Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1327 Alliance under the City

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu turned his face away in front of so many people in public.

Lu Yu seemed to have infinite power at this time, so they couldn't say anything to refute. They could only bear his scolding honestly, and there was an indescribable feeling of cowardice in their hearts.

But they didn't notice that seeing that the four Tiangang ancestors had no intention of resisting, Lu Yu couldn't help but reveal a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

In fact, Lu Yu was eager for the four Tiangang ancestors to continue fighting. Anyway, with Ye Fei on the side, it was difficult for the four to form a joint siege against him. Could it be that he could get more tempering through this process?

Just a few rounds of fighting just now gave him a deeper understanding of the Nine Stars in his body. If he could have more actual combat, it would undoubtedly bring good results to his golden elixir.

Lu Yu seemed to have a feeling.

At this time, his accumulation of various connection resources had reached a considerable level.

If he wants to make further progress in his cultivation, he can only go through more training and sum up experience in actual combat, so that he can make the image of the Nine Stars in his body reach a state of ease, thus forming a perfect golden elixir.

Unfortunately, the four Tiangang ancestors on the opposite side refused to cooperate at this time, so he had to give up.

In any case, the remaining remnants of the Divine Fire Xuan Sect are still very useful. If there is a chance, they should be subdued first instead of being beaten directly.

As for continuing to hone his cultivation in actual combat, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

The Tiangang strongman, the guard of the Divine Fire Xuan Sect, didn't know at all that they had quietly escaped a disaster invisibly.

"Okay, I won't say anything else, and I won't pursue the fact that you have secretly contacted the Bixiao Palace..."

Lu Yu's face was restrained again, and he said seriously: "I have only one request, that is, from now on, you must seriously cooperate with our actions and sincerely devote yourself to our camp, so that I can forgive the past... Otherwise, maybe we really have to continue to discuss it seriously!"

Lu Yu said solemnly, and the threat in it was self-evident.

With his status, it was really rude to speak to the four Tiangang strongmen like this, but no one among the four dared to oppose his words or make any suggestions to him.

This was really the previous scene that caused them too much of a shocking blow, forming an indelible psychological shadow.

"As for the specific details of our cooperation, everything remains the same, and it will be carried out as agreed by your Hong'an Patriarch and our Hongyi Patriarch before. Do you have any objections?" Lu Yu continued to ask.

At this moment, he has completely taken the initiative to speak, and his eyes swept back and forth among the four Tiangang ancestors.

There was another short silence.

The four ancestors were still silent, their eyes flickering, as if they were weighing something in their hearts and making a difficult decision.

Lu Yu knew that they were not weighing their own conditions at all, but weighing the strength comparison between the two sides.

In addition to Lu Yu's strength obviously exceeding their expectations, Ye Fei's Luoqiu Divine Staff also far exceeded their estimates, plus an unfathomable demon woman, if the two sides were to fight head-on, they would not be sure of winning.

After hesitating again and again, the fierceness in the eyes of the four Tiangang ancestors finally gradually disappeared.

"Okay, then let's do as the young master said, everything will remain the same!"

Finally, the old ancestor Ya'an bowed and said, the look in his eyes had been deeply buried.

"Very good."

Lu Yu smiled faintly.

"You have made a very wise choice not only for yourself, but also for the Divine Fire Xuan Sect! I think one day you will be sincerely happy for today's decision!"

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

As he said this, Lu Yu stretched out his hand to the old ancestor Ya'an in front of him.

The old ancestor Ya'an looked at Lu Yu in front of him, and his mind suddenly became active again.

At this time, Lu Yu seemed so fragile that he could flatten him to the ground like a cucumber with just a palm.

But the scenes he had experienced before reminded him all the time that all this was not reality.

In the end, the old ancestor Ya'an still restrained the urge to attack, stretched out his hands, and intersected with Lu Yu's five fingers, making a crisp sound.

"Okay... then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Under the watchful eyes of many disciples of the Divine Fire Xuan Sect, the two sides finally reached a cooperation agreement under the city.

Soon the specific agreement on cooperation between the two parties began to be implemented, and an endless stream of disciples from the Divine Fire Xuan Sect began to return to the Vulcan Mountain one after another. Under the joint dispatch of the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land, they became a stable logistical support force.

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