Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1340 Sword Test

All the pavilion elders left Chudie Peak in a hurry.

As real strong men, they all shoulder important missions, especially when this elite main force has left and the Dali Sword Sect is empty internally. Every real strong man has several responsibilities on his shoulders. Now in order to cooperate Lu Yu's recasting plan has added to the burden on them, so they naturally need to plan carefully.

However, although the elders left, those who had been sent by various mountain peaks to inquire about the information did not leave. Instead, they stayed in place and continued to observe Lin Zhengtie and others' inspection of the Wind Eye Furnace.

These people did not know the content of the discussion between Lu Yu and the elders. Although they were discussing in front of these people, there was a barrier during the discussion. Everyone could only see their images and expressions, but But I don’t know the specific content of the conversation.

But just from the deeds of the pavilion elders, it can be seen that the situation this time is definitely not trivial, and something major will definitely happen in the Dali Sword Sect next.

Moreover, even if all these circumstances are ignored, the mere appearance of this storm-eye furnace has already made them curious.

Lu Yu didn't pay much attention to this, but walked straight to the side of the storm furnace and said to Lin Zhengtie and others who were busy: "Deacons, how is the situation?"

A group of heads who originally belonged to Mingjian Villa were busy at first. When they heard Lu Yu's voice, they turned around and showed a look of surprise.

"Sir, are you done with your work over there?"

"Sir, this is really unbelievable! The twelve gates of the entire furnace are perfectly aligned, and they are all adjusted accurately without any errors... How on earth did you do all this?"

"My old grandson is completely convinced now! In the past, during the winter break in Bright Sword City, I was mostly responsible for adjusting the Wind Eye Furnace... I led a total of thirty-seven adjustments, but In all these years, it has never been calibrated to such an accuracy!”

"Isn't it a big deal that the twelve furnace gates are accurately adjusted? The key is that their vibrations and vibrations are also so smooth!"

"That's right. In the past, when we were in Mingjian City, the reason why we had to conduct winter break adjustments every year was because the wave vibrations in the eye of the storm there were so violent that every once in a while, the various parts of the furnace in the eye of the storm would There will be deviations in the door benchmark..."

"Now that there is such a low wave vibration here, I think the annual winter break should be changed to once every few years!"

"Haha, it seems that our work will become easier from now on!"

"That's wrong. I'm afraid it won't be easier...if the annual winter break is cancelled, then our tasks should become more arduous!"

"If it is such a heavy task, then I am willing to do it!"

"All this is due to Mr. Lu!"

"It seems that coming here was the right choice!"

"Think about how many of you were against this matter at the beginning. Thanks to the owner of the villa, he was wise and decisive and overcame everyone's opinions!"

"What are you talking about, the master of the village? Now we are all deacons of Jade Butterfly Peak!"

“It’s true that the owner of the villa made a wise decision, but it was Mr. Lu who really made all this happen!”

"Young master has such cultivation at such a young age, and he has endless various mysterious methods! I seem to have seen the glorious achievements of Jade Butterfly Peak in the future! It is really a blessing for me and others to join Jade Butterfly Peak at this time. …”

Everyone was gushing and saying all kinds of nice things. It can be seen that the results of this adjustment have indeed deeply touched them.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, not surprised.

After a while, after everyone's excitement was vented, he said: "What Lu Yu did today was just a fluke. If it weren't for your uncanny workmanship to lay a solid foundation in advance, I would never have been able to do it. To such an extent…”

"But even with such an achievement, everything has just begun. The real challenge comes next!"

"I have just discussed it with the elders of the sect. Next, I plan to use this wind-eye furnace to create a legendary weapon. It is an extremely large and complex project. In addition to the personal support of the entire sect, In addition, we also need the superb skills and assistance of everyone here. I hope you will never refuse and work with me to complete this grand event!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

"Legendary magic weapon?"

"Does it require the full support of the entire Dali Sword Sect?"

"What exactly is this meant to be forged?"

Everyone was really caught off guard. Lu Yu, who had just shocked everyone, did not expect that he would drop such a bombshell right after. This really made people feel a little overwhelmed.

"As for what kind of forging plan this is, please forgive me for being a little pretentious... To be honest, I still can't explain it clearly. I can't explain it to you in detail until the two real people, Chudie and Yudie, come out of seclusion. …”

"However, there is another thing before that. You may wish to familiarize yourself with it first. It may be of great help to the subsequent casting plan..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly raised his hand and used the Xiaguang Feihong Sword.

The Feihong Sword suddenly flew diagonally and inserted into the crafting platform in the Wind Eye Furnace.

In an instant, countless rays of light rose into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

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