Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1329 Preparing for Sword Forging

A few days later, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan returned to Jade Butterfly Peak.

The return of the two people naturally caused a great sensation.

At this time, the war was in full swing, and the main forces from all the peaks of the Dali Sword Sect had been sent to the front line. However, the two men suddenly returned at this time, which naturally aroused all kinds of speculations.

Some people think that Lu Yu was injured? Or maybe the battle ahead is not going well, or it has even been a disastrous defeat... There were different opinions for a while, and people were panicked.

Lu Yu had no time to pay attention to these discussions. Anyway, time will prove everything. As long as the good news from the sea of ​​worms comes in a few days, all the rumors will be self-defeating.

The first thing he did after returning to the mountain was to go directly to the sacred tree king tripod that was placed on the top of the main peak. Unfortunately, this man was wandering around in the sky at this time, as if he was meditating, and there was no response at all.

After combining with the Star-Gathering Pearl, his abilities have been greatly enhanced. It is unknown where his consciousness is wandering in the starry sky at this time. In this state, Lu Yu just wants him to help Litian Sword Code Replenishing divine power is simply impossible.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu had no choice but to give up and quietly retreated, not to disturb him anymore.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he stepped off the main peak, he was blocked by an unexpected figure.

"Uh...Sister Hongling?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Originally, he had already thought that this time he would be bound by various matters when he returned to the mountain, and various characters would inevitably come to his door. However, he never expected that the first person to find him would be It will be Chu Hongling.

Chu Hongling looked at him deeply and said, "What exactly did you do? Why did the two ladies look like that?"

"Hmm? Two young ladies? You mean... are Master Aunt and Yudie already back?"

Lu Yu was immediately surprised.

After he returned to the mountain, he naturally immediately asked Chudie and Yudie if there was news about the two of them. After getting a negative answer, he felt that the two of them were actually on their way back...

But now hearing what Chu Hongling said, could it be that they had already rushed back ahead of others?

"Where are they? But what happened?" Lu Yu asked in a deep voice.

Chu Hongling glanced at him and said, "Come with me!"

She led Lu Yu directly to the Mirror Garden in the back mountain, and then went straight into his brother's Yin and Yang Cave. In the cave, he finally met the twin sisters who had been separated for several days.

At this time, the sisters looked haggard, as if they had passed out, lying motionless on the Yin-Yang Cave Formation.

" going on?" Lu Yu said in shock.

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Chu Hongling said.

"Two days ago, I suddenly received a message for help from them, so I rushed over immediately. When I found them at sea, they were already like this. At that time, they just left a letter to me, asking them to I will bring them back to Jade Butterfly Peak as soon as possible..."

"I don't know the whole story, and I didn't dare to make it too public, so I took them directly back to this cave... What exactly is going on, I think you should tell me?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

First of all, the first thing that can be confirmed is that the twin sisters were not injured.

He could tell this at a glance with the medical star's vision, so he could rule out that they encountered an enemy while rubbing the Shen Si Seal paper.

If they hadn't encountered a powerful enemy, how could they have ended up like this given their level of cultivation?

Therefore, Lu Yu conducted an in-depth examination of the two of them.

After a while, Lu Yu finally knew what happened to the two of them, and he couldn't help but reveal a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Chu Hongling noticed a strange expression on Lu Yu's face and immediately asked, "What happened to the lady?"

"Sister Hongling, please be patient..." Lu Yu sighed softly, "Actually, they are just too tired..."

"Tired?" Chu Hongling couldn't help but raise her eyebrows immediately, "You mean, the two young ladies became like this because they were overworked..."

She has served Yudie Chudie for many years, but she has never seen the two of them looking so tired... Lu Yu's words really have no credibility!

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "This is absolutely true... You don't need to make too much of a fuss. Some things are indeed so thought-provoking that just thinking about them will make you paralyzed. Before we part, Master Aunt and Yudie are doing exactly this kind of thing..."

Although he didn't know exactly how the two sisters ended up in such a state, there was no doubt that it was because of the deduction and calculation of the Feihong Sword that it consumed so much of their minds that they let them His mental strength was exhausted.

"This matter is also my mistake. If I had known this earlier, maybe Weilan and I should not have left so early that day. Fortunately, this matter did not have too serious consequences. This is an unrealistic blessing. of!"

"Then what should we do now?" Chu Hongling asked.

In any case, the only one she could rely on in this matter was Lu Yu.

"We don't have to do anything, we can only wait for them to recover on their own..." Lu Yu said, "However, Senior Sister and Yudie have calculated their thoughts to such an extent. I think they should have achieved quite a lot of results, so That’s why I asked you so eagerly to take them back to Jade Butterfly Peak..."

"If that's the case, we may have some preliminary work that we can do in advance!"

"What job?"

"Let's go! Let's quickly go to the eye furnace and have a look!"

Lu Yu suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"If you want to know what's going on, just go to the Eye of the Storm Furnace and everything will be clear!"

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