Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1354 Heading to Tuo Mountain

Long Qingxuan quickly prepared the carriage and horses, and invited Lu Yu and Ye Weilan to ride together to Tuoshan.

Tuoshan was the former Wangyou Kingdom, the place where Liu Hongxu became the Queen of Wanlong, and it was also the place where Wanlong Kingdom was founded.

This is the territory of the Wanlong Kingdom today. It has expanded many times than before. However, Tuoshan is still the center of political power of the entire Wanlong Kingdom. Even as the Wanlong Kingdom continues to grow, the entire Tuoshan Buddha has become The holy land of Haixi.

Although the Wanlong Kingdom is the only one in Haixi today, it is not at peace with all parties. The Queen of Wanlong is still fighting in the north and south. Long Qingxuan does not know where the Queen of Wanlong is now, but where she is going. In short, you can’t go wrong with Tuoshan…

What Long Qingxuan prepared for the three of them was a flying chariot pulled by Pegasus and supported by formations. The speed was already extremely fast, but compared with their light-escape speed, there was still a big gap.

However, Lu Yu went to Haixi this time in secret. He was not willing to expose his whereabouts in such a big way, so he followed Long Qingxuan's arrangement and patiently drove there.

After all, Long Qingxuan had already sent a telegram to Tuoshan in the name of the Long family, informing the other party of his visit, and always gave the other party some time to prepare.

Along the way, a few people chatted to pass the time. Lu Yu learned more details about the changes in Haixi Land from Long Qingxuan.

Although the Wanlong Kingdom had already unified the land west of Hainan at this time, and its momentum was at its peak, in fact life was not as easy as it seemed on the surface, and there were many problems both internally and externally.

The outside mainly consists of cultivators from all sides. Driven by interests, they come to Haixi to hunt the dragons one after another. This puts Wanlong Kingdom under tremendous external pressure.

And these external cultivators are also very cunning. They often do not fight directly, but collude with the original natives of Haixi Land to lay various traps to hunt the dragons. This situation once For a time, Wanlong Kingdom suffered heavy losses.

After the establishment of the Wanlong Kingdom, the Giant Dragon Clan, as a newly emerging force, naturally had various conflicts with the Haixi tribes - the Giant Dragon Clan believed that they were superior to others, while the Haixi tribes believed that the Giant Dragons were too powerful. Domineering, both sides have huge differences in concepts and distribution of interests.

And those natives who cooperated with the foreign cultivators had actually surrendered to the Wanlong Kingdom. Some of them were driven by interests, and some could not bear the oppression of the dragon, and finally embarked on the path of betraying the interests of the Wanlong Kingdom... Such a situation , which inevitably intensified the conflicts between the giant dragons and the various ethnic groups in Haixi, making the Wanlong Kingdom actually on the verge of separation.

"It seems that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is not having an easy life..."

After listening to Long Qingxuan's story, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh softly.

Long Qingxuan said: "However, these are things in the past... The Queen of Wanlong is a very courageous person after all. Under her iron-blooded suppression, whether it is the giant dragon around her or the sea under her banner, All ethnic groups in the West have restrained themselves, at least the situation is much better than before!"

There was unabashed admiration in her eyes, and she obviously admired Queen Wanlong's behavior. Perhaps to a certain extent, this dragon woman who subdued the dragon and suppressed the various tribes in Haixi was exactly what she had in mind. The ideal role model...

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while. In fact, he had already experienced Liu Hongxu's cunning and ruthless nature.

"The so-called Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, what's going on now?" Lu Yu asked again.

When Liu Hongxu gave him the black tail of the dragon fish, part of the reason was to make amends, and the main reason was to attract him to join the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom, hoping to use his power to break the seal of the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

Obviously, cracking the seal of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave is the real goal of Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom. It is not known to what extent this matter has progressed now.

"This seems to be the core secret of the entire Wanlong Kingdom. Only the Queen of Wanlong and the Giant Dragon Clan know the specific details. We outsiders have only heard part of the legend. We don't even know the specific location of Wanlong Cave. And know..."

Long Qingxuan said.

"I think the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons has already found the location of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave and has lifted some of the seals. If not, there wouldn't be so many giant dragons suddenly around her..."

"But obviously her real purpose has not been achieved yet. Judging from her recent frequent recruitment of various ethnic groups in Haixi, she must have a bigger plan next..."

Having said this, Long Qingxuan paused slightly and looked at Lu Yu with a pair of bright eyes: "Sir, are you here to help Queen Wanlong solve the problem of Wanlong Cave?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said lightly: "Why do you say that?"

"Isn't this an obvious thing? It is said that when the young master first came to Yanjing City to find me, Queen Wanlong was still a servant beside the young master. Although I don't know what happened between the young master and her, But in short, the relationship is very close, and everyone helps each other, so it doesn’t seem to be that hard to accept?" Long Qingxuan said with a smile.

"You don't mean what you say..."

Lu Yu shook his head and directly revealed her thoughts.

"Do you really want her and me to cooperate and help each other sincerely?"

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