Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1322 Walk away

A moment later, Lu Yu and others entered Luoguang Island and were treated as honored guests.

Sure enough, just as Lu Yu guessed, the small sect that originally occupied Luoguang Island had been completely annexed by the Shenhuo Xuanzong. The island was now all disciples of the Shenhuo Xuanzong, and no one from the small sect was seen anymore.

"Sir, please stop here for a moment. My Taoist brothers are practicing in seclusion. I will send them a message."

After arriving on the island, Patriarch Wenye confessed to Lu Yu and others and left.

Then, a spirited old man came to receive everyone. His eyes were extremely deep and seemed to be filled with a heavy aura of fire. This was a sign that Shenhuo Xuanzong's skills had been cultivated to an extremely advanced level.

This person is none other than the head of the Shenhuo Xuanzong—Huoshen Zhenren Qi Baiyi.

The leader of the dignified faction personally came to greet and accompany him. Such a courtesy was not unceremonious. However, after knowing the cause and consequences of the whole incident, a few people did not really think that the other party had good intentions. Putting aside everything else, just that person Master Huo Yun's body hasn't been cleaned up yet, how could he just let it go?

As the head of a sect, Master Huo Shen was indeed a very tolerant person. He was chatting and laughing with the three people in the temporary headquarters on Luoguang Island, but he never mentioned the death of Master Huo Yun. Instead, he asked with great concern Learned some about the situation at sea.

Lu Yu chatted with him casually, then suddenly thought of something, and as he was thoughtful, he stopped paying attention to Master Huo Shen's conversation...

The scene suddenly turned cold. Seeing this, Ye Fei had no choice but to take the initiative to pick up the conversation and continue talking to the other party. After a few words, the scene became lively again. The two sides seemed to be in harmony, but the secret confrontation and testing was not carried out. How many rounds did it take.

"I heard that you all came to Huoshen Mountain a few days ago and found an ancient divine cauldron in our sect's treasure house. I wonder if this is true?"

Master Huoshen suddenly changed his tone and said.

Ye Fei couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Master Huoshen would take the initiative to provoke such a sensitive topic. He hesitated and said: "Ye was not involved in this matter. The details may only be answered by Junior Brother Lu..."

Master Huoshen naturally knew that Ye Fei did not attack Huoshenshan. The reason why he deliberately provoked the conversation was to draw the problem to Lu Yu.

First of all, as the head of Shenhuo Xuanzong, he was naturally particularly curious about the Shenmu King Cauldron.

In addition, Lu Yu suddenly became stunned at this time. Although he didn't know what was going on, it always gave him a very bad feeling.

So he deliberately brought the topic to this.

At the very least, it would distract the other person.

Then, Master Huoshen turned his attention to Lu Yu, looking calm: "The reason why I mentioned this matter and wanted to pursue the responsibility is just out of curiosity..."

"I think it has been more than 170,000 years since the founding of our Shenhuo Xuan Sect by the Huoxu Patriarch. However, during such a long period of time, no one has ever discovered the secret. The Huoxu Patriarch left a message before his death. Books are also regarded as absurd words..."

"You can discover this divine cauldron in the Fire God Mountain, and no matter what the grudges and entanglements behind it are, at least on this matter, you can be regarded as rectifying the name of our sect's founder of the Fire Ruins. From this point alone, our sect Everyone from top to bottom is grateful for your kindness!”

It was obviously the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land who attacked the Fire God Mountain, but now Master Huoshen actually wanted to be grateful to the other party. This sounded extremely contradictory, but under the sincere tone of Master Huoshen, it seemed that Extremely sincere.

Lu Yu finally came to his senses and glanced at Master Huoshen with a sharp look in his eyes: "So, the purpose of Master Huoshen is to confirm whether the Divine Wood King Cauldron is in my possession?"

Master Huoshen was stunned, and his sincere and sincere expression suddenly became a little subtle: "Master Lu, what are you talking about? I have already said it just now. I am just a little curious..."

"I have been immersed in the art of alchemy all my life. When I heard that there was such an ancient divine cauldron, I was naturally curious. The young master is also an alchemist. I think I should be able to understand this feeling, right?"

"Of course I understand..."

Lu Yu smiled softly: "But precisely because I understand, I know more clearly what your intentions are!"

"However, I want to remind you that the Divine Wood King Cauldron is a spiritual thing that lasts for thousands of years. It will never change its mind due to external interference. If anyone thinks that it has been hidden in the Fire God Mountain for hundreds of thousands of years, they will treat it as a matter of course. It would be a big mistake to have sovereignty!”

Master Huoshen's face changed slightly.

Lu Yu's words could be described as unceremonious and without any cover-up. He just pointed out clearly that Shenhuo Xuanzong was not well-intentioned.

Even with Master Huoshen's tolerant nature, he couldn't help but be furious for a moment.

"It seems that Mr. Lu still has a big misunderstanding about our Shenhuo Xuanzong. If this is the case, then please take a moment by yourselves. It is inconvenient for me to continue to accompany you here!"

After saying that, he flicked his long sleeves and left in frustration.

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