Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1315: Self-love

Ye Fei couldn't help but think to himself, if he were to be in the other's place and crack this Jindan field, he would definitely not be able to be as calm and composed as Lu Yu...

Another breath of time passed...

Lu Yu still didn't make any move.

Now, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel impatient...With such a time and such a distance, he understood that it was impossible to crack it in time. Could it be that...Lu Yu was too arrogant and played off the line this time?

He couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu and was immediately shocked...He saw that Lu Yu was rubbing his eyes. It seemed that he was too focused just now, so he was a little tired, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Ye Fei was immediately scared to death. Because he trusted Lu Yu too much before, he didn't take any precautions. Now it was too late to deal with it. If Lu Yu capsized here, then he would definitely not have a good end...

"Junior Brother Lu..."

Ye Fei finally couldn't help but remind him.

However, just as the word "Lu" came out, Lu Yu suddenly moved at this time.

A pair of tiger eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in an instant, and then the Feihong Sword was in his hand, and he slashed out a sword quickly.

This sword seemed to be slashed casually, and it seemed that there was no trick, but it made Ye Fei feel an indescribable feeling.

It was as if the sky and the earth were suddenly cut by a strong light.

That strong light happened to appear at the most critical position, accurately splitting the laws in the field, as if it was tailor-made, a sword that was painstakingly studied to crack the Jindan field of the Shenhuo Xuanzong.

But Ye Fei knew that this was not the case. Through the conversation between them, he knew that Lu Yu had not done any special research on this aspect. This was actually just a sword that Lu Yu swung casually in an encounter. If it was a special study, perhaps Lu Yu did spend less than a breath of time...

This is really amazing!

Until this moment, Ye Fei really felt how amazing Lu Yu's talent was.

No wonder he can continuously create all kinds of amazing achievements, just like a myth. With his performance, it is indeed a scene that only appears in myths.

The situation changed as Ye Fei expected.

The huge waves shattered, and under Lu Yu's sword, they were like paper, breaking at the touch and dissipating into the invisible.

The sea surface instantly returned to calm, and there was no water vapor left at the scene, but a trace of burning breath remained.

"Uh ah..."

A muffled groan followed.

A purple and white figure appeared. From the appearance, it was a middle-aged man. Not only was his robe and hair purple and white, but even his eyes were purple and white.

With such obvious foreign trade characteristics, his identity is ready to be revealed. Even Lu Yu has heard of his name. He is the chief red-topped master of the Shenhuo Xuanzong-Zijie Zhenren.

Now, even Ye Fei was surprised. He didn't expect that the scout here would be Master Zijie. With his status and position, he shouldn't be here at all. What surprised Ye Fei even more was that Master Zijie couldn't resist the power of Lu Yu's sword.

Moreover, even he didn't fully understand the true meaning of Lu Yu's sword...

"Impossible, impossible... How could my Jindan domain be so easily broken by a single blow..."

It seems that it's not just Ye Fei who feels unbelievable, even Master Zijie himself has no clue about it.

"Who are you...? How can you practice the Taoism that specifically breaks my Shenhuo Xuanzong?"

Master Zijie refused to believe that this was Lu Yu's impromptu performance. In his opinion, he must have been immersed in the sword for at least decades to play such a sharp and accurate sword.

"Sir, don't you think it's too late to ask this question now?"

Lu Yu put away the Feihong Sword and said lightly.

"But, even if you don't recognize me, don't you recognize the sword in my hand and the boat under my feet?"

After a pause, he glanced at Ye Fei beside him.

"Or, you should know this brother Ye next to me..."

Zijie Zhenren's eyes also moved to Ye Fei, and his eyes trembled: "This is the Luoqiu Divine Staff of the Supreme Immortal Sect... Are you Ye Fei?"

Then he reacted and realized that Ye Fei didn't seem to be the focus. The boy in front of him who was too young but could defeat his Jindan realm with one sword was the mastermind of this group of people.

"This boat is the shuttle boat of the Dali Sword Sect... This sword shines colorfully and is very special. Could it be the Feihong Sword... You are Lu Yu of the Dali Sword Sect!"

Zijie Zhenren finally recognized Lu Yu's identity.

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh softly, turned his head and said to Ye Fei: "I originally thought that I should have been famous, but I didn't expect that I was still not as famous as Brother Ye. It seems that I was too sentimental..."

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