Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1339 The Legendary Weapon

The legendary weapons are actually a very general term.

According to the current classification, the divine weapons or magic weapons of the Tianling level are already among the top in the world.

But in fact, there are still a group of divine weapons or magic weapons that have passed through the Tianling level in all major sects. They have all experienced various baptisms in the long river of time, left various moving legends, and their effects have been fully tested.

For example, the Li Tian Sword Classic of the Dali Sword Sect, the Luoqiu Divine Staff of the Taishang Immortal Sect, and the Small Kunlun Mirror of the Bixiao Palace...

They all have the same name - artifacts.

All artifacts are creations above the Tianling level, but not all divine weapons or magic weapons above the Tianling level can become artifacts. They must have been tested by time and have a glorious record that is passed down to the world.

Now Lu Yu swore to directly say the name of the legendary divine weapon, which made everyone even more confused.

Even Liang Chuanyu's Tianming Sword, a ready-made Heavenly Spirit-level divine weapon, which had already shined in the previous series of battles, did not dare to claim to be a legendary divine weapon. Where did he get a legendary divine weapon?

"If there is a legendary divine weapon that can rival the Li Tian Sword Classic, it would naturally be a great thing..."

Zhenren Ju Qing sneered.

"However, now we haven't even seen the shadow of the Heavenly Spirit Divine Weapon, so how can we say that it is all divine weapons?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and said, "In fact, I already have an old embryo of a divine sword in my hand. For various reasons, its divine power no longer exists, but its former glory is far beyond the legendary divine weapon..."

"As long as we can recast it, we can achieve the power comparable to the legendary divine weapon, so that we can have a greater advantage when facing the Bixiao Palace. This is a key to dealing with the Bixiao Palace...

"For this reason, I have done the following Many preparations have been made, and this Eye of the Wind furnace in front of us is just one of these preparations..."

Everyone was moved when they heard this.

Such a huge project is just a preliminary preparation.

It can be seen that Lu Yu has been planning this for a long time and is determined to succeed.

At the same time, everyone also understood why Lu Yu summoned all the elders here. Now that the Eye of the Wind furnace has been fully completed, the prerequisites for recasting the sword have been met, and it is time to move forward with the next plan.

"Such a thing should be fully supported by the sect!"

Changchun Zhenren is old and strong, and he waved his hand to set the tone directly. The other elders who entered the cabinet around him originally wanted to ask about the specific details, what the so-called old embryo of the sword looks like, but in this case they had to shut up obediently.

"Speak! What do you need us old bones to do? "

Lu Yu said: "Recasting the sword will be a very complicated and huge project. The specific plan will be personally handled by the two real people, Chudie and Yudie. At that time, a senior who has been in seclusion will be invited to supervise the site... But this alone is far from enough. The main work requires at least 20 real people to help share the burden, so this matter requires the help of all the elders!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

They are all powerful people, and their vision and knowledge are not comparable to ordinary people. There are also many people who are proficient in forging, but they have never heard of any forging project that requires such a large number of people.

"How long will the whole forging process take! "Yong'an Zhenren asked.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "I don't know about this yet. It may take Chudie and Yudie Zhenren to answer you. However, they are still in the process of preparation and have no time to come to answer your questions..."

Weiran Zhenren frowned and said, "That's difficult... Now we have only about twenty Zhenren strongmen left in the sect. If all of them come here to forge swords, then the affairs of the sect will be suspended!"

Changchun Zhenren said decisively: "Stop it, stop it. Once this is successful, it will solve the urgent needs of the front line. This is the sect's top priority at the moment, and everything should be based on this!"

"This... isn't it a bit too desperate? "

Someone in the crowd whispered.

However, under the fierce gaze of Changchun Zhenren, those questioning voices soon became low.

Perhaps because he knew that he had not much time left, Changchun Zhenren's attitude was particularly fierce, as if he was going to burn his last at the end of his life. Everyone was unwilling to argue with him in this state.

Lu Yu said: "The affairs within the sect should be maintained as they should be maintained, otherwise, what is the point of you staying here? If it is not possible to withdraw 20 real strong men at one time, then it is also possible to withdraw 10 real strong men in turn. I think the remaining part should be able to help us make up for it by the secluded senior..."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Zifu Zhenren asked: "Who is this secluded senior?"

Lu Yu replied: "Please forgive me for keeping his identity a secret, but I can tell you that this senior's life span is even longer than that of Yunxiao Patriarch..."

"What! "

Everyone was shocked.

"Longer than the old man Yunxiao? The old man Yunxiao has lived for three thousand years!"

"How is this possible?"

"Are you mistaken?"


Lu Yu looked calm and smiled without saying a word.

Seeing his appearance, everyone slowly accepted it. This is also thanks to the battle reports from the front lines in recent days. Everyone has learned about the existence of the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor. Since there is a existence like the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor with a lifespan of five to six thousand years hidden in the Bixiao Shrine. , then it would not be so unacceptable to have one more being whose reception score exceeds that of Yunxiao Patriarch.

"If that's the case, there's nothing more to say. Let's do everything as you say!" Master Changchun said, "Whenever you need us to come over and help, just say it!"

Lu Yu said: "It probably takes a few more days to prepare. Everything is mainly arranged by the two masters Chudie and Yudie. I will ask the elders to go back and make arrangements in the past few days. By the way, we will discuss who should come. By then Once the recasting project starts, you will need to come over immediately to support us!”

Everyone had different expressions and nodded silently.

Lu Yu paused and then continued: "There is another thing. Although I have made sufficient preparations to recast the Divine Sword this time, unexpected things will inevitably happen. Therefore, I I hope that all peaks, including Wulao Peak, can bring all the forging materials stored in their warehouses here in case of emergency!”

Master Changchun waved his hand and said: "This is a small matter, let's do it like this!"

Master Ju Qing looked grim again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu actually asked him to bring out the Xianhua Divine Iron for unified control, and when the matter came to a close, he was not allowed to struggle and resist at all.

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