Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1324: Taking the initiative

"Lu Yu? Did you do all this?"

Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of the five Tiangang experts at the same time.

Lu Yu's eyes swept over the five people one by one, and he quickly identified the four Tiangang strongmen of Shenhuo Xuanzong, Ya'an, Hong'an, Wenye, and Xijie, and finally fixed his gaze on the last Tiangang strongman. on the person.

"I didn't expect there to be another guest here. Who is this ancestor? Don't you want to introduce him?"

Lu Yu said with a sneer.

The five Tiangang experts still looked stunned, but Ye Fei had already reminded him in a low voice: "This is the ancestor of Huangshi!"

Ancestor Huangshi was one of the ancestors who had appeared in the vanguard before, and the remaining Tiangang strongman was called Ancestor Jinchuan.

This shows that the two people's previous guesses were indeed correct. It was indeed people from Bixiao Shrine who appeared here with the intention of having some conspiracy. That's why Shenhuo Xuanzong's reaction was so strange.

At this moment, seeing that the secret gathering of five people had been broken open in one fell swoop, and several Tiangang Patriarchs simply stopped hiding, Patriarch Wenye suddenly smiled sinisterly and said: "Forget it! You came just in time! We are just in time. Talking about your Dali Sword Sect!"

Lu Yu's expression did not change at all, and he said in a deep voice: "What do you guys have to say?"

Ancestor Wenye hummed: "The Dali Sword Sect invaded our Fire God Mountain a few days ago, and until now they still occupied the Fire God Mountain and refused to return it, but now they have turned around and want to negotiate with us... It is not impossible to have peace talks, but Before that, should you show some sincerity?"

"What kind of sincerity do you want?" Lu Yu said calmly.

"It's very simple. Don't you carry the Litian Sword Canon with you? I heard that you also found a sacred wooden king tripod in our warehouse in Huoshen Mountain. As long as you pledge either of these two treasures to We can continue to talk about the next thing...otherwise, there is no need to talk about it!"

Ancestor Wenye said with a threatening tone.

The so-called "no discussion" naturally does not mean that the matter ends here, but means that we must prepare for a big fight.

Lu Yu looked at Ancestor Hong'an and said, "Ancestor Hong'an, this seems to be different from what we agreed before, right? Is this what you mean too?"

Ancestor Wenye sneered and said first: "This time, that time! Before, Brother Hong'an was controlled by others and was forced to sign a city alliance with you. Now that the restriction on him has been lifted, do you still want to use such despicable methods? Are you going to continue threatening him?"

Ancestor Hong'an's eyes flashed with a trace of struggle.

When he was in Huoshen Mountain, the specific details were discussed with him by Ancestor Hongyi, and the corresponding restrictions were left by Ancestor Hongyi. It can be seen that the conditions proposed by Ancestor Hongyi were quite generous, so Hong'an Ancestor only He would be persuaded, but at this moment, under the strong insistence of Patriarch Wenye, he could only keep his face tense and say nothing.

Lu Yu said: "The restrictions on the Hong'an ancestor don't matter, but the disciples on the Fire God Mountain don't matter either? Do you plan to let the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong fend for themselves?"


Ancestor Wenye said angrily: "Since I, the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong, have become my disciples, Shenhuo is their only belief, and they will never be insulted by you! Even if they die in your hands, they will be martyred. A worthy death! I, a disciple of Shenhuo Xuanzong, will never frown!"

His face was full of righteousness and indignation. If someone who didn't know the inside story saw this scene, they would be filled with indignation immediately. But Lu Yu, who was familiar with all this, just wanted to laugh when he saw this scene.

If Shenhuo Xuanzong was really as tough as he said, he wouldn't have behaved like that before.

Lu Yu completely ignored Patriarch Wenye's clamor and just looked straight at Patriarch Hong'an and said, "Is this your final decision?"

For a moment, the ancestor of Hong'an felt that Lu Yu's gaze was extremely sharp, which made him feel a huge pressure inexplicably, forcing him to say:

"Shen Hongyi discussed many details with me before, but I did not give him any promises. I only promised to discuss these details seriously with all the Taoist brothers..."

"Now, I have brought these contents to you and discussed them carefully with all the Taoist brothers. We all agree that you should show more sincerity before further talks are possible..."

"We are not trying to seize the treasures from you. If you can't make the decision, you might as well ask Patriarch Yunxiao to come and negotiate with us!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You guys are putting too much emphasis on your own faces. Are you alone worthy of Patriarch Yunxiao's personal appearance?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Lu Yu changed his tone at this moment and continued: "However, I can decide this matter with one word. If this is the case, then I agree to this matter!"


Everyone did not expect that Lu Yu's attitude would suddenly change like this. They were caught off guard and did not react.

"What did you say? Are you willing to hand over the Litian Sword Code or the Divine Wood King Cauldron as collateral? Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious!"

Lu Yu said without hesitation: "I am willing to express my sincerity to you, but should you also express your sincerity to me?"

"What sincerity do you want?"

"For example... how about you arrest this Yellowstone Ancestor first? After all, if you cooperate with us sincerely, he will be our common enemy!"

"What! This..."

The Huangshi Patriarch was secretly shocked, and the four Tiangang masters of the Shenhuo Xuan Sect were still looking at each other.

But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly stood up and rushed towards the Huangshi Patriarch in the air.

At the same time, he shouted: "Let me help you!"

Everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, facing a group of Tiangang masters, he actually took the initiative to attack!

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