Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1332 Going deeper

"This must never be done!"

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, everyone immediately objected.

"Going deep into the eye of the storm, there are too many variables, and there is a risk of being shattered into pieces at every turn. This move is really too dangerous!"

"Young Master is a man of wealth, but he can easily put himself in danger!"

"The internal situation in the eye of the storm is complicated. Even though we have been dealing with the furnace of the eye of the storm for many years, we dare not say that we fully understand it. If the young master breaks in rashly, I am afraid it will be self-defeating!"

"Young master, it's not that we are disrespectful to you. During this period of time, your reputation has shaken the world, and we are proud of it... It's just that we specialize in the arts. Please forgive me for my words. Based on your master's knowledge of the Wind Eye Furnace, I understand, this is really a bit frivolous!”

"We gave up our original foundation and worked so hard to move from Mingjian Villa to this place. We finally created such a situation. Do you want to destroy it in one day?"

Everyone's words were relatively restrained at first, but gradually they became more and more excited.

In the final analysis, it was because they were not optimistic about Lu Yu's actions. They went deep into the eye of the earth and reshaped it. In everyone's opinion, this was as incredible as reshaping the laws of heaven and earth. It had never been done before. past things.

And once there is any gap in the middle, all the previous efforts of everyone will be in vain. You must know that the biggest reason why these people agreed to merge Mingjian Villa into Jade Butterfly Peak is because of the existence of the Wind Eye Furnace. If this foundation is gone, then there is no doubt that their determination to merge with Jade Butterfly Peak will be greatly compromised.

"After all, everyone still doesn't believe me..."

Lu Yu sighed softly and showed a helpless expression to Lin Zhengtie.

"But, it doesn't matter. Trust is built up slowly bit by bit. Today's incident can be regarded as the beginning of our trust foundation..."

"Please rest assured, although I said I was trying before, I was actually quite confident. Otherwise, how could I have put myself in danger and made fun of my own life?"

"To take a step back, even if I mess up today's matter and the Wind Eye Furnace is irreversibly damaged, we still have a remedial measure... Not long ago, we captured the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's Golden Crow. There is also an eye of the wind on that floating battleship as a power driver..."

"If this matter fails, the eye of the storm will be removed from the Golden Crow and used to build a new eye of the storm furnace. I will never come out to interfere again, so you guys will have no objections, right? ?”

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Since Lu Yu had already spoken to this extent, it was natural for them to say nothing more.

"Sir, are you really sure?" Lin Zhengtie came up and whispered, the concern in his eyes easy to express.

Lu Yu knew that his behavior was not hypocritical. He was not only concerned about the success or failure of the Wind Eye Furnace, but also about his own life and safety. After all, he was now the protective umbrella of the entire Mingjian Villa. If anything happened to him, If so, then the entire Mingjian Villa will be in a state of glory all day long.

"rest assured."

Lu Yu gave him a reassuring look in return.

"I don't dare to vouch for adjusting the storm furnace...but my life will definitely not be in any danger. I won't care about it later.

"If that's the case, then I'll be relieved!" Lin Zhengtie's expression was obviously relieved and he said happily: "Then I'll wait here for the good news that Young Master has won! If the adjustment time can be greatly shortened, For us, this is a great thing! ”

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing, but ordered everyone to immediately open the base at the bottom of the Wind Eye Furnace.

The base structure of this furnace is extremely complex and is composed of countless strange formations. It is the accumulation of generations of ancestors of Mingjian Villa. It is the internal structural center of the furnace of the eye of the storm. What is connected internally is the eye of the storm underground. At the beginning, Lu Yu asked Master Cangsong and Master Xuanmo to take action, and used their astonishing power to break through the deep ravines and seal them all inside.

"Unlock the base now!"

Lin Zhengtie gave the order and shouted loudly.

Everyone in Mingjian Villa was still hesitant at first, but seeing this situation, they finally gave up their last struggle. Dozens of elite disciples swarmed forward and, under the command of many elders, quickly dismantled and dismantled the exquisite formations above.

Soon, the originally exquisitely designed and aesthetically pleasing base no longer existed, revealing a ferocious and wild look.

The cold wind whipped up wildly, and a dark entrance passage appeared in front of everyone, like the huge mouth of an abyss beast. At a glance, nothing could be seen at all. It was only darkness or darkness, and there was no way to know where it led. where.

When the construction started, Lu Yu saw with his own eyes that the structure had completely changed. This was no longer the area he was familiar with.

"All the formations on the base have been lifted... Young Master, do you need to make any more preparations?"

Lin Zhengtie asked Lu Yu for instructions.

Lu Yu shook his head, raised his head, and glanced at the people in front of him.

"So...everyone, I'll see you later!"

After saying that, he jumped up and his body disappeared into the darkness.

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