Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1350 Dragon God Crypt

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan kept moving forward in the winding and rugged passage.

The passage was extremely large, and the area they traveled through even far exceeded the scope of Night Star City. Although it was very twists and turns, they could generally sense that this was a huge cave system that was constantly spiraling downwards, and its coverage area was at least There are hundreds of miles in radius.

The two of them became more and more frightened as they walked. It was really hard to imagine what kind of force could have created such a strange landform.

After walking for about half an hour, their eyes suddenly opened up, and the passage suddenly became spacious, like an underground palace appearing in front of them.

Lu Yu stepped into the underground palace, and a powerful dragon's power swept over him. The pressure on his body suddenly increased several times, almost forcing him to kneel to the ground.

At the critical moment, a bit of bright light suddenly burst out from his body, and all nine golden elixir seeds appeared.

Lu Yu immediately seized the opportunity and quickly adjusted the golden elixir seeds in his body, causing it to create a completely new realm. Only then could he support his body and resolve the powerful dragon god's pressure.

"how are you feeling?"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned back to look at Ye Weilan.

But he saw that she acted much more calmly than he did, her face only turned slightly rosy, and she withstood the fierce pressure without even activating her inner elixir.

It seems that this is mostly because of the bloodline of the Night Phoenix clan...

Lu Yu didn't know what glorious deeds the Night Phoenix Clan had back then, but since it can be called one of the five ancient heavenly clans and is on par with the Dragon God Clan, it naturally has a strength that is not inferior to the Dragon God. .

After awakening the power of the Yehuang clan's bloodline, Ye Weilan's aura has become countless times stronger than before, and it is no longer a problem to resist this level of pressure.


Ye Weilan froze for a moment, and then let out a long breath. It was obvious that she was also a little uncomfortable with the sudden pressure.

"Compared with the pressure from the Demon God back then, it is indeed much stronger, but that's all... Have we reached the place now?"

"Probably not yet, at least we haven't seen the people from the Long family who are responsible for maintenance here...but I think it will be soon!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu took out a luminous pearl, and with a little force on his hand, the luminous pearl suddenly emitted a bright light, and the entire cave was illuminated as brightly as day.

This is a modified luminous pearl with a very exquisite magic circle inside, specially used for lighting. It is a trophy obtained from the disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect during the previous war.

Although the relationship between Lu Yu and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was hostile, he still had to admit that the creations of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect were indeed ingeniously conceived and had unique practicality.

Lu Yu felt that the terrain here was different, so he activated the luminous pearl. At this time, under the light of the luminous pearl, the details of the underground palaces were clearly revealed.

Only thick and ferocious bones were seen lying above the head, extending towards the four walls of the cave, as if supporting the entire cave space.

Considering the texture and shape of these bones, the answer is already obvious. These are obviously the bones of giant dragons. Judging from the degree of petrification of these bones and the stone wall, it is unknown how many years they have been buried here.

"This... could it be the body of a giant dragon?" Ye Weilan said in surprise.

Every giant dragon is a huge treasure house, and its whole body is filled with treasures from beginning to end. Even if it has died and turned into a skeleton, it is a huge treasure.

If the situation here is made public and known to outsiders, it will inevitably attract cultivators from all over the country to flock to it.

"I'm afraid that ordinary giant dragons are not on such a scale. I'm afraid that this one is probably a strange species among the giant dragons. It may even be related to the Dragon God..." Lu Yu said thoughtfully.

"Young Master... wise!"

Long Xingtu's panting voice suddenly came from behind, and it was only then that he finally caught up with the two of them.

"This is the remains of the ancestral dragon... After years of changes, the Dragon Clan has given birth to many branches. Even us, the Dragon Clan in Haixi, are also descendants of the Dragon Clan..."

"The source of the bloodline of all descendants of the Dragon Clan is the Dragon God, and the Ancestral Dragon Clan is one of the races closest to the Dragon God's bloodline. Today, the Ancestral Dragon Clan has long been extinct, and only in such depths of the earth can we occasionally Found traces of their existence..."

"Ancestral Dragon..."

Lu Yu quietly recited the name silently.

He walked to the edge of the stone wall aside, stretched out his hand and gently touched the remaining dragon bones on it, and clearly felt the powerful power contained in it.

This kind of power is different from the ordinary power of true energy, but a basic power similar to Tiangang Disha, which is one of the elements that make up this world.

This huge cave is equivalent to an independent world.

Even though it has been dead for thousands of years and its body has turned into a skeleton, it still retains such a powerful force. It is really hard to imagine how powerful it was when it was in its prime...

But for such a powerful existence, Lu Yu had never heard of its name before.

In the existing classics of Dali Sword, there has never been any record of the word "ancestral dragon" - there may be related records, but they are all collectively called giant dragons - this can only mean that the word "ancestral dragon" The era when dragons were active was long before the founding history of the Dali Sword Sect, and they had indeed disappeared from this world long ago.

"Are there many places like this?"

Lu Yu retracted his hand and asked again.

Long Xingtu glanced at Lu Yu and then said: "This is a secret that our Haixi dragon people have never told. Originally, it could never be revealed to outsiders. But at this time, Haixi has completely changed. Besides, the young master has great influence on our clan." Well, I'm not an outsider, so I won't hide anything from you..."

He paused for a moment before continuing:

"In the land of Haixi, there are indeed many Dragon God Crypts. Almost every powerful dragon family was born from a Dragon God Crypt, because only by relying on the Dragon God Crypt to absorb the Dragon God Only with this strength can the family develop rapidly..."

"For example, the Rock Crystal City of our Long Family is actually built on a Dragon God's crypt. It is precisely because we can continuously absorb the power of the Dragon God from the crypt that our Long Family can continue to to date……"

"But not all Dragon God crypts are transformed from the body of the ancestral dragon. The dragon clan continues to this day, and there are extremely many types. As long as the adult dragon understands the true meaning of the Dragon God, when it returns to the embrace of the Dragon God, It is possible for them to evolve their remaining bodies into the Dragon God's crypt..."

"For the Dragon Clan, this is the Dragon Clan's highest honor, just like human cultivators' pursuit of ascending to the heavens. This is the lifelong pursuit of all dragons..."

"Therefore, the creation of the Dragon God's Crypt is no accident. One is due to the bloodline of the original Dragon Clan, and both are places carefully selected by the Dragon Clan before it can evolve into the Dragon God's Crypt..."

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