Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1317 Who else would you rather me?

Lu Yu said: "Sometimes trouble is not necessarily a bad thing. Trouble is often caused by inconsistent voices coming together. As long as the trouble is solved, the opposing voices will disappear... In this way, it can also make people happy. The entire Shenhuo Xuanzong sees our determination more clearly!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but be startled: "Could it be that you really plan to go on a killing spree here?"

Lu Yu smiled softly, with an indescribable indifference in his eyes: "Isn't it possible? Didn't I make it very clear during the discussion at the Resentment Mountain Camp before? Shenhuo Xuanzong has always been a character with two ends. The previous series of performances have fully demonstrated this point. Only with a tough-to-the-end attitude can they truly surrender..."


Ye Fei was so surprised that he was speechless.

Originally, he thought that the cruel words Lu Yu just said to Master Zi Jie were just a remark to show off, but he didn't expect that he actually had such a plan!

"After all, this is the headquarters of Shenhuo Xuanzong!"

Ye Fei finally couldn't help but said.

"so what?"

Lu Yu laughed, with a serious yet wild look deep in his eyes.

"Brother Ye, I have long said that if we can't even deal with this place, how can we talk about solving the huge power hidden underground in Bixiao Shrine? Therefore, let this trip to Luoguang Strait be regarded as It’s a preview of our face-to-face confrontation with Bixiao Palace!”

Ye Fei was stunned and lost his voice.

In an instant, he finally understood Lu Yu's intention.

In fact, this trip to Luoguang Strait was not so much to convince Shenhuo Xuanzong as it was Lu Yu's own practice.

He just wants to hone himself in this way to improve his cultivation level.

If at this stage, when the golden elixir is still in its infancy, he can defeat the four powerful Tiangang warriors and conquer the entire Shenhuo Xuanzong, then when his power grows further, he can also defeat the powerful Earth Ancestor. The power that hid the Bixiao Shrine underground was destroyed in one fell swoop.

This was the answer he gave to Ye Fei, the Supreme Immortal Sect, and also the answer to several other alliance sects.

The key to fighting the Bixiao Shrine does not lie in other aspects, but only in himself.

All he needs is for the major sects to join forces to delay more time for him. As long as there is enough time, one day he will grow to the point where he can trample the entire Bixiao Palace under his feet. Just like the Shenhuo Xuanzong in front of him.

Ye Fei couldn't help but be deeply moved.

What a powerful spirit!

No matter what the outcome of all this is, just such courage is heartbreaking.

This is equivalent to putting the fate of a world on his own shoulders. How much courage does this require?

At least, Ye Fei himself does not have such courage...

Show off your edge!

Who else would I be!

At this moment, Lu Yu had this image in Ye Fei's mind.

Although he has always been a proud man in the minds of everyone, even after the last formal confrontation between the two at Jade Butterfly Peak, he did not feel that each other had their own strengths and that he was not weaker than the other.

However, at this moment, he knew in his heart that he was still inferior to the other party after all... This difference did not lie in the cultivation techniques, chance treasures, or the secrets of Taoism, but in the state of mind of both parties.

"As expected of Junior Brother Lu... Brother Yu has learned a lesson!"

After a long time, Ye Fei let out a long sigh of relief, but there was a hearty feeling in his tone that he had suddenly learned about the great road.

Cultivation is difficult to cultivate, and Taoism is difficult to achieve, but there are traces of both of them, but the transcendence of mind has always been traceless.

The more advanced the cultivation reaches, the more one realizes that the state of Taoist heart is the biggest constraint of cultivation.

But at this moment, just this moment of thinking made Ye Fei's mind detached, and his Taoist realm had secretly advanced a little, so he had such emotion.

Lu Yu also clearly sensed the changes in Ye Fei at this time, and couldn't help but turn his head and take a deep look at him. He didn't dare to take the credit for bringing guidance to Ye Fei, but in just a few words, he had already made a breakthrough. It seemed that this person's innate understanding was indeed the best choice. No wonder he would be here Golden Sunflower has occupied the first position on the list for so long...

"However, Zijie Zhenren is also an extremely important figure in the Shenhuo Xuanzong. With his status, he has never been sent out in such a peripheral position. In my opinion, there must be something fishy about this..."

After some enlightenment, Ye Fei's thoughts immediately returned to clarity and he said thoughtfully.

"Besides, the message this person just sent was hurried and extremely urgent. It doesn't seem like he wants to settle the matter. There may not be something waiting for us ahead. Junior Brother Lu must be on guard!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "No matter what tricks they come up with, it doesn't matter... Could it be that they can still be stronger than a strong Earth Ancestor?"

"That's right!" Ye Fei laughed again and said: "Brother Yu is obsessed with appearance again... Junior Brother Lu's current state is really 'to be at the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance', Brother Yu is already far behind!"

While he was talking, the front was once again cloudy and stormy.

It seems that the previous performance of Master Zijie did not make the other party give up resistance after all.

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