Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1335 Dispute

"Night girl?"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Naturally, everyone is no longer unfamiliar with Ye Weilan.

She had appeared in the previous battles, especially when Tian Miao, the master of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, was captured alive on Tianxiang Peak. The exquisite cooperation between her and Lu Yu left a very deep impression on everyone.

What everyone didn't expect was that she would appear here unexpectedly. Among the many powerful real people present, no one noticed when she came here.

In addition, her aura is more powerful than before, and she has obviously developed the inner elixir of the demon spirit.

In the world of demon spirits, every demon spirit with inner elixir is an absolute strong person and can be called a king. Although the strength of the inner elixir, the demon elixir is often not as good as the human golden elixir, but the demon king can rely on his own powerful body to exert a fighting power that is not inferior to the strong human golden elixir.

For such a powerful existence, they had not noticed her existence at all before, which made everyone feel shuddering.

"Miss Ye, what do you mean when you say we won't be allowed to act rashly?"

Master Wei Ran calmed down and said.

"Is this what Lu Yu meant, or what you meant?"

"That's what he meant, and it's also what I meant." Ye Weilan replied.

Her body moved automatically without any wind, and moved lightly in front of everyone, just blocking the base of the furnace in the eye of the storm.

From the outside, her body looked delicate, soft and delicate, but in front of everyone, her aura was as unmoving as a wall, making everyone feel a huge pressure inexplicably.

Such a move is tantamount to a provocation.

"You... are unreasonable! Look at where this place is and what your identity is. How dare you order us like this!"

An elder from Qingyang Peak, Ju Qingzhenren, said angrily.

The thinking of this Zhenqing master has always been traditional and conservative. He was originally quite dissatisfied with Ye Weilan's identity as a demon spirit, but because of Lu Yu's strength, he dared not speak out.

Now this demon spirit woman actually came to him to point fingers. He couldn't bear this kind of thing.

"I didn't order you, but...this is what Yu Lang has told me, and no one is allowed to disobey it. If you want to destroy this place, then just try it!"

Ye Weilan said lightly.

In fact, she didn't deliberately see the meaning of these real strong men, but as she followed Lu Yu through repeated battles, she had seen all kinds of formations, and the enemies she faced along the way were far worse than this. Even more powerful, compared to the strength of these real people in front of them, it is nothing.

Therefore, her words naturally revealed a sense of indifference.

This undoubtedly made Ju Qingren even more angry.

"Very good! Since it wasn't your order, then it was Lu Yu's order? He is just a true disciple, why should he talk to us like this!"

Master Ju Qing became furious.

"Huan Yulang! What you call is really intimate! If you are not of my race, your heart must be different! Doesn't this confirm that Lu Yu is friends with evil spirits and has an affair with evil spirits!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but frown.

Before she could react, Master Wei Ran scolded her: "Shut up!"

Although he was newly elected to Wulaofeng and became an elder in the cabinet, he had suffered deeply from Lu Yu's mistakes before and knew that there would be absolutely no benefit in speaking out like Elder Ju Qing.

Moreover, even Patriarch Hongyi transferred the Litian Sword Canon to Lu Yu. Everyone in the Litian Sword Sect knew about this. Based on this alone, Lu Yu's status was by no means an idle one. Elder Ju asked him to say that he was just a direct descendant. He is just a disciple, and this alone is a big mistake.

At this time, Lu Yu could no longer be treated as an ordinary true disciple.

Judging from the attitudes of Ancestor Hongyi and Ancestor Tailing towards him, it is not an exaggeration to regard him as a powerful Tiangang man.

Master Ju Qing couldn't help but be startled.

Although Zhenren Weiran is the guarding elder of Wulaofeng, among all the people present, he has the highest status and he is indeed qualified to give orders to everyone, but Zhenren Juqing did not expect that he would suddenly scold him so loudly .

Master Wei Ran calmed down and felt that his tone was too harsh, so he added another sentence, "Brother Juqing, please be careful what you say!"

After pausing for a moment, without waiting for Master Ju Qing to respond, he turned to Ye Weilan and said, "Miss Ye, what do you mean by what you just said? Are you saying that this is what Lu Yu meant? Can you get in touch with him? ?”

Ye Weilan nodded gently: "Yu Lang and I are already Taoist couples. Within such a close distance, we will naturally sense each other. We cannot pass on specific news. But at this moment, I It's enough to know that he is still safe!"

Master Wei Ran was slightly startled.

Just as he was about to say more, at this moment, the twelve furnace gates above the Storm Eye Furnace suddenly burst into bright golden light.

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