Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1351 Thousands of people formed an array

"There are many types of dragons, so there are many types of dragon gods' crypts, but generally speaking, the closer the dragons are to the dragon god's bloodline, the more powerful the dragon god's blood evolved."

"The Dragon God Crypt evolved from the body of the ancestral dragon like this one is very rare in the entire Haixi area. It has never been seen outside Haixi..."

"It is actually an extremely lucky thing that we can find this Dragon God crypt here that evolved from the body of the ancestral dragon! What's more important is that this Dragon God crypt can also be compared with The Dragon God Crypts in our Rock Crystal City echo each other and are connected to each other to form a stable transmission channel. "

"This shows that the two of them are very close in their original bloodline, so this phenomenon occurs. This can no longer be described as luck... This is simply the Dragon God's favor for our family!"

Long Xingtu became more and more excited as he spoke, with a faint look of eagerness in his eyes.

After hearing what he said, Lu Yu finally understood the origin of the Dragon God's Crypt.

It turns out that the dragon clan also has a theory of ascension. Each of these Dragon God crypts is the product left behind in the world after the dragon ascended.

However, the way these giant dragons ascend is obviously very different from that of humans. At least their bodies remain in this world permanently.

With the rise of the eight major sects, the giant dragons have gradually declined. In the past tens of thousands of years, basically no giant dragon has been able to successfully ascend, so these secrets have not been noticed by the outside world at all.

Coupled with the background that the land of Haixi is gradually being marginalized, only the dragon people have a little knowledge of these secrets.

Lu Yu suddenly understood why Long Xingtu explained this to him. In fact, it was precisely because the Dragon God Crypt with the body of the ancestral dragon was extremely rare, so this place became particularly important to the Long family. He was Explain to yourself the importance of this.

So, Lu Yu nodded and said: "Elder Xingtu, please rest assured. As long as I, Lu Yu, are here for a day, I can guarantee that this place will be under the control of the Long family, and the Dali Sword Sect will not have any involvement in it."

Long Xingtu was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you so much, Master!"

He knew that with Lu Yu's current status and such a guarantee, from now on Ye Xingchen would be as impregnable as a thousand armies.

Seeing the excited expression on Long Xingtu's face, Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

In fact, he felt that the other party was thinking too much.

The Dragon God Crypt in the body of the Ancestral Dragon may indeed be a huge treasure, but only the dragon clan knows how to use such a treasure.

In the world other than the land of Haixi, the understanding of the inheritance of the dragon clan has basically been broken. Even if the Dali Sword Sect occupies such a treasure land, it is of no use. At best, it can only unearth some rare materials here. .

"Okay, now let's see how amazing this Dragon God's Crypt is, right?" Lu Yu said again.

After arriving here, the road ahead suddenly became full of obstacles and was covered by layers of formations. Lu Yu sensed great danger in it. If he continued to advance rashly, he might be forced to fight again, causing irreversible damage to this place. of damage.

"You two, please follow me!"

Long Xingtu agreed, and then led the way forward. He led the two of them to bypass the numerous traps, and walked all the way from the abdominal cavity of Zulong's body to the head.

The space around here became even larger, and Lu Yu even saw two long and huge horns, deeply embedded in the depths of the ground. It can be seen from the direction of these two horns that in fact when this ancestral dragon was embraced by the Dragon God, its head was buried deeply in the ground in an upside-down position...

In addition to the huge head of the ancestral dragon, Lu Yu also saw many Haixi dragon people here.

These dragon people should all come from the Long family of Yanjing City, and there are thousands of them. At this time, they are surrounding the giant dragon's skull, and they are rushing forward and slit their wrists one by one. , injecting blood into the two horns deeply embedded in the ground.

"What are they doing?" Lu Yu asked.

"They are preparing a formation and using the power of their own blood to activate the dragon crypt, so that they can open a transmission channel directly to Yanjin City." Long Xingtu said.

"Does it need to be so exaggerated?"

Lu Yu said in surprise.

Although he knew that a teleportation channel that could span thousands of miles of ocean would definitely not be a simple matter, he did not expect that the price would be so high.

Thousands of dragon descendants were bleeding out one after another. If this were sent a few more times, I'm afraid the entire Long family would be hollowed out and drained.

Long Xingtu said: "Normally, if people from our Long family are teleporting, there is no need to go to war in such a big way, but neither of them has dragon blood. To be on the safe side, we naturally have to be more prepared..."

Only then did Lu Yu suddenly realize.

It turns out that the transmission channel in the Dragon God's Crypt is not suitable for everyone. Only specific dragon bloodlines can pass through smoothly.

This is actually easy to understand, just like the portals of each major sect will automatically screen the disciples of their own sect in order to pass through smoothly.

As excluded candidates, if they want to activate such a channel, they must pay a more expensive price.

Lu Yu didn't expect that the price would be so high, but Long Qingxuan agreed to his request without a second thought. He had to accept this favor.

"I remember this kindness from the Long family, and I, Lu, will definitely repay it in the future."

Looking at the descendants of the Long family who were coming one after another in front of him, Lu Yu said very sincerely.

"Young master, you're welcome! It's our Long family's turn to repay your kindness!" Long Xingtu said.

Lu Yu shook his head gently and did not continue to argue, but silently kept the matter in mind.

After a while.

Finally, thousands of dragon people's children had drained their blood, and the dragon's skull was almost overflowing with blood. It penetrated into the ground along the two huge horns, forming a vortex shape.

And those disciples all looked pale, as if they were about to collapse.

But at this time, the whole thing was still not completed. Several strong men from the Long family stepped forward and blessed it with their own true energy. There were whirlpools blowing in the whirlpool, spinning even faster.

In an instant, the vortex formed by the blood continued to accelerate.

The entire crypt shook violently, and the powerful spiritual power fluctuated violently like a tide.

Long Xingtu perked up and shouted quickly: "The Dragon God's Crypt has been activated. Please enter the whirlpool channel immediately!"

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan looked at each other and said nothing. They held hands and walked into the vortex of the blood pool.

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