Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1336 Requisition

The doors of the twelve furnaces named after the Eight Trigrams and the Four Symbols of the Wind Eye Furnace all emit bright golden light. The brilliance goes straight to the bullfighting, making the entire Chudie Peak shine with radiance and beauty.

"Ah! This is..."

"The sects are returning to their positions! This is the sects returning to their positions!"

"This is a sign that the furnace in the eye of the storm has been adjusted!"

"How come it's so fast?"

The first people to react were the people at Mingjian Villa. Everyone was excited and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

The doors of the twelve storm-eye furnaces erupted with bright golden light at the same time. This was a sign that the doors had returned to their positions, indicating that the storm-eye furnace had been adjusted accurately and was ready to work at any time.

Originally, according to the normal process, this progress would have taken at least three to five years, but now Lu Yu completed the work in less than one day.

Master Wei Ran and others on the side couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

Although they didn't know what the situation was, it was not difficult to tell from the excited expressions of everyone in Mingjian Villa that this move had extraordinary significance.

At this time, with the continuous emergence of golden light, the vibrations of the earth are gradually stabilizing, which shows that the crisis deep underground has also been lifted.

No matter what Lu Yu did underground, it seems that he succeeded after all.

In comparison, their reactions just now seemed a bit fussy and unnecessary.

"It seems that there is no need to say anything more..." Ye Weilan said lightly, "The crisis here has been resolved, and the elders no longer need to worry here, and there is no need to make a big show of this storm furnace..."

These words could be said to be quite disrespectful to a few people, and their faces couldn't help but look extremely ugly for a while.

However, after practicing to their level, their current status is already extraordinary, and they naturally have the ability to do what they want.

"We, too, took this step out of necessity for the safety of the Dali Sword Sect. Naturally, everyone is happy to see that the crisis here has been resolved!"

Master Weiran said calmly.

"I just heard what you all said, it seems that the Wind Eye Furnace can be officially put into use? The Wind Eye Furnace is a rare geomantic treasure land in the world. It is of great benefit for forging all kinds of magic weapons. It originally only existed in the Ming Dynasty. In the Jiancheng area, I didn’t expect that Lu Yu would move it back to our Dali Sword Sect. This is really a great thing!”

"In this way, it is equivalent to bringing an invisible and huge treasure house to our Dali Sword Sect! Lu Yu's move is nothing short of an unparalleled contribution to our Dali Sword Sect's expansion of territory!"

The more Master Wei Ran spoke, the more kind his tone became. He held his beard in his hands and smiled, with a look of admiration on his face.

However, Lin Zhengtie and others around him couldn't help but frowned when they heard this.

It was true that Master Wei Ran was praising Lu Yu lavishly, but the underlying meaning behind his words was that he had the intention of taking this Wind Eye Furnace as a common property for the entire Dali Sword Sect.

In fact, he had already felt a similar situation.

From the first day when Mingjian Villa was officially merged into Jade Butterfly Peak, there have been people who have been coveting the various resources of Mingjian Villa. They have been sending people to test him, making insinuations, and trying to transfer Mingjian Villa to Mingjian Villa. The forces of Jianshan Villa were recruited under his command.

It's just that these forces only come from various mountain peaks. Naturally, they can't provide such favorable conditions as Jade Butterfly Peak. No one from Wulao Peak has ever intervened. Now seeing the Wind Eye Furnace finally completed, I didn't expect that even Wulao Peak would Feng couldn't help but reveal such an intention.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but frown slightly. She instinctively sensed that there was something in Weiran's words, but she was used to walking alone and was not good at verbal confrontations with others, so she didn't know how to respond.

Master Ju Qing on the side immediately understood Master Weiran's intention. Although Master Weiran had just refuted him, he didn't take it to heart at all at this moment. He rolled his eyes and said immediately: "Such a grand event should be reported to the elder immediately. Court, all the elders who are responsible for guarding the palace are invited to come and participate in this grand event!"

After a pause, he continued: "Although this Wind Eye Furnace was built under the supervision of the Jade Butterfly Peak Sect, at this time of crisis, such an important weapon of the country should naturally be deployed and coordinated by the sect. , Only in this way can resources be utilized to the maximum extent.”

"For example, there is a piece of Xianhua Divine Iron in Qingyang Peak of our sect. It has been planned for many years and is in urgent need of forging, but it has never found a suitable opportunity. Now with this wind eye furnace, it can just make this piece of Xianhua Divine Iron Through forging, with the texture of the Xianhua Divine Iron and the power of this Wind Eye Furnace, we will definitely be able to forge an immortal divine weapon. This will greatly enhance the strength of our Great Li Sword Sect!"

At the end of the sentence, Master Ju Qing's face was not only full of pride, but also seemed to be proud of him.

In fact, there is a lot of selfishness hidden in his words, because he himself is the elder of Qingyang Peak. Although this piece of fairy flower is shared by the entire Qingyang Peak, several other Qingyangfeng A real strong man already has his own magic weapon. If a new magic weapon can be forged this time, then most of it will be assigned to him.

Ye Weilan suddenly couldn't help but his eyes narrowed.

Now she finally understood. It turned out that these guys were planning the furnace in the eye of the storm.

Lu Yu did not hesitate to put himself at risk this time and quickly accelerated the adjustment progress of the Wind Eye Furnace. The purpose was to recast the Feihong Sword. It was their top priority at the moment. How could it be possible to hand over the Wind Eye Furnace to them for dispatch and use? ?

Ye Weilan's eyebrows could not help but stand up, and she was about to have an attack, but at this moment, a lazy voice came from behind.

"What are you talking about? Do you also want to use my storm eye furnace?"

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