Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1353 Arriving at Haixi

Another strong sense of oppression came.

From light to heavy, and then from heavy to light.

I don't know whether it was because he had already had an experience, or because the pressure of the Dragon God at the connection point was far less powerful than before. Lu Yu no longer felt as strong as before, and his body had gradually adapted to the process of this pressure change.

After a while, the darkness dissipated, the light reappeared in front of them, and the two of them had set foot in a brand new area.

This feeling is really amazing.

In fact, they only alternated between darkness and brilliant light for about a quarter of an hour. However, in this short quarter of an hour, they had already crossed Chongyang and arrived at Haixi, which was tens of thousands of miles away.

"Meet Mr. Lu!"

There was a loud shout.

Lu Yu looked around and saw that the surroundings were densely packed with first-born horned dragons, each one kneeling on the ground, full of respect.

This formation couldn't help but startled him.

At this time, Long Qingxuan, who had a pair of colorful horns on his head and was so gorgeous that he was born without any reason, twisted her slender waist, walked up to her, and said with a smile: "Qingxuan has seen the young master! Young Master, you This is our visit to Haixi again. You don’t know how long Qingxuan has been waiting for this day!”

After saying that, he nodded to Ye Weilan who was on the side: "Miss Ye, how are you? Maybe I should call you Madam. It should be right this time, right?"

Before she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and laughed.

Ye Weilan suddenly turned red with embarrassment and said in embarrassment: "Master Qingxuan is joking, you should just call me Weilan..."

Long Qingxuan said: "Then I'll call you sister! Don't call me the head of the family, just call me Qingxuan. I wonder if I have a chance to be your sister?"

When she said this, her eyes were looking at Lu Yu fiercely, not hiding her true inner thoughts at all.

Lu Yu pretended not to understand what she meant, pointed to a large circle of dragon people around him and said, "What's going on? Does it need to be such a big pomp?"

Long Qingxuan said: "They are just a means of prevention... Even if a strong person of our dragon blood descendants passes through the Dragon God's crypt, there will be a huge sense of discomfort. There has never been a dragon blood descendant before. Cases of strong people from other countries successfully crossing over..."

"Although Young Master and Sister Lan are extremely powerful, we still have to take additional precautions. These family members are the precautions I have prepared. If you two are lost in the passage, we will have to make great efforts. , reopen the passage, and pick up the two of you from this side..."

"What I didn't expect was that not only did the two of them pass through the passage smoothly, but they were not affected by the pressure of ten thousand dragons at all. This is really unimaginable... Even our descendants of dragon blood have never been as good as the two of you. So easy!”

"In this case, it seems that my preparations are a bit redundant, but this is a good thing. It would be best if these preparations are never needed!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

I didn't expect that this battle was actually to prepare for my rescue. If something unexpected happened to me in the passage, I'm afraid these thousands of dragon people would have to bleed immediately like those in Night Star City. .

Recalling the gorgeous brilliance he saw in the passage just now, Lu Yu could somewhat understand what Long Qingxuan meant.

The realm of the Dark Dragon is by no means an easy place. If the descendants of dragon blood cross the passage, they will see a completely different scene. Maybe they will see countless giant dragons churning in the starry sky...

If you are not a descendant of dragon blood, the pressure you will receive when crossing the passage will be even stronger.

The reason why he was safe and sound was because he had mastered the most profound and secret language in the starry sky, saw through all the external disguises and illusions in the realm of the Nether Dragon at a glance, and directly saw the most original power of the stars.

Ye Weilan, on the other hand, was also excluded by Wanlong's pressure because she was spiritually connected to him.

Unexpectedly, the two of them went through the most dangerous journey without knowing it.

Seeing the curious look in Long Qingxuan's eyes, Lu Yu had no intention of explaining further, so he changed the topic and said:

"I heard from Elder Xingtu that your cultivation seems to have encountered a bottleneck. You have been in retreat frequently recently. Why do you have time to come here?"

Long Qingxuan smiled and said: "What can be more important than meeting the young master? After learning that you are coming to Haixi, I naturally have to put aside everything and come here to see you first..."

Lu Yu did not reveal her little thoughts, and looked at her seriously, as if he had seen his entire body, and then said: "You have reached the critical stage of establishing the golden elixir. The dragon clan has a special constitution, and the method of forming the golden elixir is unique. And because you have learned the powerful rules I taught you before, you have become the unstoppable trend. Therefore, you want to make the golden elixir rules stable and harmonious. And being one becomes particularly difficult..."

"Actually, with your talent and qualifications, it should be a natural thing to conclude the golden elixir. It just takes a little longer... In this situation, it seems that I have harmed you."

Long Qingxuan exclaimed: "Young Master is really powerful! As soon as we met, he pointed out my problem directly... But there is no need for Young Master to blame himself. Although he has not successfully concluded the Golden Pill, he has been able to trample many strong Golden Pills under his feet. If it weren’t for your guidance, how would we have achieved what we have today?”

"Besides, how can the road to becoming a strong man be smooth sailing? Everyone can successfully create the golden elixir. I just don't want to learn that kind of cultivation method!"

As he spoke, Long Qingxuan's eyes showed a wild look.

Lu Yu saw strong ambition in her eyes.

In a daze, he couldn't help but have the illusion that the dragon woman in front of him and Liu Hongxu, the original Queen of Forgetfulness, actually overlapped and became one person...

I don't know if this is the unified characteristic of dragon blood descendants with powerful bloodline. The two dragon women who Lu Yu met one after another with unique bloodline power actually had strong ambitions.

But at this moment, Lu Yu doesn't need to worry about what trouble Long Qingxuan's ambition will cause him. On the contrary, her ambition will become a big help to him.

"I have no way to solve this problem for you for the time being. After all, I am not a dragon-man. I do not have the corresponding laws to balance the golden elixir in your body..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said slowly.

"However, I can't help it, and that doesn't mean that others can't do it either... I came to Haixi this time to meet the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons. She is also a dragon and has forged a golden elixir. Now, It even devoured the power of the Dragon God and suppressed many giant dragons..."

"Perhaps, she will have a solution to your current cultivation problem! If you are interested, please let me go with you!"

Long Qingxuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although she didn't know the specific grievances between Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu, it was an indisputable fact that the two were inextricably linked, as evidenced by the fact that she had sent a giant dragon to offer the black tail of the dragon fish before.

"Qingxuan naturally obeys the master's arrangements in everything!" Long Qingxuan said sweetly with a sweet smile.

Lu Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "In that case, make arrangements immediately! I hope to see the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons as soon as possible!"

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