Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1331 What do you want?

After a while, Lu Yu followed Lin Zhengtie's people to the front of the Wind Eye Furnace.

This place is more like a small mountain than a furnace.

The entire furnace is dozens of feet high and looks majestic, with no trace of the deep ravine where the eye of the storm was previously placed.

Above the furnace, there are a total of twelve gates, corresponding to the four images of the Bagua, each controlling a different air path, which looks extremely spectacular.

Lin Zhengtie gave an order, and twelve gates immediately opened at the same time.

The mountains shook violently, and the heaven and earth trembled.

At this moment, when this furnace was completely displayed in front of Lu Yu, eight words appeared in his mind involuntarily - ingenious and magnificent.

No wonder Mingjian Villa can achieve such brilliant achievements in the way of forging, which can be seen from the momentum of this furnace.

However, this shocking emotion soon came to an abrupt end.

After a period of operation, Lu Yu discovered that there seemed to be a slightly unharmonious fluctuation among the twelve gates corresponding to the four images of the Bagua.

Although this fluctuation was extremely subtle, with Lu Yu's current cultivation level, he had an extremely keen sense of such subtle changes in power, and he was still able to accurately capture it.

"This is……"

Lu Yu frowned slightly.

Lin Zhengtie saw the look on Lu Yu's face and said, "It seems that the young master has also noticed that after the furnace is put into operation, the status is not always stable. This is because the corresponding positions of the twelve furnace doors have not been adjusted. For the sake of accuracy..."

"The Storm Eye Furnace emphasizes adapting to the time and local conditions, and every slight change will make a huge difference. Therefore, we can only constantly try to adjust these twelve furnace gates, which requires a lot of trial and error time. There are no shortcuts. "

Lu Yu nodded suddenly.

In fact, after all, this wind-eye furnace is like an extremely delicate musical instrument. Wherever the holes are made and where the strings are tuned, different tones will be produced. A slight error may lead to deviations in pitch.

Now, the situation that everyone in Mingjian Villa is facing is that they have obtained a good material and want to make a beautiful musical instrument from this good material. Now all the work has been completed. Only the last step is to adjust the intonation deviation.

However, their work is very different from making exquisite musical instruments. It is not just about listening with your ears. It takes constant "forging" to find out the "pitch" difference.

At this moment, the storm-eye furnace is being forged, but the materials used in it are not expensive materials. They are just "consumables" used for training.

Lu Yu's eyes were deep, and he stared at the wind furnace in front of him for a long time, and suddenly said coldly:

"That's not necessarily the case..."

Lin Zhengtie couldn't help but be stunned: "Why did the young master say this?"

Lu Yu said: "Why do you only think about adjusting the Eight Trigrams, Four Elephants and Twelve Gates on the furnace, but never think about fundamentally solving this problem?"

"Solve it fundamentally?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and they couldn't help but be stunned by Lu Yu's words.

"Master? Where do you start talking about this?"

"If we don't adjust the furnace itself, what else can we adjust?"

"Do you want us to adjust the position of the eye of the storm underground?"

Lu Yu suddenly said: "That's right! We need to adjust the position of the eye of the storm underground!"


"Adjusting the position of the eye of the storm underground?"

"How can this be!"

"What a joke!"

"The eye of the storm is so powerful. We can put it here and spend all our efforts. Why do we need to adjust it?"

Everyone felt incredible.

Lu Yu said calmly: "Nothing is impossible. Please don't forget that the eye of the storm was originally in Mingjian City. Now he has been moved from thousands of miles away to settle here. This is possible. What else is impossible?"

Everyone cannot agree with this statement.

The position of the eye of the storm here is indeed moved here from Mingjian City thousands of miles away, but this does not mean that everyone can change the position of the eye of the storm at will.

This is like a rich family transplanting a thousand-year-old tree from afar into their own courtyard. It is extremely rare for this thousand-year-old tree to survive. Now, this rich man actually wants to let this thousand-year-old tree live according to the rules. It grows according to rules, and even flowers, leaves fall, and bears fruit according to its own ideas... This is simply a fantasy!

But now, Lu Yu said this so naturally that everyone didn't know where to refute him.

"Sir, are you serious?"

Lin Zhengtie asked in shock.

Lu Yu nodded seriously: "Of course I am serious!"

"But...what are you going to do?"

Lu Yu turned around, glanced at Lin Zhengtie and the elders behind him, smiled softly, and said: "You don't have to be so nervous. This position of the eye of the wind is indeed quite mysterious at first sight, but recently I I have some new insights in practice, a new understanding of the nature of power, and a deeper understanding of the eye of the wind. In fact, it is far less mysterious than everyone imagined..."

"Do you know why the Eye of the Wind was born in Mingjian City, near the entrance to the Jiuyou Underground? At first, I thought it was due to the special geographical location there, but as I learned more recently, I realized I know that the reason is not actually the case. The reason why the eye of the wind landed there in groups is because they want to absorb the power of the earth evil..."

"In other words, the so-called eye of the wind is actually just a turning point for the power of the Earthly Evil. This is why it needs to be buried deeply in the ground to play its role. Otherwise, if it itself has the power of the earth's veins, , why can’t it be placed directly inside the furnace?”

"The power of earth evil?"

Everyone was immediately stunned.

Most of the people present at the Mingjian Villa are only at the Guihai Realm. Even Lin Zhengtie is only in the late stages of the Guihai Realm. There are only a few people who have reached the Golden Core Realm. For them, Tiangang Disha is still a very distant power.

Seeing that everyone could not understand, Lu Yu did not delve too deeply into it and continued: "If it is something else, it's hard to say, but if it is just the power of Earthly Evil, I happened to have done some research on it recently, which may be helpful for training. Maybe!"

"What do you want, Master?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course we need to go deep underground again and make some changes to the position of the eye of the storm. This way, we can save you the trouble of continuing to adjust the twelve furnace gates!"

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