Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1323 No turning around

Suddenly, only Lu Yu, Ye Fei, and Ye Weilan were left in the hall.

Ye Feil's ears twitched slightly, and his thoughts and consciousness spread around. After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he sighed softly and said with a worried look: "Junior Brother Lu, why are you doing this...I'm afraid it will be difficult to do well this time." ”

Lu Yu said calmly: "Even if I don't anger him and give him a good look, nothing will happen this time, right?"

Ye Fei was speechless for a moment, so he had to turn around and ask: "I saw that Junior Brother Lu Yu seemed to have something in his heart just now. I wonder what happened to you that was suspicious?"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky, was silent for a moment, and then said: "I remember that a total of four Tiangang powerhouses from Shenhuo Xuanzong came and returned, right?"

Ye Fei was slightly startled and replied: "Yes, Shenhuo Xuanzong always has four strong Tiangang warriors, Ya'an, Hong'an, Wenye, and Xijie, who are still alive. After this great change in the sky, they all came back to the earth... What's the matter? Problem?"

Lu Yu pointed to the sky and said, "But why do I feel the auras of five different Tiangang experts here..."

Ye Fei was shocked when he heard this.

At this moment, he also sensed the existence of strong men in the sky above his head, but he could not sense how many there were as accurately as Lu Yu.

However, compared to this, the details mentioned by Lu Yu are obviously more surprising. Shenhuo Xuanzong, which obviously only has four Tiangang strong men, has the aura of five Tiangang strong men in the hinterland of the temporary headquarters. What does it mean behind it? It’s ready to come out.

Tiangang strong men are rare, and most of them come from the eight major sects. Although there are some casual cultivators occasionally, they will never take a trip into this muddy water at this time.

After careful consideration, the Tiangang powerhouse who will appear here is no more than one of the three sects of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and Bixiao Shrine.

Among them, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is now attracted all attention by Li Fuyun's fake Yunxiao Patriarch, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is already half-broken, and the remaining Tiangang powerhouses have been replaced under the Jiuyou underground. Thinking about it, it seems that only the Bixiao Palace is the most likely.

There were apparently five Tiangang powerhouses in the Bixiao Palace. Three of them, Dongjie, Dongzhen, and Xuanlu, were currently stationed in Xuanji Star City. As for the remaining two, I heard that they had appeared in the vanguard of the attack on Vulcan Mountain. Facing the Layer Yan Island controlled by the Daluo Holy Land, the dragon is nowhere to be seen. No one knows the authenticity of this matter...

Could it be that one of these two people secretly touched this place?

And such a strong Tiangang man came here quietly at this time, and his purpose is naturally self-evident...

Combined with the previous abnormal behavior of Zijie Zhenren running to the outside to guard, Ye Fei felt that all this was very possible.

In other words, Shenhuo Xuanzong is most likely secretly discussing with a certain Tiangang powerhouse in Bixiao Palace at this moment, which is why they have been reluctant to show up.

"Junior Brother Lu..."

Ye Fei frowned, and he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

However, at this time, he was under the strict surveillance of the other party, so he could not speak in too much detail. Although he had checked that he had not been eavesdropped, the Tiangang strong men had endless methods, and he could not guarantee that he would The inspection is 100% flawless.

Lu Yu seemed to have seen through his thoughts and said: "It seems that Brother Ye's previous guess is indeed very reasonable. There are indeed many strange things in the Luoguang Strait. Therefore, we have to temporarily change our strategy." …”

Ye Fei was startled: "What kind of change of strategy..."

Lu Yu looked up at the sky again, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate all the barriers, and said thoughtfully: "Perhaps, Brother Ye can't just watch the show... At least, you have to use Luo Qiu Shen Use the staff to hold down one or two Tiangang experts."


Ye Fei was immediately shocked: "Junior Brother Lu... what do you want to do?"

However, before he could finish his sentence, Lu Yu had already answered him with practical actions.

Lu Yu suddenly stamped his foot, and there was a loud bang. The living room they were in immediately split in half from the middle, revealing the vast sky outside.

Lu Yu also exhaled and shouted: "Since the ancestor is here, why should he hide his face and refuse to show his true face to others?"

The sound was like an invisible golden thread, and the cloud sky was shattered by it.

The wind and clouds suddenly stirred, and a burst of clouds opened and mist dispersed.

After a moment, all the floating clouds in the sky above Luoguang Island dispersed, revealing five powerful and majestic figures, but at this time, the faces of the five figures were full of astonishment.

They never expected that with the powerful strength of the five people, someone would be able to break through their cover from the ground and destroy their Xingzang in one fell swoop...

A strange force field appeared in the airspace, seemingly possessing invisible power. Any concealment method used by the five powerful men would be difficult to produce any effect.

The space also seemed to be shortened instantly. Although the actual distance between the two parties may be thousands of feet away, at this moment, they seemed to be face to face, and both parties could have a panoramic view of each other's expressions.

Ye Fei was extremely shocked.

Somehow, he was able to reach the realm that seemed to be activated by Lu Yu, and hijacked a certain legal connection with the other party... Although this was not Lu Yu's own power, it frightened him even more. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu's realm It has become so powerful.

It can be seen that the five strong men in the air were discussing something secretly before, and they even maintained the posture of talking at the last moment.

But with the activation of Lu Yu's area, all the secrets have been exposed.

In an instant, the two sides were facing each other head-on, and there was no room for maneuver.

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