Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1328 More important things

Lu Yu and others stayed in Luoguang Strait for several days. After seeing the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong returning to Huoshen Mountain in an endless stream and all matters gradually getting on track, Lu Yu said goodbye and left, returning to Dali Sword Sect.

"Brother Ye, I'll leave you to worry about things here. You have the Divine Scepter of Falling Autumn with you, so there shouldn't be any problems!"

Before leaving, Lu Yu said to Ye Fei.

"Are you leaving now?"

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"My Luoqiu Divine Scepter is not as effective as your secret method. With you here, the four Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong seem to be obedient and do not dare to make the slightest move. If only I were here, only I’m afraid I might not be able to control the situation!”

After these few days, Ye Fei has been completely convinced by Lu Yu's methods. The various handover actions in the past few days are not just a group of harmony on the surface. At the beginning, the four Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong were just trying to make excuses. , and did many things that were both positive and negative.

However, Lu Yu used sharp methods to directly restrain the most arrogant Patriarch Wenye with spells, so that the other party had no desire to resist at all, which allowed all things to be carried out smoothly.

With a mere eighth-level body in the Guihai Realm, he actually defeated four Tiangang experts. Ye Fei never dared to think about such a scene in the past, but now it actually happened. It must be said that this time it was indeed an eye-opener for him. .

No wonder this person can also single-handedly make the Hunyuan Qi Sect send troops to complain about the mountain. This is indeed not without reason.

Before, everyone thought that he was relying on the support of Ancestor Yunxiao, but after this incident, Ye Bandit deeply understood that he did not need the support of Ancestor Yunxiao at all. Lu Yu's own strength alone was enough. Being able to do all this, he is already a tyrannical figure who can shock an entire party with just a single move.

Lu Yu said: "As long as there are no mistakes in general and there is no need to go into details too much, I have confidence in Brother Ye. You will definitely be able to handle the affairs here!"

"Furthermore, Patriarch Hongyi of our sect is already stationed on Layyan Island, and all the teachers and commanders of your sect are also on their way. If you encounter any difficult problems, Brother Ye can ask them for help at any time. As for what trouble will happen.”

Ye Fei sighed softly: "In this case, Brother Yu can only do his best!"

The two sides said goodbye.

However, just as Lu Yu was about to turn around and leave, Ye Fei suddenly stopped him again: "Junior brother Lu Yu, you chose to rush back to Jade Butterfly Peak at this time. Is there something else that makes the previous battle situation more important?"

Lu Yu turned around and looked up at the sky, his thoughts already flying to the stars.

He smiled softly and said with deep eyes: "That's right! There are indeed more important things than the battle situation on the front line... The battle situation on the front line can only allow us to stabilize the current situation, and if this matter can be accomplished smoothly If so, then we have a chance of winning in this match with Bixiao Shrine!"

Ye Fei couldn't help being surprised.

Unexpectedly, this matter turned out to be so critical. He did not dare to ask any more questions, but solemnly nodded: "I wish Junior Brother Lu success! Then I will wait here for Junior Brother Lu to send good news from Jade Butterfly Peak. !”

"Take care of yourself!"

"Take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Lu Yu released the shuttle boat. The boat rode the wind and waves, stirred up a long water line, and left the Luoguang Strait in the blink of an eye.

Ye Weilan stood pretty on the boat, looking back at the Luoguang Strait that was gradually receding, and said, "Are we really leaving like this? Is this really useful?"

Even she could see that this time Shenhuo Xuanzong was forced to sign the alliance under the city completely due to Lu Yu's pressure. There was still a huge crisis hidden in the dark.

"Of course it works."

Lu Yu said: "At least they didn't fall to Bixiao Palace, right?"

"But why don't you ask the Yellowstone Ancestor why he came here at this time? What kind of conspiracy are they plotting... It will always be difficult to reassure people if these things are not clarified."


Lu Yu said calmly: "As long as we do our part well this time, no matter what kind of conspiracy they have behind their backs, we can break it with force, and all their plans will be in vain."

"What happened this time..." Ye Weilan asked curiously, "Are you referring to the recasting of the Feihong Sword? Is it what you just told Young Master Ye Fei, which is more important than the battle situation on the front line?"

"That's right." Lu Yu nodded lightly, "The Feihong Sword is originally the divine sword of a certain Immortal King from outside the world. It was just to stop the actions of the Bixiao Palace that it came to this world..."

"I suspect that Senior Tianjian has actually lost some extremely critical memories over the long years, so I don't know exactly what role Feihong Sword will play in this confrontation..."

"Otherwise, under a dignified Immortal King, it stands to reason that there should be more other Immortal magic weapons. Why did he choose the Feihong Sword to come to the world?"

Lu Yu paused, took out the Feihong Sword, which was reflected in the glow of the glow, looked at it carefully, and then continued: "Besides, after this battle with the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor, I found that there are more in this sword. The power that can be discovered, and even the strange Jindan seeds formed in my body, are inextricably linked to this sword..."

"Once it can be truly awakened, even if there are many ancestors of earth evil hidden in the Jiuyou underground, they will be nothing more than objects swept away by my sword!"

Ye Weilan was stunned and said: "If that happens, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the world above who must succeed, right?"

Lu Yu nodded again: "Yes, maybe this is the reason why Senior Tianjian chose to forget... But he can forget, but we can't. The purpose of our existence is to find these keys that he has forgotten. And this is exactly the fate I have to bear when I awaken the lotus seed within me!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel silent for a while, staring at Lu Yu in a daze.

After a moment, she shook her little head and said with annoyance: "It's so complicated... Anyway, hurry up and complete the recasting of the Feihong Sword, then everything will be clear! I don't know what the difference between Sister Die and Sister Yudie is." How is the work done? Are they on their way back to Jade Butterfly Peak now? "

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "You will understand everything when you return to Jade Butterfly Peak!"

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