Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1305 A worthy death

Somehow, Master Caitong felt an invisible pressure.

He carefully recalled what happened before, and finally slowly shook his head: "Never."

Ancestor Dongjie's eyes clearly relaxed.

The people around him couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It has to be said that since the battle between Patriarch Yunxiao and Patriarch Shanwen on the corner of the sea, Patriarch Yunxiao has become the most feared figure in the world. Now it is heard that it was not him, which at least shows that he did not do anything. The ability to destroy the small Kunlun Mirror.

However, a bigger question followed immediately. If it was not the ancestor of Yunxiao, then who did it?

Among the powerful men of the hostile line, only Ancestor Yunxiao's cultivation level was significantly higher. If it wasn't him, who else could it be?

Could it be that in addition to Patriarch Yunxiao, there is another person in the opposing camp whose strength is not inferior to Patriarch Yunxiao?

This sudden question made everyone feel even heavier.

At this time, Patriarch Dong Zhen, who had been silent until now, said: "Originally, we received the order from the Lord God to drive Xuanji Star City to cooperate with the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor to resolve the crisis on the sea..."

"Now that the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor has died inexplicably, the crisis on the Boar Sea has not been completely resolved, and there are still unknown powerful people who destroyed the small Kunlun Mirror..."

"None of these things are beyond our capabilities... For now, we can only ask the Lord God for instructions on what to do next!"

As he said that, the eyes of the three Tiangang ancestors once again focused on the face of Master Caitong.

Within the entire Bixiao Shrine, except for the ancestors of the earth evil spirits like Xiang Jiuxuan, only Caitong Zhenren, who is the leader, has the authority to actively contact the gods, and they are the few Tiangang who guard Xuanji Star City. Ancestor, there is no way to take the initiative to contact the deity.

Although they were far away in the ninth heaven, they received an order from the Earth Seal God asking them to come and assist Jiu Xuan. However, this instruction was one-way, and they could not cross the barrier of Jiu Nether to contact the Earth Seal God.

Master Caitong sighed softly: "If I could still contact the Lord God, I would have returned to Weiyang Palace as soon as possible... In my current state, I need to rest for at least a month before I can start again. The Earth Center Formation in Weiyang Palace."

When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly sank.

The Earth Center Formation cannot be activated, and the Small Kunlun Mirror has lost its effect. Under such circumstances, how can we deliver these shocking news to the Lord God?


Master Caitong continued: "Although I can't contact Lord Shenzun for the time being, according to the previous agreement, Lord Shenzun will show up to meet me tomorrow night, and I will report to him the results of the battle in the past few days and the Jiuxuan Land Ancestor’s movements... Therefore, we can pass this news to the Lord God by tomorrow night at the latest!”

"It's just that for more than a day, we can only wait!"

The three Tiangang ancestors looked at each other.

Finally, Patriarch Dongzhen said: "That's all we have to do... Fortunately, in the battle just now, the six Tiangang experts on the other side obviously suffered more losses. In this day, I'm afraid they don't dare to come and challenge our Xuanji Star City again. !”

Next, the entire Bixiao Shrine spent the longest day.

At nightfall the next day, Master Caitong made preparations early in the Weiyang Palace, waiting for the summons from the Earth Seal God.

The three Tiangang ancestors did not appear with him in Weiyang Palace. Firstly, they did not have such qualifications, and secondly, they also needed to guard the front line.

When Xuhai meets, a cloud of incense burns out.

The entire Weiyang Palace seemed to shake silently, and then rays of light circulated, and a mysterious formation slowly opened.

At this moment, Master Caitong knew that the Lord God was already calling him, so he got up and walked to the underground of Weiyang Palace, slowly descending along a deep and narrow stage passage.

After a while, he came to a small secret room. There was a candle burning in the secret room. There was a strong and vague figure waiting for him in front of the candle.

Even though the two parties have been dealing with each other for hundreds of years, Master Caitong has never seen his face clearly.

"Disciple Yin Juntong, see the Lord God."

Master Caitong quickly saluted respectfully.

"Xiao Yin, you're here!"

The Earth Seal God calmly waved his hand and motioned for Master Caitong to sit down.

Master Caitong couldn't help but be startled.

In the process of dealing with each other for hundreds of years, the attitude of this Lord God has always been cold and serious, rarely showing emotions, but this time, he clearly heard the relaxed and cheerful emotions in the other party's tone. , which has never happened before.

But no matter what, once his next words are spoken, the other person's good mood will be completely ruined...

After realizing this, Master Caitong didn't know how to speak.

However, the powerful figure opposite seemed to see through his heart and said calmly: "Why are you hesitant today? This is not like your usual style... What? Is it so difficult to talk about Jiu Xuan's death? ?”


Master Caitong subconsciously denied it, and then he was stunned.

"Lord, you already know?"

The Earth Seal God said leisurely: "In this palace of mine, every Earth Ancestor will leave behind a lamp of longevity with his or her soul and essence. But in the early hours of yesterday, the lamp belonging to Jiuxuan suddenly It went out..."

Master Caitong was completely confused.

This is obviously a major event that shakes the foundation of the entire Bixiao Shrine, but the other party's tone is surprisingly calm. He really doesn't know if he is deliberately forbearing, or it is a precursor to the coming storm...

"You don't have to be too nervous. Although Jiu Xuan died, before he died, he sent back an extremely crucial message... Jiuxing Qianmo's appearance. This is indeed an extremely good news. In this way, he also It’s a well-deserved death!”

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