Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1334 Accident

On Chudie Peak.

The mountains and forests shook, sand and rocks flew, and various buildings trembled.

The entire mountain peak suddenly erupted with a dazzling brilliance. This was the result of the various defensive arrays on the mountain peak taking effect.

Fortunately, Chudie Peak was officially established after the war. After successive wars, in order to adapt to higher-intensity offensives, Chudie Peak increased investment in basic defense facilities. The defense on the peak The level is far higher than other major peaks.

If not, I am afraid that the shock just now will cause this newly completed mountain to return to its original shape.

On the outskirts of the Storm Eye Furnace, everyone was stunned by this sudden shock.

"What's happening here?"

"Is it the shock caused by the eye of the storm?"

"Could it be Mr. Lu who is here?

"With such a violent shock, wouldn't Mr. Lu be... in danger?"

Everyone couldn't help but feel anxious.

Although Lu Yu had acted confidently before and repeatedly promised that he would not be in any danger, he was afraid of anything but the worst. No one could predict such a thing.

At this time, it was still above the surface of the earth, and it had already caused such a violent shock. The shock underground was even more conceivable. Although everyone did not know what exactly happened, such a shock was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if that person is Lu Yu, he can't bear it.

Therefore, everyone was holding back a sentence in their hearts and did not dare to say it out... Under such a violent shock, Lu Yu was probably dead at this moment.

"The big owner..."

An elder who originally belonged to Mingjian Villa looked at Lin Zhengtie and wanted to ask his opinion, but he hesitated to speak.

Although everyone has now merged into Jade Butterfly Peak, they still habitually call Lin Zhengtie the master of the village in private.

Lin Zhengtie waved his hand and said: "Deacon Wu, there is no such thing as the owner or the owner here. Please call me Deacon Lin!"

The elder named Wu was stunned, but he still said as he was told: "Deacon Lin, look at what is going on..."

Lin Zhengtie looked at the storm eye furnace in front of him and said with a deep look: "Judging from the conditions of these twelve furnace gates, the underground storm eye is experiencing violent shocks. Although the situation seems a bit chaotic, at least Mr. Lu did what he said, and tried to change the position of the eye of the wind..."

The elder named Wu said: "Having said that, it's just such a violent shock. Mr. Lu..."

Halfway through, the words stopped abruptly, and the meaning was self-evident.

Lin Zhengtie said decisively: "Don't make wild guesses! Before there are any further results, let's just wait and see what happens!"


The elder surnamed Wu responded, paused, and then said: "Then do you want to inform the Buzzing Hall?"

The Buzzing Palace is the center for transmitting government orders to the entire Jade Butterfly Peak. The meaning of Elder Infinite's words was whether he should explain the situation to Jade Butterfly Peak.

After all, they are just a group of outsiders. If there are no accidents in Lu Yu's behavior of going underground this time, then naturally everything will be happy, but if he is a latecomer in Mingjian Villa, everyone will definitely be blamed by the entire Jade Butterfly Peak.

Lin Zhengtie couldn't help but glance at Chu Hongling on the side, and finally shook his head and said: "I don't think so, the Jade Butterfly Peak must have been alarmed by such a big movement!"

"Besides, isn't there Miss Chu here? Miss Chu knows the ins and outs of this matter best. With her here, there won't be any entangled problems..."

Chu Hongling looked straight at the bottom of the furnace base, where violent spiritual energy fluctuations were erupting. She was stunned without saying a word, and she didn't know if she heard Lin Zhengtie's words.

As expected, not long after, everyone from Jade Butterfly Peak rushed over.

In addition, people from the neighboring peaks such as Tianquan Peak and Moyu Peak were sent to ask what was going on.

About an hour later, even the Wulao Peak sent Master Yong'an who was responsible for staying behind to inquire about the matter. As for the other masters, they had already gone with the main force of the Dali Sword Sect. Layer Smoke Island of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Up to this moment, the tremors of the earth still did not subside, but intensified.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. They couldn't imagine what kind of power could make the earth tremble violently for so long.

It would be really shocking to say that all of this was the result of Lu Yu's deliberate actions.

According to this intensity of power consumption, even if there is a Lingxi Pot nearby, several pots of true energy reserves have already been used up...

In the end, this incident was no longer just a matter of Jade Butterfly Peak itself, but became a major event for the entire Dali Sword Sect.

Everyone gathered around the eye of the storm furnace, quietly waiting for things to change.

However, until the sun sets, night falls, and the sky is filled with stars, the ground at Chudie Peak is still shaking, and there is still no result.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to request off-site intervention from Master Yongan.

After all, even if Lu Yu could bear such a violent shock, Chudie Peak on the ground could bear it, and the spiritual veins underground would not be able to bear it. If something unexpected happens and causes the spiritual veins to explode, the resulting accident will affect more than just the Jade Butterfly Peak.

However, with Master Yong'an alone, he had no better solution, so they summoned several other powerful masters who stayed in Dali Sword Sect, and prepared to gather everyone's strength to work together to go deep underground to find out what was going on. .

It's just that they don't have Lu Yu's superb methods. For safety reasons, they must completely destroy the entire internal structure of the eye of the storm deep underground and penetrate deep into it.

Everyone in Mingjian Villa is naturally firmly opposed to this, because according to their method of operation, not only the eye of the storm underground will be destroyed, but also the eye of the wind furnace they set up on the ground will be completely destroyed.

It's a pity that the small arms can't twist the thighs. As a group of people who have just joined Jade Butterfly Peak, they really don't have much say in front of a group of real elders.

Just when they were about to implement it, a clear voice stopped them.

"Stop! No one is allowed to act rashly!"

Everyone looked for the voice and saw that the person had an exquisite figure, a delicate face, and a beautiful aura that made people feel suffocated. It was Ye Weilan who had the body of a demon spirit.

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