Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1308 Return

It was already two days later when Lu Yu and Ye Weilan returned to the Boar Sea.

The reason why it took half a day longer than before was because they spent more time resting and recuperating on the road to regain their strength.

The fighting on the Boiler Sea had ceased, and the two of them went directly to the Resentment Mountain Peninsula without too much delay.

Before their shuttle boat could reach land, Ancestor Zhaoyun, who was on alert in the air, spotted the two of them and took the initiative to greet them.

"Sir, you are here." Ancestor Zhaoyun said respectfully.

It can be seen that his attitude has changed significantly compared to before.

It was obvious that after some advice from the old man Tianjian, he was completely convinced of Lu Yu and no longer had any doubts.

Lu Yu was not polite to him and asked directly: "How is the situation?"

"Very pessimistic..."

Patriarch Zhaoyun replied: "Several fellow Taoists from the Taishang Immortal Sect and Hunyuan Qi Sect were seriously injured. Among them, Taoist Brother Shuangqiao was already hanging by a thread. Two Taoist brothers, Huitang and Gunlong, were attacking him. Treatment is being carried out, but the situation is still not optimistic..."

"Brother Tailing was not injured at all, but he has exhausted his vitality, and the Litian Sword Code's divine power has also been exhausted. Therefore, when we arrived yesterday, we were unable to pursue Xuanji Star City at all and could only watch helplessly. I watched them retreat into the defense line of Bixiao Palace."

Lu Yu said: "What about the situation on the other side?"

Ancestor Zhaoyun said: "The people who are in charge of Xuanji Star City this time are Dongjie, Dongzhen, and Xuanlu. They all only suffered minor injuries, but Xuanji Star City was hit by a Taoist brother from Taishang Xianzong with fire trees and silver flowers. A gap has been opened and it will take a lot of time to repair. I think this is why they temporarily retreated to the inside of the defense line..."

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said: "Where are the injured ancestors now? Please ask Ancestor Zhaoyun to point us to a clear path."

Ancestor Zhaoyun did not answer, but suddenly raised his hand and pulled out a long golden thread. Under the pull of this golden thread, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan seemed to have walked into an exclusive passage, and quickly Speeding towards the interior of Yueshan.

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

This move is quite similar to the Five Elements Escape Technique of Heaven and Earth, but it uses a completely different method of utilizing the laws of space.

This single move shows that Patriarch Zhaoyun's understanding of the laws of space has reached a whole new level.

During the surprise attack on Huoshen Mountain, Lu Yu fought side by side with Ancestor Zhaoyun. At that time, Ancestor Zhaoyun did not have such first-hand strength. This was obviously improved after some advice from the old man Tianjian. .

The mountains flew by quickly beneath their feet.

In addition to seeing the scenery of the mountains, the two of them also saw the casualties of the Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples.

It has to be said that the incident on the sea of ​​worms caused a great obstacle to them, but fortunately, the Tiangang ancestors held back Xuanji Star City, so their casualties were not yet within the acceptable range, at least from high altitude It seemed that their military appearance was still in great shape.

In less than a moment, the two arrived at the camp located in the center of Resentment Mountain.

This is a newly built camp, surrounded by numerous Tiangang barriers, like iron barrels. This is naturally the work of the Tiangang ancestors, which shows that they are also very afraid of a sudden attack from the Bixiao Shrine, especially if they use the ability of the Little Kunlun Mirror to suddenly teleport strong people like last time.

Several Tiangang strong men also knew about Lu Yu's arrival at this time, and except for the Shuangqiao ancestor who was the most seriously injured, they all immediately came out to greet him.

As for the real strong men under the Hunyuan Qi Sect, needless to say, although they did not know it was Lu Yu, when they arrived and saw all the Tiangang ancestors coming out, they naturally followed suit.

All seven Tiangang Ancestors appeared, plus many powerful real people. The scene was a moment of great splendor. I am afraid that no one in the world has ever enjoyed such an honor.

"Sir, you are finally here! We are helpless to deal with Brother Shuangqiao's injuries. Maybe you are the only one who can save him from danger!"

Ancestor Gunlong came to the front, rubbing his hands in excitement. He still remembers that when Lu Yu was treating Tao Jinran's injuries in Daluo Holy Land, the water and red lotus combined with each other, staining the entire sky. grand occasion.

Lu Yu's eyes swept across the faces of several Tiangang ancestors one by one.

The two parties nodded to each other and said nothing.

It can be seen that even the two ancestors of the Supreme Immortal Sect Tiangang, who have never met, already have a very respectful attitude towards him.

Although they didn't know exactly what happened, it was an indisputable fact that Jiuxuan Ancestor ordered his head to be executed. For this reason alone, he was worthy of everyone's respect.

But these gazes also made Lu Yu feel an invisible pressure, and he felt more and more like a heavy burden was on his shoulders.

Lu Yu took a deep breath: "Where is the ancestor of Shuangqiao? Let me see his injuries first!"

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