Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1341 Joining forces

With countless brilliance rising into the sky.

Many details on the Feihong Sword were revealed bit by bit on the production stage.

This is just like the real hall on Jade Butterfly Peak. Although the Wind Eye Furnace is a furnace, it is also an extremely large and complicated magic circle. It can not only forge divine weapons, but also be used to analyze some of the existing divine weapons. detail.

Everything was just as Lu Yu expected. The Wind Eye Furnace was indeed the top forging tool in the world. With the blessing of its formation, more details on the Feihong Sword were revealed. Many of them were even used by Lu Yu before. Never seen it.


"This is……"

"These...are inscriptions?"

"This is really special! I've never seen it before!"

"What a divine sword!"

"A master's handwriting! But it doesn't seem to be the technique of any master we are familiar with..."

"Whose work is this?"

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

The people around who came from various mountain peaks to watch the excitement didn't know exactly what happened, but they just felt that the momentum was really amazing.

But the people around the Wind Eye Furnace, who have been dealing with all kinds of magical weapons all year round, are becoming more frightened and shocked as they look at it.

"This is the Feihong Sword. It was acquired by my father by chance. It is also the old embryo of our forging plan. Our next plan is to recast it on the basis of this piece."

Lu Yu did not hide it and explained directly to everyone.

By this time, there was no need to hide his identity anymore, so he even revealed the origin of the sword.

However, he only told some superficial origins. As for the true origin of Feihong Sword, it was really amazing. If he told it, he would probably scare everyone.

In fact, he was overthinking this. Everyone was deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. As for what he explained or whether he didn't explain it at all, it actually didn't matter anymore.

Everyone present was an expert in the art of forging, and their eyesight when looking at divine weapons was unparalleled. The sight in front of them had made them deeply realize how extraordinary this sword was.

For a moment, everyone was so absorbed in the strange sight before them that they even forgot to respond to Lu Yu.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu didn't say anything more and said with a faint smile: "Please hurry up and observe the details of this sword carefully. You only have three or two days left..."

After saying that, he quietly left the scene and stopped disturbing everyone.

He is not worried that the details of the Feihong Sword will be exposed because of this. The Feihong Sword is still a divine sword from the sky. If these people can peek at the details and be able to reproduce it, then he does not have to do it anymore. Worried about the threat from Bixiao Shrine.

As for the news here leaking out and being known to Bixiao Shrine, it doesn't matter. In today's situation, he and Bixiao Shrine already knew what they knew and had a mutually known relationship. It was originally harmless. .

"Where shall we go next?"

Seeing Lu Yu walking out of the range of the Wind Eye Furnace, Ye Weilan quietly appeared beside him and asked.

"Where else can we go?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said.

"Of course I will go back to Jade Butterfly Peak to see how the situation is with Sister Die and Jade Butterfly... I have done everything I need to do now, and they will be the protagonists of this big drama!"

"Then...should I stay here and watch?"

Ye Weilan looked back and said hesitantly with the Feihong Sword on the Wind Eye Furnace.

This sword is the top priority of all matters at the moment, and it also depends on Lu Yu's wealth and life. If it is out of sight and something happens, it will be hard to say.

"No need."

Lu Yu shook his head gently.

"Here is my one-third of an acre of land. I don't think anyone can take it away."

There was strong confidence in his words.

What he said is indeed true. This is the hinterland of Dali Sword, and it is his absolute home, especially after he mastered the domain.

In addition, there are also sacred wooden king tripods and star gathering beads guarding here. With the experience of converting the ruins array of the God's Domain into the Starlight Array, he has absolute confidence that no matter who comes, it will be difficult to get favors from him.

"I can rest assured that!"

Ye Weilan nodded and said: "Then let's go back now! I also want to know how Sister Die and Sister Yudie are doing now!"

Lu Yu also nodded and took Ye Weilan's hand.

Ye Weilan's face was full of shyness, as if she was about to struggle.

Lu Yu said forcefully: "Don't move! I just want everyone to know the relationship between you and me. Let's see who dares to make irresponsible remarks about it in the future!"

Ye Weilan suddenly felt warm in her heart, and then stopped struggling, letting him hold her hand firmly.

It turned out that he had already known Master Ju Qing's attitude towards her before.

The two of them walked hand in hand, not caring about the surprised looks from everyone around them.

After a while, the two returned to Chudie Peak, and at this time, the Yin Yang Cave was shaking endlessly.

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