Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1304 There is only one problem

The foundation for the Jue Sha Earth Surge Formation is the original mana of the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor.

It is equivalent to him having planted four extremely powerful and developed root systems in the Boreal Sea. No matter where he is, he can continuously absorb the power of the earth through these four root systems, allowing him to be in a state similar to the seventeenth level. In an environment very similar to purgatory.

Otherwise, he can only launch a long-range offensive, just like Wanli Liuxia who raided the resentment mountain transmission channel before. Although the destructive power is equally powerful, it is far less convenient than visiting the front line in person.

Moreover, Wanli Liuxia's offensive also has a huge drawback, that is, it requires a long brewing time. After a launch, it often takes several days before it can be officially launched.

In short, the Juesha Earth Surge Formation has greatly enhanced the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor's combat power, and at the same time, these are four great formations that are connected to his destiny.

Now, these four buildings suddenly collapsed at the same time.

This obviously cannot be caused by some kind of damage. It can only mean that the Jiuxuan Ancestor himself has encountered an accident.

This is really incredible...

Everyone in the Bixiao Palace could not imagine how the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor, who had the support of four Juesha Earth Surge Formations and could mobilize endless Earth Evil power with just a few movements, could suddenly encounter something unexpected?

Affected by this, the three Tiangang powerhouses in the Bixiao Palace on Xuanji Star City had no intention of fighting anymore.

Originally, their biggest reliance was the four Juesha Earth Surge Formations that shielded Tiangang. Although they were also unable to use the power of Tiangang, they had Xuanji Star City as their support.

In this huge sky city, there is also a powerful force that can be called upon. Although it is not as powerful as the real Tiangang, under the cover of the Juesha Ground Surge Formation, the advantage is very obvious.

Now, with the collapse of the Jue Sha Ground Formation, it can be said that they have lost all their advantages.

At the same time, the monitoring array on Xuanji Star City also sent out a rapid alarm, showing that three strong men from the Tiangang Realm were quickly approaching here. It was obviously impossible for them to be from the Bixiao Palace. Reinforcements can only be helpers for the other party.

Under this situation, the three Tiangang ancestors who were stationed in Xuanji Star City also knew that the situation was over, so they fought and retreated, gradually breaking away from the battle circle and moving closer to the coastline of the seven major ports.

As for the powerful Tiangang warriors from various major sects, since they had been unable to use Tiangang before, they relied entirely on their own mana and true energy to fight hard. At this time, they had already reached the end of their crossbows. Seeing that the other party wanted to retreat, they did not dare to be too eager to fight. , the two sides gave up on each other.

Not long after, the sky became thick with clouds again, thunder rolled and flashed, and three dazzling lights flashed across the sky. Three Tiangang powerhouses from the Daluo Holy Land also arrived at the scene.

Since then, the other party has gathered nine Tiangang experts in the sky above the sea of ​​worms.

However, fortunately, they did not continue the offensive. After seeing the Xuanji Star gradually retreating to the coastline, they also retreated to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula, with the two sides facing each other across the sea.

"See the three ancestors Dongjie, Dongzhen, and Xuanlu!"

At Liangfeng Port, the three Tiangang warriors guarding the Xuanji Star slowly landed. On the pier, the real elders from various palaces were already kneeling in circles.

The three ancestors looked solemn and without saying a word, they strode directly in front of Master Caitong.

"Caitong, what on earth is going on?"

Master Caitong's face was as pale as paper. He weakly met the sharp gazes of the three people and said slowly: "The Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor, I think he has died..."

"Of course we know this!" Ancestor Xuanlu snorted coldly: "The question is, how did all this happen?"

"Jiu Xuan is the majestic ancestor of the earth, and his magical power has already reached the heavens. Who did he die at the hands of?"

Master Caitong replied helplessly: "This... I don't know yet."

"you do not know?"

Ancestor Xuanlu's voice suddenly rose an octave higher: "As the leader of a sect, you are in charge of the overall situation, and you are also in charge of sacred objects such as the Little Kunlun Mirror. You don't know?"

Master Caitong smiled bitterly: "The little Kunlun Mirror... is actually not a omnipotent thing!"

As he said that, he took out the small Kunlun mirror and saw that it was already dim and the cracks in the mirror were clearly visible.

Everyone around him couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Many of the powerful people present came in a hurry from several other surrounding ports after seeing Xuanji Star City descending over Liangfeng Port. Therefore, they did not know that the Little Kunlun Mirror had been damaged.

In their minds, the Little Kunlun Mirror is the supreme divine object of the Bixiao Palace, even compared with the Litian Sword Code. They really can't imagine that such a treasure would be destroyed inexplicably. For a while, I couldn't help but feel a little hard to accept.

The three Tiangang ancestors, Dongjie, Dongzhen, and Xuanlu, could not help but be stunned.

However, unlike everyone else's reaction, Ancestor Xuanlu became furious.

In his opinion, Master Caitong had been sitting in the rear with the Little Kunlun Mirror and had not participated in the frontline battle. In such a situation, it was destroyed inexplicably. No matter what the reason was, Master Caitong could not absolve himself of the blame.

The battle with the six powerful Tiangang men had already made him angry. Now that he saw such a big flaw in the rear, he suddenly became furious, snorted heavily, and was about to explode.

But at this moment, Patriarch Dongjie stopped him.

"Brother Xuanlu, please be patient. In any case, Caitong is now the leader of our Bixiao Palace, but he is no longer the disciple under your Qihua Palace. At least I still have to maintain the minimum respect for you. of……"

After a pause, he looked at Master Caitong again: "Master Master, please don't pay attention to Brother Xuanlu's attitude. He is also confused by caring, so he overreacted..."

Master Caitong quickly bowed slightly and said "How dare you".

Patriarch Dongjie took the Little Kunlun Mirror from Master Caitong's hand, observed it carefully for a moment, and said: "The Little Kunlun Mirror is the number one artifact of our sect. It cannot be easily damaged. There must be something before this." Foreshadowed.”

"We don't need to pursue the specific details here..."

His gaze was like a torch, and he looked directly at Master Caitong: "Master Master, I have only one question. Did you feel Li Hexiao's aura before this?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help being slightly shocked, and their eyes focused on the face of Master Caitong.

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