Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1310 Secret

All Tiangang Ancestors worked together, and this was not a useless effort. The water they moved through various techniques was purified water-attribute spiritual energy, which had a better combination effect with Lu Yu's lotus hydrotherapy method. , it can be said to get twice the result with half the effort.

After several hours passed, the treatment of the Shuangqiao Ancestor was finally completed.

The originally dilapidated body of the Shuangqiao ancestor suddenly regained its vitality. Although the whole person was still in a coma, the current situation at this time was no longer the same as before.

Everyone was shocked.

Although I have heard about Lu Yu's fame in medicine before, being famous is one thing, and witnessing it with my own eyes is another.

You know, before this, everyone has tried various rescue methods, but all of them have no effect. If it weren't for the three Tiangang ancestors of Daluo Holy Land, they might have given up long ago. .

Moreover, Lu Yu's medical skills have obviously reached a new level at this time. Even Tailing Patriarch and the three Tiangang Patriarchs of Daluo Holy Land who had witnessed his unparalleled medical skills before were shocked by this. .

After completing the treatment for the Shuangqiao ancestor, the red lotus gradually began to fade away.

The Tiangang ancestors were about to withdraw from the gathering water, but at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly said: "Don't stop, I see that all the ancestors are injured openly or covertly, why not treat them all together?" Bar!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"This is not good..."

"Young Master just saved Shuangqiao Taoist Brother, and you have already spent a lot of your true energy. Why not take a short rest first!"

"The injuries I'm waiting for are far less serious than Brother Shuangqiao, but I can still survive!"

"The same goes for me. When the young master regains his strength tomorrow, it won't be too late to come back to treat us!"

All the Tiangang ancestors refused.

Lu Yu shook his head decisively: "I know that all of you ancestors are tough-minded people, and you can indeed survive with some minor injuries... But you can afford to wait, but the defense line of the Resentful Mountain Peninsula cannot afford to wait, and the sect also needs it. Please recover as soon as possible!"

Seeing that he spoke so solemnly, everyone immediately stopped objecting.

So he continued to purify the water attribute spiritual energy. Under the continuous stimulation of the true energy in Lu Yu's body, it turned into red lotus flowers, bringing endless vitality.

This time, although the scene was far less spectacular than before, the injuries of everyone did not reach the level of the Shuangqiao ancestors, so the efficiency was even higher, and the injuries in the body recovered quickly.

Another hour passed.

Ancestors Qi Ling and Yi Chao of the Taishang Immortal, ancestors Xi Shi, Di Sheng, and Qi Yuan of the Hunyuan Qi Sect, including the ancestor Tai Ling who was only slightly injured, have all recovered from their injuries.

After this, everyone was completely impressed by Lu Yu.

With such a terrifying healing speed, any injury that does not damage the foundation can be recovered quickly. This will undoubtedly give them a greater chance of winning in the next battle.

"Okay, everyone's injuries have almost recovered, and now it's time to talk about business..."

Lu Yu put away the red lotus that filled the sky and said to everyone.

His face looked slightly tired, but his tone was still full of energy.

"I wonder what the master's plan is?"

Everyone was sitting upright, including the two Tiangang ancestors of the Taishang Immortal Sect. Although it was their first time to deal with Lu Yu, there was a vague feeling of respecting him.

This is naturally due to the various extraordinary skills he displayed, as well as his extraordinary combat power in killing the Jiu Xuan Ancestors in one fell swoop - the three Tiangang Ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land. Although the identity of the old man Tianjian was not exposed, he also There was no concealment of Lu Yu's arrangement of the ruins formation on the Divine Continent.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, it was Lu Yu who used extraordinary means to kill the Jiu Xuan Ancestor with almost unlimited power in one fell swoop.

Lu Yu looked directly at Ancestor Qi Ling and Ancestor Yi Chao of the Taishang Immortal Sect, and said: "Senior Brother Ye must have conveyed my previous plans to you, but it's a pity that I haven't had time to discuss them in detail with you. It's a pity that the plan is now If we can't keep up with the changes, I'm afraid the previous plans will have to be slightly adjusted..."

The two ancestors nodded slightly and remained silent, waiting for Lu Yu to say what he wanted to say next.

Lu Yu continued: "Previously, I had intended to hide it from the public and raid the seventeenth level of purgatory under the Jiuyou underground, which is the most critical place of the Bixiao Divine Works. But now the intelligence shows that the Jiuxuan ancestor actually It is from this level of purgatory, and behind this level of purgatory, there are at least seven other figures like the Jiuxuan Patriarch..."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Whether it is the Supreme Immortal Sect who is good at deducing the secrets of heaven, or the three Tiangang ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land who have just met the old man Tianjian, in fact, they do not know these secrets.

You must know that before this, the Jiu Xuan Ancestor was a legendary figure who had disappeared for thousands of years. Although everyone was mentally prepared, the power hidden in the secrets of the Bixiao Palace did not stop there, but they did not expect that it would reach this level. To the point of exaggeration.

"Is the source of this...information reliable?"

The two Tiangang ancestors of the Taishang Immortal Sect said with solemn expressions.

It's not that they don't believe Lu Yu, it's just that this incident is too shocking and unacceptable...

"There is no doubt about this matter and the source of the information is extremely reliable."

Lu Yu did not explain too much, but confirmed it again in a more affirmative tone, and glanced at the three Tiangang ancestors of Daluo Holy Land.

The three of them were startled and immediately understood.

The source of the news was the old man Tianjian, whose history might be even longer than their founder.

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