Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1318 Chilling

Luoguang Strait is adjacent to Luoguang Island.

To the south of the strait is Luoguang Island, where strange lights often shine, like a cave opening in the sky; to the north of the strait, there is a land of solid ice, inaccessible, and no one has yet fully explored that glacier continent.

Luoguang Strait is a narrow sea area between Glacier Continent and Luoguang Island, hence its name.

Since this place is close to the glacier continent to the north, the strait is often blocked by the cold wind mixed with ice edges. The terrain is extremely dangerous. As long as the magic circle is slightly modified, the ice edge cold wind can be controlled, making this place become A stronghold that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Because of this, Shenhuo Xuanzong set up a temporary stronghold here after the defeat of Dali Sword Sect.

Lu Yu vaguely remembered that there used to be a small sect entrenched in the sea area in this area, but by now, this small sect must have ceased to exist.

At this time, the attack that came towards Lu Yu and others was an attack mixed with ice-cold winds. This showed that they had entered the range of Shenhuo Xuanzong's main formation and were no longer the single sentry detectives they had been before. .

In each wind force, there is a golden elixir powerhouse sitting in charge. At this moment, at a glance, there are at least twelve wind forces attacking in front of them. No matter how many ordinary disciples there are behind them, there are at least twelve golden elixir powerhouses. It is an indisputable fact that the enemy came under siege.

"Is it Lu Yu who is here?"

"Lu Yu! You are so brave! You actually dare to show up here!"

"This person is the culprit who attacked our Fire God Mountain! Although he is not very capable, he is full of bad intentions! It is precisely because of his instigation that several Tiangang strongmen from the Dali Sword Sect unite to sneak attack on us. Huoshenshan!”

"Don't let him go!"

Everyone shouted angrily.

Obviously, they are still secretly holding a breath in their hearts about the fall of Huoshenshan.

Lu Yu, however, stood proudly on the bow of the ship, staring ahead, smiled coldly, and shouted: "Where is the ancestor of Hong'an?"

"What? There is no one who can really take charge of the matter, but a bunch of bastards are sent out to show off. Do you think I really can't kill people?"

When everyone heard what Lu Yu said, they became even more furious.

"Crazy kid! Who do you think is a bastard?"

"What a loud tone!"

"You just found a good backer because of your good fortune. If it weren't for Ancestor Yunxiao to support you, do you think you would be able to achieve what you are now?"

"You really think you are a person. You are just in the Guihai realm, and you haven't even concluded the golden elixir, yet you dare to make such nonsense here!"

As he spoke, twelve gusts of wind mixed with icy edges had gathered in front of the shuttle boat. Each strand contained the power of heaven and earth, and looked very terrifying.

"Kneel down! Tell me your intention and I will spare your life for now!"

"This is your last chance!"

Lu Yu shook his head gently: "I've already given you a chance!"

When everyone heard this, their eyebrows suddenly stood up and they were furious.

Only Ye Fei and Ye Weilan on the side noticed that Lu Yu said "you", not "you", which meant that what he said just now was not directed at everyone, but only for one target - —Ancestor of Hong’an.

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly moved, jumped up from the shuttle boat, and rushed directly towards one of the twelve oncoming icy winds.

Such an action not only shocked everyone in the Shenhuo Xuanzong opposite, but even Ye Fei behind him couldn't help but be surprised when he saw it.

This is completely a brutal and head-on fight. Could it be that this guy doesn't want his life?

However, just when the two sides were about to come into direct contact, Lu Yu suddenly shrank and pointed his sword suddenly, and a bright light burst out from the tip of the sword.

The second way of the secret of stars - broken stars!

Even if you don't know the power of this sword, you can tell by the brilliance erupting from the sword's tip that this sword is unusual. It is obviously a sword that condenses some powerful secrets and can turn decay into magic.

Behind him, Ye Fei looked at the sword and felt it was pleasing to the eye and amazed.

No wonder Lu Yu dared to use his own power to break into the enemy's siege. He was indeed powerful. With just one sword, he could paralyze the opponent's attack immediately... However, this method of resolution , after all, it was too reckless, injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred...

However, just as the idea came to his mind, Lu Yu's sword power suddenly changed again.

His figure suddenly swayed unrealistically, and then his whole body merged into the sword force, turning into dots of starlight and swaying towards the icy wind ahead.

What's going on!

Not to mention the enemies on the opposite side, even Ye Fei himself couldn't believe his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes violently and then opened them quickly.

Amidst the starlight, Lu Yu's figure can still be seen vaguely, but at this time, he is already in a very strange state. It seems that he has been completely blended into the sword's power, blending with the mystery contained in the sword. For the sake of oneness, it became a link in the laws of heaven and earth.

He still exists, but no longer exists in a way that people can understand...

Ye Fei's face was dull and stunned.

Unexpectedly, the sword power can be used in this way... This is not only the fusion of man and sword, but also the fusion of man and mysteries, and the heaven and earth!

To what extent do you need to understand the secrets and laws to be able to use such a sword?

For a moment, Ye Fei felt shuddering all over his body, and at the same time he was deeply shocked as if the door to a new world had been opened.

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