Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1316 Threat

Ye Fei's expression was stagnant and he was speechless for a long time.

But when he saw that Ye Weilan on the side always looked calm, without even moving his eyebrows, he realized that he had lost his composure unknowingly.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Junior brother Lu, your sword is really amazing, but brother Yu didn't expect it at all... I think no one in the entire Shenhuo Xuanzong dares not to recognize you now!"

Master Zijie rolled his eyes and looked behind the two of them: "What are you doing here...are you two alone?"

Obviously, in his eyes, Ye Weilan beside him could not be ignored at all.

It's not because he is so arrogant that he thinks Ye Weilan's strength is not worth mentioning, but because compared to the backgrounds of Lu Yu and Ye Fei, her strength is nothing. Lu Yu and Ye Fei suddenly appeared in This place already surprised him, but what worried him even more was the power behind the two people.

"What? Aren't we enough?"

Lu Yu said with a sarcastic expression.

Master Zi Jie suddenly froze, his face turning green and purple for a while: "Your Excellency, this sword is indeed a good method... But with your cultivation level, without the guidance of Patriarch Yunxiao, even if you want to use it, A sword like this? After all, it’s just a matter of having a good backer!”

"I think that Patriarch Yunxiao is indeed a tyrannical man who has lived for three thousand years... Unfortunately, even with three thousand years of life, he still has not ascended to heaven. I was curious about the reason before... …”

"Now the answer is ready to come out. I don't know how much time he has spent in these three thousand years to study the flaws of our Shenhuo Xuanzong's technique!"

His tone was full of disdain. In the final analysis, he still refused to accept the fact that the Golden Core Domain would be shattered by the other party with a casual sword. He blamed all this on the ancestor of Yunxiao for bullying the smaller ones.

Lu Yu smiled, without explaining too much, and said, "Then do you want to try the sword again?"

Master Zijie's face was ashen, but he didn't speak anymore.

Lu Yu waved his hand calmly: "Since you are unwilling to take my sword again, please get out of your way. If you block my way again, the scene will probably be very ugly later!"

The veins on Master Zijie's forehead twitched violently: "Are you threatening me? It seems that you have no good intentions in coming here this time?"

Lu Yu said: "With all due respect, you are not qualified to know the purpose of my coming here. As for whether it is a threat, you might as well give it a try and find out."

His tone was understated, as if he didn't take the other person to heart at all.

Zi Jie's face changed several times, which was extremely exciting, but in the end he still endured it and smiled: "As expected of a heroic boy, he is really brave! I, Zi Jie, am indeed not qualified to stop you... In this case, Then please continue to go deeper, if you really think that you can go directly into our Chinese army camp..."

As he spoke, he turned slightly sideways and finally got out of the way of the shuttle boat.

Although his domain has been broken, the golden elixir is still there. If he desperately tries to stop the opponent by using the golden elixir to self-destruct, it will still be a bit tricky after all.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and winked at Ye Weilan who was standing aside. The shuttle boat immediately sped out and passed him without any hesitation.

Master Zi Jie's face turned cold.

Looking at the figure who was quickly leaving, he couldn't help but take out a messenger talisman secretly made by Shenhuo Xuanzong, and was about to issue a warning.

But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly turned around from the front and said: "By the way, if you want to send a message to remind me, please remember to tell the people in front to be careful. If I draw my sword again next time, I won't do it again." Stay alive!"

Immediately Master Zijie shivered in fright, his gestures slipped, and he almost sent the communication talisman to the wrong position.

When he finally made up for his mistake, he saw that the other party had already turned back and walked away, and his figure had turned into a small dot on the vast sea. He didn't pay attention to his series of actions at all. It seemed that no matter what he did, Decisions cannot affect the overall situation.

Master Zijie's face was so dark that it was almost the same color as the bottom of a pot.

He gritted his teeth and finally added another paragraph to the messenger talisman before sending it out.

"Junior Brother Lu, why don't you express your feelings to him?"

On the shuttle boat in the distance, Ye Fei looked at the stream of light in the sky and said.

That flash of light was the secret message sent by Master Zijie. Although it was extremely hidden, it still did not escape Ye Fei's sight.

Of course, not only Ye Fei, but also Lu Yu and Ye Weilan also observed this fleeting light.

However, this is all they can do. If it is an ordinary communication, if Master Jin Dan is in position first, he can use the field to intercept it. But for such a secret communication, it is Tiangang Qiang. It is also difficult for the attacker to intercept.

"What's the use of telling him your intention? Can he make a decision?" Lu Yu asked.

Ye Fei said: "At least, we can solve some unnecessary troubles and let those who can really make decisions come out and interview us as soon as possible..."

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