Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1309 Treatment

At this time, Shuangqiao Patriarch was soaked in a jar of solution made from countless rare medicinal herbs.

His injuries were indeed very serious. Even this solution made from countless rare medicinal herbs could not save him at all. His lost vitality could only be temporarily delayed.

In addition to his body being injured in the battle, there was another big reason, that is, the two magic weapons connected to his life - "Jinxiu Bridge" and "Heishui Bridge" were all destroyed in the battle.

This directly hurt his Taoism foundation.

Lu Yu's Lotus Water Treatment can heal his injuries, but it can't repair his destroyed foundation.

"Sir, how is it?"

Qiyuan Patriarch asked anxiously.

He has the closest relationship with Shuangqiao Patriarch. The two are Tiangang strongmen who grew up in the same era. The relationship is not just as simple as being in the same school. They have had many common experiences with each other and are close friends. Therefore, he is also most concerned about the safety of the two ancestors.

Although he had never seen Lu Yu's medical skills, Lu Yu's medical attainments were already well-known at this time, and he had done many impossible things, so he also had inexplicable expectations for Lu Yu.

Lu Yu said: "I can save his life, but his cultivation will be greatly reduced in the future..."

Qiyuan Patriarch said: "As long as he is still alive, it's fine. As for what to cultivate, as long as he is alive, he can always practice slowly again."

Lu Yu nodded and said: "I need water, a lot of water. If there is no water here, I can only go to the seaside to perform treatment methods..."

Gunlong Patriarch said: "Why bother so much, just look at me!"

After that, he pointed his hand to the sky.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky, and when it reached the ground, it had transformed into a giant dragon that kept circling.

The sound of running water sounded.

It turned out that the whole dragon was made up of water, and it also contained a strong smell of the sea, which was obviously the seawater sucked from the sea of ​​​​moths.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

In fact, among the Tiangang strongmen, everyone knew exactly who had what ability, but the technique of the ancestor Gunlong's teleportation was not only a technique that had never been seen before, but also extremely advanced. This shows that he has made great progress in this period of time.

Lu Yu knew that the progress of the ancestor Gunlong was probably the same as the previous ancestor Zhaoyun, which was derived from the advice of the old man Tianjian.

Huge water columns kept circling around the camp, like rushing rivers.

The Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples around couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling, but the old ancestor Gunlong seemed to be doing it easily, and asked Lu Yu: "Is this enough?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "It's barely enough, if there is a little more, it will be better... Please protect me, old ancestors!"

After speaking, Lu Yu raised his hand lightly.

Soon, streams of water vapor were sucked in from the surrounding water dragons, turning into red lotuses, rushing towards the body of the Shuangqiao old ancestor.

Old ancestor Gunlong couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

As soon as Lu Yu made a move, he felt pressure inexplicably, and immediately increased the strength of the suction, and the water dragon quickly expanded, and the momentum was even more majestic than the surrounding mountains.

But even so, the water force did not force it down, but turned into a denser red lotus, extending in all directions, and gradually the huge water dragons showed signs of being swallowed by the red lotus.

Everyone couldn't help but stare blankly.

I have never seen such a powerful healing.

After a quarter of an hour, the sound of water splashing in my ears never ceased, and the red lotus had reached the point of flying all over the sky.

The water dragon condensed by the ancestor Gunlong had only a tail left in everyone's sight.

What kind of Xiao Wei is Lu Yu? He is only the eighth level of the Return to the Sea Realm.

But the ancestor Gunlong is already a dignified Tiangang strongman.

Unexpectedly, the suction force of his water dragon with all his strength was not as fast as the speed of Lu Yu's red lotus. This is really incredible!

However, what surprised everyone even more was yet to come.

After a while, the ancestor Gunlong's forehead was obviously covered with fine sweat, so he asked for help from everyone:

"Brothers, I wonder if anyone can help me?"

Unexpectedly, he could not withstand the pressure and could not continue. He needed to ask for help from everyone to continue to maintain the water.

"Let me do it!" said the ancestor of the flute.

He took out a flute and played it. Suddenly, the mountains wept and countless springs burst out. Although it was far less powerful than the water of the Gunlong Patriarch, it at least supplemented a part.

Seeing this, the remaining Tiangang Patriarchs could no longer sit still and lent a hand.

"Let me try too!"

"Many hands make light work!"

"I am willing to contribute my humble efforts."


Everyone used all their means to finally ensure a sufficient supply of water.

Half an hour later, the sky was completely covered with red lotus, and the injuries of the Shuangqiao Patriarch were also treated.

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