today's world, and the eyes of those big shots should be focused on the sea of ​​worms at this time, and they will not notice such a rural nook. The place.

After doing all this, the two launched a new shuttle boat and sped towards the sea of ​​worms.

Bixiao Shrine, Liangfeng Port.

As the battle broke out on the Boar Sea, many powerful men from the Bixiao Palace had gathered here.

Initially, their mission was to stop Lu Yu and others along the south bank.

In order to complete this task, the seven major ports have invested a total of eighteen sub-palace troop arrays.

But what they didn't expect was that even so, they still couldn't stop Lu Yu and the others, who were only four people.

In this confrontation, everyone fully realized the power of the black tail of the dragon fish. Only then did they realize that this was actually a legendary treasure passed down from the dragon god, and it was indeed well-deserved.

After the interception failed, they had no choice but to jump to the bow of the ship and attack towards the Boer Sea, where the battle was most intense and stalemate.

But this is obviously not a battle that they can easily interfere with.

Without the suppression and interference of the Jiuxuan Ancestors, the six Tiangang Ancestors and the three Tiangang Ancestors from the Bixiao Shrine who guarded Xuanji Star City were almost fighting to pieces.

Although the troops formed in each branch palace have a certain attack power, they are too cumbersome to coordinate. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to pose a threat to the agile and ethereal Tiangang Patriarch. It's just impossible. They're lucky if they can ensure that they don't accidentally hurt each other.

Therefore, the formation troops in each branch palace could only retreat to the coast and form a formation to prevent the strong offensive waves from damaging the port facilities.

In the original plan, Xuanji Star City was supposed to hold back the Tiangang experts from the major sects, and then the Jiuxuan Patriarch quickly defeated Lu Yu in one fell swoop and then quickly came back for reinforcements. With the advantage, he could kill the Tiangang experts from all the major sects in one fell swoop.

In that case, the major sects will never have a chance to turn around.

However, this plan seemed to have gone awry. After Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor chased Lu Yu and others, he never came back. More than ten hours passed, and still no news came back.

So in the end, Master Caitong had to use the Little Kunlun Realm to track the traces of the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor and see what was the reason why a powerful Earth Ancestor did not come back.

If an accident really happens, the teleportation effect of the Little Kunlun Mirror can also be used to rescue in time... Of course, everyone in the Bixiao Palace believes that the probability of such a thing happening may be only one in a billion.

At this time, the eyes of many powerful men in Liangfeng Port had already focused on Master Caitong.

It is not an easy task to track down an Earth Ancestor. The more powerful the tracking target is, the greater the amount of real energy consumed. Therefore, Master Caitong had to use the secret method of conjoined martial arts to pass among several elders. The small Kunlun mirror can be driven with the help of

Finally, Master Caitong locked the location of Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor.

I saw that it was an unfamiliar sea area, and a black swarm of insects filled the sky.

But before he could see the specific situation clearly, suddenly, he felt as if a bright light flashed before his eyes.

Then, as if his whole body was struck by lightning, he opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of blood.

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

"Dang" for a moment.

The small Kunlun mirror fell to the ground, and it was seen that it had become gray. Not only did it not show any pictures, even the brilliance had become dim.

"Master, are you okay?"

"What's happening here?"

"what happened?"

"You clearly didn't see Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor just now, why did you suddenly disappear again?"

Everyone was shocked.

The scene was busy for a while, before Master Caitong finally came to his senses and panted weakly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on his face, waiting for him to tell the specific reason.

However, before he could speak.

Suddenly, the great formation of Jue Sha in the distant sky collapsed.

Everyone's body trembled slightly, and their faces turned ashen in an instant.

Now, Master Caitong no longer needs to say anything, they all know...

Big trouble is coming to Bixiao Shrine!

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